irclog2html for blob on 2001.08.30

00:27:14Russhey Sammy
00:27:25SammyHi Russ
00:44:31Sammyis building cross Toolchian for ARM in "glibc"
01:12:30SammyRuss : ?
01:13:37Russdon't build one
01:13:44Russdownload a prebuilt one
01:14:00Sammynot that watch this ...
01:14:52Sammyhave any idea , do U know this ?
01:15:11Russwhy do you want that?
01:18:11Sammynot , somebody tell me that this all free , and it build so  many platform...but I don't think this is good for Embedded system
01:19:05Russlinux is probably the best platform for the sa11x0
01:19:34Russabout the toolchain though, you probably don't want to waste a lot of time building a toolchain
01:19:40Russjust download a prebuilt one
01:23:33Russsimply from the number of gimmick graphics on the ucos-ii page, I wouldn't trust it...
01:24:20Sammyya, that's what I think ..
01:24:42Russanyway, erikm has a prebuilt 2.95.2 toolchain on the lart pages
01:25:40Sammyalso the cross compiler but it's make me feel not really , something like float on the face not enjoy it inside ....
01:26:33Sammyif I build once , maybe next time I will use prebuilt toolchain ...
01:27:00Russit takes a *very* long time to do, and requires a great deal of knowledge
01:27:12Russyou'll probably waste 2-3 days doing it
01:27:26Sammydon't tell me that U never build that cross toolchain once ...
01:27:52Sammyreally ,
01:28:30SammyIf U don't do that once , how do U know that need 2-3 day's to do ?
01:30:13Russbecause of the source size, the documents I've read, and listening to people on mailing lists
01:30:39Russon a pII-300, the compilation alone would take about 6 hours
01:31:55Russif you misconfigure it in someway, its another 6 hours to fix your mistake
01:32:12SammyI know that use the prebuild toolchain only need 2-3 miniute , (actually I had already do it once)
01:32:37Sammybut ,
01:36:10SammyU never curious  how it work ? why it can work ...?
01:36:20SammyI mean if you only use it , when compiler the code got error , don't U feel that maybe the problem in cross compiler ?
01:36:20Russerikm's cross compiler is fine
01:36:20RussI use it all the time, erikm uses it, dozens of other people use it
01:37:02SammyI know , I am not doubt about erikm's cross compiler ,
01:40:37SammyI mean, someday I change the platform to ARM 7 , or any platform ,how do I go next ?
01:40:57Sammyis this cross compiler can use on it ?
01:41:48Russthe cross compiler works for a large variety of arm platforms
01:42:15Russjust like your native compiler works for 386, 486, althlon, ppro, p4, etc
01:42:59Sammyoooh ...
01:44:22SammyI am curious one small thing about U , I hope that won't make any  impoliteness to U ..
01:45:19Sammyhow Long have U play this Embedded system ?
01:51:29Sammybecause I am a  inexperienced guy on this platform , now I do is getting strong on it , maybe someday can contribute something on it (someone like you )
01:52:42Sammyand happy hacking on this platform ...
01:54:05Sammyso I curious that If I work hard on this ,how long should I need ?
02:00:20Sammyso , that's maybe the right question ...^_^
02:01:21Sammyer wrong
02:58:03Sammyhay BZFlag
03:14:52BZFlaghey, how'd your toolchain project turn out?
03:17:35Sammystill working ..
03:17:45Sammybut I fallow
03:18:07Sammyso maybe it will ok today ...
03:49:09BZFlagcould be.
06:18:59Sammyfeel everything look's fine ....getting turn out ...
06:45:44Sammyfinish job ....
06:49:46SammyRuss : I thought you are sleep ...
07:00:14Sammylocalhost login: root
07:00:15Sammybash-2.01# ls
07:00:16Sammybash-2.01# cd ..
07:00:17Sammybash-2.01# ls
07:00:18Sammybin         etc         lib         proc        sbin        usr
07:00:19Sammydev         home        lost+found  root        tmp         var
07:00:20Sammybash-2.01# rz
07:00:21Sammybash-2.01# ls27fed4ve.**B0100000027fed4
07:00:22Sammybin         etc         lib         proc        sbin        usr
07:00:23Sammydev         home        lost+found  root        tmp         var
07:00:24Sammybash-2.01# bash-2.01# ls
07:00:26Sammybin         hello_new   lost+found  sbin        var
07:00:28Sammydev         home        proc        tmp
07:00:30Sammyetc         lib         root        usr
07:00:32Sammybash-2.01# ./hello_new
07:00:34Sammyhello ,worl
07:01:35Sammyoh oh ,it should be "world" not "worl"
07:01:59Sammybut ,the cross compiler is OK ...
