irclog2html for blob on 2001.08.23

04:17:36sammy_lunch time...
08:12:28localcosthello all
17:10:59erikmhello there
17:52:28Russher erikm
17:55:04erikmhi BZFlag
17:55:20erikmBZFlag: I just collected the tuxscreens from the post office today :)
17:56:27Russerikm: blob sees the 32M sodimm as two 4M zones
17:57:40erikmRuss: configure blob with --enable-blob-debug to see what the memory test code thinks
19:29:53erikmreads bootldr changelog and pukes
19:30:55BZFlagerikm: sweet, happy hacking!
19:31:27erikm- Added ability to run multiple commands separated by ';'
19:31:28erikmargh, why?
19:32:01BZFlagso multiples can be bound to a button?
19:32:28erikmhmm, it sounds to me like a command line feature
19:32:57BZFlagdoesn't know, he was just guessing.
19:33:58erikmand multiple commands to a key can be very easily done with a linked list

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot logs, split per channel and by date, etc.