irclog2html for blob on 2001.08.20

00:27:35Sammyhi *
00:29:50hola, Russ
02:32:34SammyRuss : have U ever make cross compiler ?
02:34:13Sammyif my platform is RefHat
02:34:44Sammyer RedHat
02:35:40Sammyis that will something wrong occer or still can pass it ?
09:24:18SammyRuss : one confuse question , I use minicom download the file to LART, and it in memory , right ?
09:25:00Sammybut when I restart the LART , it's will gone ...
09:27:01Sammyhow can I do that download into  flash memory ,and when I reboot ,it's still there, not gone...?

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