07:06:56Sammyis trying to compiler the blob _2_0_3 ......
07:42:55erikmthanks for replying Russ
07:44:10Russsitting around, playing with snort
07:45:09erikmI just did s/asm/asm-arm/ in CVS, so we won't see that problem anymore
07:45:13Russsaw that
07:45:48erikmany news on tuxscreen+ramdisk?
07:47:13erikmcould you change RAMDISK_SIZE into 4 * 1024? 8 * 1024 might be too large for the TuxScreen
07:47:13Russyou could try telling the lart that its memory layout looks like this:
07:47:21RussMemory map:                                                  
07:47:21Russ  0x00400000 @ 0xC0000000 (4 MB)                              
07:47:21Russ  0x00400000 @ 0xC8000000 (4 MB)                              
07:47:21Russ  0x00400000 @ 0xD0000000 (4 MB)                              
07:47:21Russ  0x00400000 @ 0xD8000000 (4 MB)                              
07:48:28erikmI will try that after next friday, it's deadline time again :)
07:50:32SammyLong time no see erikm ...
07:51:09erikmSammy: I've been in a different timezone
07:52:35erikmRuss: positioning software. my part will be OK (the kernel driver), but I'm affraid the guy writing the positioning software won't be ready :(
08:14:35erikmRuss: I actually got that "can't compile blob, ATAG_* problem" message from two other people as well.
08:14:50erikmRuss: first lines of my reply:
08:15:02erikm"Please use the LART mailing list next time, it saves us a lot of time answering the same question five times a day."
08:16:58Sammyis watching.....
08:26:02BZFlagerikm: I compiled/tested/released 2.0.4 binary for shannon.
08:26:15BZFlagjust fyi
08:27:58BZFlagare the asm/arm-asm etc patches still going into 2.0.4? I don't think I cvs updated to that before testing.
08:35:43erikmBZFlag: I intend to put them into 2.0.4, yes
08:35:56erikmBZFlag: it will save us lots of questions
08:36:21BZFlagok. I'll probably just remove the 2.0.4 I have up now and release it when you stamp cvs.
08:36:29BZFlagin fact I'll go do it now.
08:36:36erikmBZFlag: I intend to release blob tonight (7PM UTC or so)
08:37:21BZFlagk. I'll build and test again in 8 hours or so. ;-)
08:37:44BZFlagk. I nuked the 2.0.4 binary. will upload again after testing the release.
08:37:45erikmgood night ;)
08:38:09erikmsupposes BZFlag is in UTC+7
08:38:26erikmeh, UTC-7, actually
08:40:25SammyI'll try compiler blob , maybe the mail list will useful
08:41:49SammyI can's  run c++ "hello world" on LART
08:41:53Sammywhy ?
08:42:27Sammybash-2.01# chmod 777 a.out
08:42:28Sammybash-2.01# ./a.out
08:42:29Sammy./a.out: error in loading shared libraries: cannot open shared objecy
08:43:06erikmyou need to put on your ramdisk
08:43:19erikmor link libm.a statically to your binary
08:45:54Sammybash-2.01# cd lib
08:45:55Sammybash-2.01# ls 
08:46:22Sammyis that not on ramdisk ?
08:46:53erikmis it world readable?
08:47:23erikmor otherwise just do "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH /lib". it's a hack, but it usually works
08:50:01Sammybash-2.01# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH /lib
08:50:02Sammybash: export: `/lib': not a valid identifier
08:50:19erikmsorry: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib
08:51:09Sammythanx erikm ...^_^
08:51:22Sammybash-2.01# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib
08:51:23Sammybash-2.01# ls 
08:51:35Sammybash-2.01# cd ..
08:51:35Sammybash-2.01# ls
08:51:35Sammya.out       etc         home        proc        tmp
08:51:35Sammybin         hello       lib         root        usr
08:51:35Sammydev         hello_new   lost+found  sbin        var
08:51:37Sammybash-2.01# ./a.out
08:51:39SammyHello !
