irclog2html for blob on 2001.09.13

03:17:42sammySorry BZFlag , in that LCD case , if 16 bit ,and RGB is 5,5,5  I must use R5~R1 or R4~R0 ? which one ?
03:18:14sammyor use RGB = 6,5,5 on LART ?
10:25:03erikmhi *
10:27:32ed__you need a 'hi -r *'
10:29:02erikmwhy the -r?
10:29:12ed__for all the channels
10:29:16erikmhehe :)
10:30:02erikmfind . -type c | xargs echo "hi *"
10:30:12erikm(type c == channel :)
10:30:52ed__dammit you need a gui
10:31:58erikmalready has a gui
10:32:35erikmthat is: I use X and Ximian Gnome. just to be able to have lots of xterms open :)
10:32:50ed__have you seen the plan9 window manager
10:32:56ed__that was it right there
10:33:08erikmthat's a fairly minimalistic one, right?
10:33:19ed__yeah looks like emacs split into a bunch of columns and buffers
10:33:56erikmI've used wm2 for some time. also minimalistic, but it lacks multiple workspaces
10:34:18erikmI'm currently using sawfish
10:35:07ed__sawfish works pretty much like i expect it to which is nice
10:35:13erikm(as customisable as enlightenment, but without the bloat)
10:36:24ed__i'm actually using window maker on this laptop
10:36:46ed__oh so ...anymore ideas on the ide lart thingy?
10:37:19erikmI never understood the default window maker behaviour and couldn't find out how to change it, so I used it only for five minutes or so
10:37:30erikmno, I'm currently clueless.
10:37:48erikmI've been trying to recreate the behaviour, but I can't
10:37:49ed__hah ...i'm more clueless! so there
10:38:15ed__i'm trying to get dan to bitch at alephone i dunno if he has though
10:38:43erikmI can put a known good kernel on the LART pages so you can try
10:38:52erikm(known good = works on my LART)
10:39:22ed__that'd be super if you could (note the blob version too)
10:39:52erikmalways the latest (2.0.4, in my case)
10:41:43erikmgive me some time, I had a hard disk crash last week and I'm currently recovering my CVS tree
10:42:16ed__d0h my condolences
10:42:39ed__no rush...i dunno when dan will show up
10:42:56erikmdisks makes shrieking noises... not good
10:43:54ed__disk makes shrieking noises==>people making shrieking noises over disks
10:45:44erikmwell, luckily I made a backup a week before it crashed, so the amount of data lost is not that high
10:46:04ed__what brand of disk ws it?
10:46:12ed__i heard ibm was having a looad of trouble
10:47:00erikmibm travelstar notebook drive
10:47:17erikmnormally not considered a bad drive
10:48:04ed__i've never had problems with ibm's and i tend to buy ibm pretty exclusively
10:48:07erikmluckily I had a toshiba drive with the same size that was actually meant for a LART
10:48:10ed__but ive seen several stories on it
10:48:26ed__we have tons of those toshiba notebooks lying around here
10:48:54ed__note book drives
10:49:23erikmnever had real problems with ibm drives, though
10:49:51erikmoh yeah, once. the heads stuck to the platters, so the drives wouldn't spin up
10:50:02erikmIBM replaced all 32 drives under warranty
10:50:13erikm(it was for a RAID)
10:50:52erikmbut that was six or seven years ago.
10:51:14erikmthe 9GB deskstars we bought later are still going strong
10:51:25erikm(also for a raid)
10:54:23erikmand our latest raids are really awsome: 3 hardware raid controllers hooked with fibre channel to an SGI Onyx2. each RAID has 5 18GB LVD SCSI drives (IBM). total sustained throughput for all raids is 210MB/s :)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot logs, split per channel and by date, etc.