irclog2html for blob on 2001.09.14

04:18:17sammylunch time....
08:00:55sammymorning ...erikm
08:06:46sammyno I should say afternoon erikm...;-)
08:25:17erikmno, it's still morning over here
08:26:08sammyI know , but here I can see the (  a day pass )...
08:26:57sammyI use the cross compiler that you make it , and the kernel is easy to make it...
08:27:05erikmno sun here. lots of rain
08:28:17sammyis there a summer or fall ?
08:28:30sammymaybe it should be fall ...
08:29:04sammybecause it's september ...I love fall
08:29:12erikmit should still be summer, bit it looks like fall
08:30:38sammybut at night , still a little be cool...
08:32:45sammybut I like it , an idiom in chinese say <<with clear autumn sky and crisp air>>...
08:33:49sammysummer is too heat  winter is too cold , so the fall is maybe the best ... ^_^
08:41:15erikmyeah, I like the weather in autumn and spring the best. good temperatures, cool nights, good sleeping :)
08:45:23sammyerikm:can you suggest me what normally ramdisk should have inside ? teacher ...
08:48:40sammyyesterday , I compiler the kernel for arm succee by use the cross compiler you make , and must thinx Russ and andersee's help ...
08:51:37sammyas you say before , it's really happen ... the cross Toolchain  make by myself really make error in kernel ..
08:53:22sammyso after I ues the cross Toolchain  2.95.3  and it's pass ,it's really can work
09:02:48erikmget my "minimal ramdisk with new tty support" from the LART site
09:05:12sammyactually , I have already do it this morning ....
09:57:59sammy_typhoon made me to go home....
16:18:39Russ|werkgood stuff?
16:22:09erikmRuss|werk: one glass of beer too much. I don't feel like riding a bike right now. maybe in an hour or so
16:28:46erikmplays with an imation superdisk USB drive
16:29:09Russ|werkdon't break anything...
16:29:30erikmdoh. the superdisk breaks the kernel USB stack :(
16:29:46Russ|werkdon't drink and su
16:33:14erikmhmm, it says "superdisk for macintosh". maybe that makes a difference?
16:33:22Russ|werkprobably not
16:40:05erikmhmpf, some people really don't get the idea of a mailinglist
16:43:32erikm"I want to join your mailing list. please subscribe me"
17:04:08erikmgrrrrr, X crashed
17:04:11Russ|werkerikm: the funny one was someone on a debian mailing list
17:04:28Russ|werkevery email he got, he would mail back obscenities
17:05:09erikmhmm, debian charges $500 per unsolicited message, right?
17:05:15erikmexpensive job :)
17:06:55Russ|werkthey kept telling him how to unsubscibe, but he "didn't want to press any buttons"
17:07:15erikmso who won?
17:07:39Russ|werkso someone finally replied with subject unsubscribe, and Reply to as the listmaster
17:34:51erikmI think I'm going to rewrite the command line stuff over the weekend
18:35:19skip-99BZflag you there?
18:35:37skip-99guess not =(
18:36:01erikmskip-99: he just left
19:04:47erikmfeels like riding a bike aain
19:04:50erikmagain even
19:04:56erikmgoes home

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