08:54:03Sammyis take a rest before start compiler blob...
08:54:51Sammyerikm : the compiler blob mailing list address ?
08:55:34erikmSammy: sorry, parse error. what do you mean?
09:01:45Sammysorry , I should say where can I find the mailing list about compiler blob ? right .....
09:04:26erikmthe lart list
09:04:50Sammyerikm : ?
09:05:25erikm_lunchthe lart mailing list
09:05:42erikm_lunchis now really lunching
09:05:50sammy_oh ....Thx
13:40:09erikmlxrbot: have a botsnack
13:40:15erikmibot: have a botsnack as well
13:40:15lxrbotthanks erikm :)
16:31:17erikmhi BZFlag
16:31:54erikmdid you still have some patches for blob, or can I go ahead and tag the CVS as blob-2.0.4?
17:27:14BZFlagtagging is fine. I have the ne2k tftp stuff, but that will be after the release.
17:28:18erikmwrites release notes
17:54:22Russready for paramater block?
17:55:21erikmalmost, I'm writing release notes for 2.0.4, you can go ahead after I released it
17:56:51RussI would think the first two things would be ne2k tftp and paramater block
17:57:39erikmyeah, that's right, but that's for blob-2.0.5 :)
17:57:44Russafter that, netboot, bootldr partitions, and loading the kernel from the fs can implemented (using the paramater block)
18:36:05erikmbuilds blob-2.0.4.tar.gz
18:36:17erikmCVS is tagged, so you guys can go ahead with more features
18:36:46BZFlagare you planning on working on the parameter save feature?
18:37:11erikmBZFlag: not until next friday. I have a deadline next week
18:37:23erikmBZFlag: and JDB is ill, so that means extra work for me :(
18:46:31erikmblob-2.0.4 has been released on SF
18:47:19BZFlagerikm: no rush, just wondering.
18:48:34erikmwonders why SF doesn't release the file
18:48:54erikmI selected the correct file, but it doesn't show up in the file release page
18:50:41erikmhmm, looks like a SF brain damage
18:51:08erikmit's downloadable right now
18:58:39erikmlart pages also updated
19:00:58Russparm, or param
19:05:45erikmwhat do you mean?
19:06:08erikm(blob-2.0.4 release message to lart list and sa1100-linux list)
19:11:02Russnaming convensions
19:11:16Russstarting a prelimarly list of parmaters
19:11:43erikmI think param is nicer
19:12:09erikmotoh, the kernel uses PARM (in MODULE_PARM_DESC)
19:12:20Russparam it is
19:12:37Russalso, there is a b associated with everything
19:12:42Russtag -> btag
19:12:48RussATAG_ -> BTAG
19:12:58erikmwhy not PTAG?
19:13:01erikmP = param?
19:13:45RussI was thing blob
19:13:48Russbut p works too
19:13:59Russalso, in the kernel, the cmdline looks like this:
19:14:05Russ char    cmdline[1];     /* this is the minimum size */
19:14:10Russand its null terminated
19:14:27Russer, wait, thats ok, because there is a length header
19:17:12Russok, three tags for getting the concept implemented
19:17:20Russwhether or not to load a ramdisk
19:17:25Russboot delay in seconds
19:17:30Russand command line
19:22:08Russ#define __ptag __attribute__((unused, __section__(".ptaglist")))
19:22:12Russblob handle that ok?
19:31:29erikmsorry, phone
19:36:25erikmis back
19:36:29erikmsounds good
19:36:54erikmwhy the different ELF section?
19:37:23erikm(I thought about that for the commands as well, BTW)
19:47:30erikmRuss: you need to edit the file rest-ld-script to include extra ELF segments
19:51:11BZFlagRuss: baud rate would be nice too.
19:51:33BZFlagone for upload rate and one for console rate
20:29:54BZFlagthe Sharp Zaurus has: hpbootloader, cf updater, collie diagnostics, zImage, rootfs (cramfs), home (minix) partitions. ick.
20:31:00BZFlagrootfs is limited to 8M out of 16 total. what a messy setup.
20:31:22BZFlagI wish I had jtag, I'd blob it. ;-)
20:41:20erikmgoes zzz

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