irclog2html for blob on 2001.08.29

09:14:02Sammyrest time......
17:31:22Russnew branch today?
17:31:33Russbtw, is bootldr GPL?
17:31:37erikmwait a second I just found an important bug
17:32:04erikmwe specify RAMDISK_SIZE in bytes, while it should be specified in KILObytes :)
17:33:46erikmdo you have some recent bootldr source?
17:34:52Russno that why ramdisk never worked on the tuxscreen maybe?
17:39:03erikmthat might be very well, yes
17:39:03erikmlet me commit the change
17:39:03erikmok, it's in CVS right now
17:39:03BZFlagCRL bootldr is NOT gpl. weren't your jffs2 patches GPLed?
17:40:03BZFlagI tried to get em to go GPL, and they refused.
17:40:03erikmBZFlag: IIRC the kernel is downloaded at the first bank
17:40:03Russit also contains some of david's gpl code
17:40:03BZFlagand the sodimm would be the last 2 banks right?
17:40:09erikmBZFlag: they almost used blob when they started with the iPaq
17:40:23BZFlagwhy didn't they?
17:40:50BZFlagthis split effort is silly at this point.
17:41:05BZFlagRuss: david?
17:41:22erikmjamey and (forgot his name)
17:41:47erikmthey didn't because at that point their bootldr was more advanced
17:41:57erikmtheir licensing is a bit strange right now
17:42:30erikmthe main part is X11-like license
17:42:39BZFlagyep. I'd like to convince them to drop bootldr and use blob now. then efforts would be reused more.
17:42:56erikmBZFlag: I asked jim gettys for hardware info
17:43:14BZFlagno did the bootldr come into existance? I was wondering why they didn't start with an existing loader.
17:43:15erikmBZFlag: he thought it was a good idea, but jamey hicks should do the details
17:43:24BZFlagbut I wonder that for the yopy folk too. ;-)
17:43:36erikmBZFlag: but jamey was/is on holiday
17:43:58erikmthey used bootldr for their personal server and skiffcluster
17:44:09erikmit was something they already had
17:44:18BZFlagare we making a new branch? or tagging and adding onto the main?
17:44:18erikm(I remember his name: george france)
17:44:32erikmI think tagging on the main
17:44:40BZFlagnice. I agree.
17:44:48BZFlaglike to avoid branches... ;-)
17:44:53erikmmaybe I'll branch a 2.0.3-fixes branch
17:45:07erikmto put the obvious fixes in
17:45:15erikm(like the RAMDISK_SIZE one I just put in)
17:45:28BZFlagI think we can get a new release out soon, I vote for branching only if that turns out to not be true.
17:46:00erikmBZFlag: well, I think I'm gonna release even tomorrow. the RAMDISK_SIZE bug is deadly on LART
17:46:09BZFlagthat makes sense.
17:46:16BZFlag2.0.3.1 ? ;-)
17:46:30erikmnah, let's just make it 2.0.4
17:46:40BZFlagawww, yer no fun.
17:47:51BZFlaghey you know about the kingston cf eth cards I have? $20 usd each.
17:48:18BZFlagthey include a pcmcia carrier and work with pcnet_cs.o
17:49:54erikmhmm, not too much
17:50:15erikmI got one that came with my Assabet
17:50:59BZFlag10baseT with an integrated connector. I picked up 30 of them to resell with phones.
17:51:28BZFlagjust filling ya in in case you need/want some. they are selling fast at $20.
17:52:37erikmI don't think it's necessary, I also have a 3com 574B PCMCIA card
17:53:02BZFlagno prob. just offering.
17:53:04erikmthat's 5V, or do I need a 3.3V version?
17:53:19BZFlagTux only does 3.3v
17:53:40BZFlagCF adapters are required to handle both 3.3 and 5 so they are safe.
17:54:09erikmthe CF adapter that came with the assabet is from
17:54:44BZFlagthat's a better board. already included in the pcmcia config files and draws less power than any eth card I've ever seen.
17:55:08erikmit also uses the pcnet_cs driver, IIRC
17:55:20BZFlagyep. I have one here.
17:55:48BZFlagthey are pricy though. the cheapest I've seen em was like $120 usd
17:57:46erikmso how did you get the kingstons?
17:59:47BZFlagthey work. average speed. dongle free, but require adding a pcmcia/config line. I've sent the patch to david hinds so that shouldget fixed soon.
18:00:18BZFlagI just use em cause I got em cheap. they are discontinued, but kingston still supports em.
18:00:54BZFlaghunting on the net. from who had em on sale. I cleaned them out.
18:01:35erikmhehe :)
18:02:16erikmBTW, bootldr licensing is strange: it's X11 like, but some parts are GPL
18:03:04erikmso everythin in load_kernel is GPL, but that would mean that bootldr automatically becomes GPL
18:03:39erikmthinks they have a license problem
18:10:33BZFlagwonders if we can stop "Consider yourself LARTed!" and perhaps consider ourselves blobbed?
18:11:21erikmit doesnt have to say it bites, right?
18:37:33Russdavid = david woodhouse, jffs2 developer/mtd maintainer
18:38:19Russwhere can I find the bootldr source
18:40:23Russturns on the tuxscreen
18:41:55erikmRuss: no, dave woodhouse's IRC nick is dwmw2
18:42:13erikmRuss: the easiest is to get it from the CVS
18:42:26RussI know his irc nick
18:42:35RussI was just using his first name
18:43:15Russhmm....need to make a ramdisk, and a kernel for it
18:46:28Russwonders why it still says "blob version 1.0.9-hack"
18:46:57BZFlagit says 2.0.3 now.
