irclog2html for blob on 2001.09.11

01:48:48Sammyhi BZFlag ..
08:17:04erikmhi *
08:21:43Sammyhello ...
14:30:20sammyRuss : are you around ?
14:30:36sammyBZFlag : you here ?
14:30:54erikmsammy: I think most of us are watching the start of world war III on TV
14:30:55sammyerikm : have you see that ?
14:31:12sammyomm ...
14:34:53erikmI was on top of the south tower only two weeks ago...
14:35:18RussI've never been to new york
14:35:33sammyme too...
14:35:53sammyhave no chance ...ha
14:37:06sammyRuss : what time in your place ?
14:37:51erikmsammy: new york is... 11:40 in the morning, so I guess that Russ is at 8:40
14:38:19erikm(heh, right, arizone doesn't have daylight saving time, right? ;)
14:39:54sammyOK , The big world thing's in this time , must remember  then......
14:40:45Russerikm: yah, too much trouble
14:41:04sammythe TV to replay
14:42:22sammythe airplain hit into the building
14:43:50ed__hey kids

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot logs, split per channel and by date, etc.