irclog2html for blob on 2001.09.20

00:45:44Sammyhello ...
08:12:21sammyhi erikm ^_^
10:40:33erikmyou seem to have some problems keeping connected to the IRC server, sammy
10:42:26sammyyes, because we just got a typhoon across taiwan , and the taipei almost become a pond...
10:44:41sammyso , my home now had no water , no electricity, lot of trash outside on the way ...;-(
10:46:39sammyfrom sunday  until  now
10:47:21erikmoops, that's not good
10:49:36sammyI can't image how can I live in this kind of place a week ....
10:52:58sammymore then 5,000 build basement just like a cistern, also the rapid transit system too ...
10:55:10sammy;:::-(  so the network sounds like not stable ...
11:11:32sammyerikm: when I make ramdisk on this step , type the command  dd if=/dev/ram bs=1k count=2048 | gzip -v9 ramdisk.gz is that anything wrong ?
11:12:31erikmdd if=/dev/ram bs=1k count=2048 | gzip -v9 > ramdisk.gz
11:13:49sammyno wonder why it can't come out ....Thanx ..
12:17:38sammyerikm : when I copy the file into /mnt/ramdisk some file can copy but a little file it say like this : No space left on device, is that's means my ram space is not enough ?
12:18:40erikmramdisk is not really large, and you have to be careful that the *compressed* size is < 3MB
13:04:57sammyerikm : why I always stuck here   cp: cannot create directory `/mnt/ramdisk/proc': No space left on device
13:06:53sammyfirst I set the ram count=3072 , but still can't copy it currectlly ? why ?
13:07:18erikmehm count != 3072
13:07:26erikmyou're working on the *uncompressed* ramdisk
13:07:36erikmthe 3MB is size is *after* the compression
13:08:12erikmfor dd, bs=1k and count=8192 for a normal 8MB *uncompressed* ramdisk
13:09:28sammyohh ... so I must set the count=8912 ?
13:11:49sammyand after umount the /mnt/ramdisk and this is also set dd if=/dev/ram bs=1k count=8912 | gzip -v9 >ramdisk.gz ?
13:12:07sammynot count=2048
13:12:40erikmbs=1 and count=2048 is only a 2MB uncompressed ramdisk
13:12:53erikmif that's what you have, it's OK, but I doubt it
13:13:24sammyso set the count=3027 is also not el
13:13:37sammyer enough
13:14:23sammymust give the ram 8MB and the compression into 3 MB ?
13:20:55sammyOK , I Get it ...Thanx  ;-)
13:24:38sammy.....time to go back to the darkness city....(home)
13:25:04erikmwhat out where you walk
13:44:10sammybecause the place where I live between in downtown and village and downtown here have electric but out of here no ,
13:44:36sammyso I don't know where the water and electric will come ?
13:45:25erikmwell, good luck
13:46:35sammyI saw the TV the government say maybe this week (the better one) , or next tuesday ...
13:47:47sammyMy God , Live in the city without no electric and water a week ....
13:48:14sammyso night erikm ...
16:35:42erikmhi guys
23:36:01Russerikm and the bed are overlapping regions?

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