18:47:12BZFlagRuss has an old version.
18:47:15erikmRuss cvs update -dAP
18:47:33RussI had to rm Makefile and config.status
18:47:45BZFlaglike -PdA cause it's easier to remmember. ;-)
18:47:53Russeven with rebuild-gcc and --enable-maintainer-mode
18:48:12BZFlaghas a rebuild scropt and runs that each time.
18:48:38erikmoh, I have a rebuild script that compiles for all architectures (debug and non-debug versions)
18:50:01erikmquite nice if you want to know if all architectures still compile correctly
18:50:24Russadd it to tools?
18:50:30Russor maybe scipts/
18:50:41BZFlagyeah, scripts would be nice.
18:50:46erikmit's not really part of blob
18:51:15BZFlagbut useful none the less.
18:51:23erikmI'll just send it to you two
18:51:40Russjust add it to cvs
18:51:47BZFlagI think I could recreate it, it's the newbies I'm more interested in.
18:52:23BZFlagwell, "concerned with" might be more accurate. ;-)
18:52:29BZFlagheads into work
18:52:51erikmok, I'll make a scripts directory in CVS
18:53:43Russlemme think about the name for a sec
18:54:06Russbecause my jffs2/cramfs code has userspace debug stuff
18:54:43Russand the paramater block code will need code seperate from the blob binary to create a paramater block
18:55:30Russso maybe an apt directory name for all that stuff
18:55:53erikmare you talking about my scripts or jor jffs2 stuff?
18:56:09Russeverything that isn't blob, but related to blob
18:57:06Russsounds good, just a suggestion though, different tools can go in different directories
18:57:20erikmso utils/build?
18:58:04Russsounds good
18:59:16erikmdoes that justify blob-2.0.4 instead of :)
18:59:40Russthink so
19:00:34Russramdisk still doesn't work
19:00:47Russlemme make sure I have the diff
19:01:18erikminclude/main.h should have:
19:01:20erikm#define RAMDISK_SIZE    (8 * 1024)
19:02:04erikmoh, also add root=/dev/ram
19:02:27erikmso your commandline should be something like: console=ttySA0,9600 root=/dev/ram
19:03:02Russit is
19:05:25Russmy makefile won't come back...
19:05:35erikmwhat are the kernel messages?
19:05:47Russin blob
19:06:21erikmhead config.status, cut the current configuration
19:06:35Russ./configure  --with-board=shannon --with-linux-prefix=/home/russ/jtag/kernel/working --enable-maintainer-mode
19:06:53erikmnow make distclean ; cvs update -dAP ; tools/rebuild-gcc ; tools/rebuild-gcc ; <paste with mouse> ; make
19:07:13Russcan't make distclean
19:07:50Russcvs update -dAP does nothing
19:08:11Russand I've already done the rebuild-gcc thing ttwwiiccee, and configure
19:08:48Russah, finally got a makefile
19:09:03Russa broken one...
19:09:22RussI need to do CC, OBJCOPY
19:09:55erikmOBJCOPY shouldn't be necessary
19:10:09erikmand you need to add arm-linux-unknown-gnu to the configure line
19:16:32Russstill locks at RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0
19:16:46Russeven if the command line is "console=ttySA0,9600 console=tty1 root=/dev/mtdblock2 init=/linuxrc"
19:17:33erikmno "Freeing initrd memory: 3072K"?
19:18:04Russit just dies on some ramdisks, and not others
19:18:33Russand no sysrq
19:18:35erikmwhat does the line "RAMDISK driver initialized: " say?
19:18:53RussRAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 8192K size 1024 blocksize
19:19:01erikmthat's good
19:19:16erikmunless you only have a 4MB ramdisk
19:19:19Russer, wait, I have sysrq on the keyboard
19:20:12Russits in schedule() I think
19:20:35Russits task 0 thats running, which makes sense
19:20:51Russit just says PC "current" which is unhelpfull
19:21:00erikmwhich kernel is that?
19:21:13Russshow regs does nothing
19:22:14erikmdid you already send some basic stuff to rmk?
19:22:21Russnot yet
19:22:26Russbeen a bit busy lately
19:22:31erikmheh :)
19:23:15Russis show regs not implemented on arm?
19:25:05erikmcan't try right now, just in the middle of an e2fsck
19:25:11erikmre, tim
19:29:00erikmRuss: magic-sysrq P shows the regs
19:30:09RussSysRq: Show Regs                                                                    
19:30:09RussSysRq: Show Regs
19:30:09RussSysRq: Show Regs
19:30:35erikmSysRq: Show Regs                                  
19:30:36erikmpc : [<c0013b18>]    lr : [<c0013b18>]            
19:30:42erikmand then all registers
19:30:54erikmthis is 2.4.6-rmk2-np1
19:31:08erikmhaven't tried it in 2.4.8-ac12-rmk1-np1 yet
19:32:39RussI don't get it
19:37:08erikmwell. the system isn't completely up right now
19:37:20erikmso that might explain
19:59:29erikmok, I'm going to submit my scripts to CVS
19:59:41erikmI'll also kick the version number to 2.0.4 :)
20:05:21erikmre, Russ
20:08:34erikmRuss: scripts commited
20:08:56erikmyou really need to do tools/rebuild-gcc after you cvs update your tree
20:28:51erikmConsider yourself LARTed!
20:28:51erikmblob version 2.0.4
20:46:04erikmgoes zzz

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