irclog2html for blob on 2001.08.16

03:16:43SammyRuss|Werk : where are U ?
03:16:55Sammyare U around ?
03:18:32Sammywhen my LART start at  "login :"  I can't press any massage on it why ?
03:19:43SammyI can see the massage on terminal screen , but how to type command on it ?
03:21:47Sammywhy my keybord not connect with it  ?
04:05:44Sammywhen LART booting , why I can't prass any key to stop booting to kernel ....?
04:06:08Russduring "autoboot in progress ..... "?
04:06:20Sammyya ..
04:06:46Russand you press a key and it doesn't give you a blob> prompt?
04:07:10Sammyya ...
04:07:12Sammymy keybord don't have any response on terminal screen ...
04:07:40Russdo you have flow control turned on in your terminal software?
04:07:41Sammyand auto still booting until login :
04:09:01SammyI use hyper terminal ...
04:09:17Russand do you have hardware flow control turned on?
04:09:47SammyYou mean on LART or ...?
04:11:47Sammyin one have question , because the hyperterm don't have VT102 ...
04:12:09Sammyso I choose VT100 .... is that matter ?
04:12:18RussVT100 is fine
04:13:30Sammybut it still don't have response ...
04:14:04Sammyand it don't have another hardware flow ...
04:18:12SammyRuss : what terminal do you usually use ?
04:19:35Russand you are sure hardware flow control is disabled?
04:19:49Russwhat you said doesn't make sense "and it don't have another hardware flow ..."
04:22:12SammyI am turn off the hardware flow ...
04:22:35Russyou found the setting in hyperterm for hardware flow contol?
04:22:55Sammyya ...
04:23:14RussI think with hyperterm, you have to restart it for that to take effect
04:24:06SammyU mean close it and reopen it , or restart the LART ?
04:24:52Sammyno use , this way only made me to reset the hyper tern...
04:25:41Sammyand restart LART , it RUN...........until login:
04:26:31Sammyeren I type anything on keybord , it still doesn't have any response ...
04:27:15Russmaybe the serial cable is bad
04:27:23Russtry turning the cable around
04:28:42SammyHow can I test ? Because I find out that KSB has something wrong too ...
04:29:05Russwhat kind of serial cable do you have
04:29:35Sammyfrom alpra 1 give
04:29:44Russare both ends the same?
04:34:58Sammyis testing ...
04:36:42Russare both ends of the cable the same?
04:37:48Sammyya ... don't have any response...
04:38:22Russare both ends of the cable physically the same?
04:39:14Sammyya ...
04:41:47Sammyone color is blue, another is white , beside this ,all the same ...
04:44:22Russswitch it around then
04:44:33Russand see if you can still see messages from the LART
06:28:46SammyRuss: something interesting ...
06:29:31SammyI change anohter computer , and what happen U guess ...
06:29:40Sammyit's work ....
06:29:53Russprobably some hyperterm setting
06:30:05Russhypertem is a poor term program
06:30:44Sammyyah. but I run minicom , and it doesn't work too...
06:42:34Russso its just that paticular computer?
07:31:54Sammywhen I careful check the port cable , and one line is cut off...
07:32:25Sammyso maybe is not the paticular computer ...... @#$@#$
07:35:22Russit might be that one computer sees a not connected RTS/CTS as on, and the other as off
07:35:48Russif the computer see's active flow control, and you have that enabled (default) it won't send anything
07:40:11Sammyand now just fix the serial cable ....
07:40:28Sammyuntil now everything just look fine
07:40:57Sammynow I am trying useing minicom
07:41:23Sammyis trying...
07:49:50Russbe sure to set it to 9600 8N1, no flow control
08:06:44Sammyyah..that's the most thing I care ...
08:07:00Sammyand U see this ,I try..
08:07:11Sammy-rwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          784 Aug 16  2001 arm
08:07:12Sammydrwxr-xr-x   2 root     root         1024 Dec  8  1999 bin
08:07:13Sammydrwxr-xr-x   2 root     root         1024 Jun 11  2001 dev
08:07:14Sammydrwxr-xr-x   3 root     root         1024 Jan  1 00:00 etc
08:07:15Sammydrwxr-xr-x   2 root     root         1024 Apr 24  2001 home
08:07:16Sammydrwxr-xr-x   2 root     root         1024 Apr 24  2001 lib
08:07:17Sammydrwxr-xr-x   2 root     root         1024 Jan  6  1998 lost+found
08:07:18Sammydr-xr-xr-x   2 root     root            0 Jan  1 00:00 proc
08:07:19Sammydrwxr-xr-x   2 root     root         1024 Apr 24  2001 root
08:07:21Sammydrwxr-xr-x   2 root     root         1024 Dec  8  1999 sbin
08:07:22Sammydrwxrwxrwt   2 root     root         1024 Dec  8  1999 tmp
08:07:24Sammydrwxr-xr-x   6 root     root         1024 Dec  8  1999 usr
08:07:26Sammydrwxr-xr-x   6 root     root         1024 Dec 30  1997 var
08:07:28Sammybash-2.01# ./arm
08:07:30Sammykmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k binfmt-464c, errno = 2
08:07:32Sammykmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k binfmt-464c, errno = 2
08:07:34Sammybash: ./arm: cannot execute binary file
08:14:01Sammy" arm " is the small program I use compiler with bin utility ...
08:14:27Sammybut it sound's not work

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