irclog2html for blob on 2001.08.22

00:32:52Sammyhi *
05:43:07Sammywhy testing chester need to mv to 0x12000000 ?
05:43:23Sammycan I move to other place ?
05:46:14Russ"testing chester"?
05:47:32Sammyoh, in memsetup.s
05:48:30Russyou know thats for the SA-1110, right?
05:49:30Russaddress 0x12000000 is in the SRAM area
05:49:44Russso you'd need to see the assabet schematics to see what is there
05:49:46Sammybut just confuse .why this place , can be other ?
05:49:53Russbut from the line:
05:49:57Russmov r2,#0x5000                 /* D9_LED on and D8_LED off */
05:50:14RussI'm guesing a board control register is there
05:50:37Russits just turning some led's on and off from what I can tell
05:50:54Russloads r3 with 0x12000000
05:51:20Russleads r2 with 0x5000 (would mean more if you know the bit layout of the board control register)
05:51:40Russstores r2 at the address r3 (str r2,[r3])
05:52:34Russthen it does a loop for 0x20000 iterations
05:52:42Russlikely to allow the SDRAM to stabalize
05:52:59Russany of those parts confuse you?
05:55:40Sammybecause from this code and " SA-1110 Development Board Schematics-5.pdf" I can know the thing you say , but only the first  "mov  r3,#0x12000000" can't image why ?
05:56:39Russfor the instruction "str r2,[r3]", do you understand what that instruction does?
05:57:12Sammyyah ,I know ...
05:57:35Russwhat does the instuction do
05:59:14Sammyput the value in r2 into address r3
06:01:19Sammyda ..da.. ?
06:01:48Sammywrong ?
06:01:53Sammyyes ?
06:02:38Russand what is in r3?
06:03:13Russand what is at address 0x1200000 on the assabet board?
06:03:27Russer, 0x12000000
06:04:23Sammystatic bank select 2 ?
06:06:34Russwhere does CS2 on the board go?
06:10:57Sammyis that SDLC ch1. ?
06:14:13Russshould go along with nCS0, nCS1, ad nCS3
06:16:29Sammyoh oh ,??????? can you show me more detail ? CS2 ,s/ad/and/ ?
06:19:41Sammythinks .....sorry Russ the foolish student always need the teacher have more patience ...
06:21:10Russs/ad/and/ is sed for "replace ad with and"
06:21:37Russso what I said should read "should go along with nCS0, nCS1, and nCS3"
06:21:58Russif you look at the schematic, nCS0, nCS1, nCS2, and nCS3 should all be togother
06:22:02Russer, together
06:22:21RussnCS2 == active low chip select 2
06:30:40Sammyok , I fast look that , but what you mean "on the board go " ?
06:33:10Russthere is a pin on the sa-1110 called "nCS2"
06:33:19Russthe schematics show where that signal goes
06:45:21SammyA little clear now, os that from CPLD to 16_BIT EDGE triggered d-type FF 74LVCH16374A ? right ?
06:45:31Sammyer as
06:46:16Sammythen do on the LED red . right ?
06:47:30Sammysometimes some detail confuse question like this just around me ...
06:47:46Sammyso I can't look that clear ?
06:48:21Russif it goes to the CPLD, you'd have to see how the CPLD is setup
06:49:01SammyOK is clear
06:49:10Sammythanx anyway...

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