irclog2html for blob on 2001.09.21

00:23:55sammymorning ...
02:14:17sammyhave his own ramdisk 9125888 Sep 21 11:12 ramdisk-sammy-v_0_0_1
07:54:40erikmmorning *
08:02:18sammymorning ...
08:58:02jeffrey_is AWAY.
15:30:51Russwhat kernel are you using?
15:30:57Russbluecat solutions
15:31:11Russ<chukle from the peanut gallery>
15:34:37erikmyeah, just read it
15:38:27erikmflames the bluecat luser
15:45:35erikm"Anyway, thank you all"
15:46:13Russnot, "bluecat victum"
15:46:16Russer, victim
15:47:04erikmtakes the assabet home
15:47:12erikmso I can work on blob support for it
15:47:32Russneato, it needs cleaning up
15:48:05erikmI'll also bug jamey hicks for ipaq support again
15:48:11erikmnext week or so
15:48:14Russmaybe seperate the different setup files
15:48:30erikmI was thinking about it, yes
15:48:32Russso there would be a sa1100_memsetup.S and a sa1110_memsetup.S or something
15:48:49Russcourse, then you could have overboard _serial, _cpu, etc
15:49:33erikmI think I'll also make a blob directory in include
15:49:55erikmso we don't easily clash with the kernel includes
15:50:00RussI guess you have to consider probably future xscale porting
15:50:20erikmexactly :)
15:50:34erikmand we need to have pci for that
15:50:43Russmaybe something like the structure of arch/arm?
15:51:02erikmyes, I'll first gradually move the stuff to include/blob
15:51:14erikmand we can make more directories over there
15:51:40Russpci bus in a bootloader sounds scary to me
15:51:57erikmyou have to do some PCI setup for the xscale+80310
15:52:45erikmat least initialise it, or you can't even boot a kernel from IDE or ethernet

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