irclog2html for blob on 2001.09.06

00:25:12sammyhello *
00:29:19ed___anyone up
00:43:25Russ yes
00:48:42sammymicro and QT which one is better ?
00:48:53sammyer microwindow
00:49:07Russit depends
00:49:20RussI'm biased against QT because its C++ (and the licensing)
00:50:14sammybut microwindow use JAVA is better isn't ?
00:55:45RussI don't see why you would want JAVA on an embedded system
00:59:14sammybecause , some of friend use base on microwindow and use app on java ,,
01:00:03sammyso suond like work on it , and the app will be small ...
01:00:39Russwhy did he choose java?
01:01:41Russthe app may be small, but the assoctiated libraries/interpreters won't be
01:04:42sammymaybe the GUI is good use for them .
01:05:26sammyso they can quicky create some app on it .
06:35:18SammyGet me a start to read into the kernel ?
06:40:07Sammysorry just muttering
06:42:17Sammybecause now I am start to know more kernel , but find out that too much things , so feel a little headache...
06:44:27RussI just jump in when I need to
06:44:35Russyou need to have some task or goal
06:51:43Sammyommm...possibility like task ...
06:53:11Sammyactually , I want to compiler some size of kernel with framebuffer , and some driver  will use ...
06:54:23Sammyand root filesystem ....the size can control by me ...
06:55:29Sammya little lose direction....
23:21:31ed___you around?

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