irclog2html for blob on 2001.08.13

00:12:04SammyGood morning everybody
07:34:20Sammymaybe the teacher is doze off ...
12:31:13sammyRuss : are u still around ?
22:22:30Russ|werkhey erikm
22:25:00erikmhi Russ
22:25:09Russ|werkwhen do you go back?
22:25:20erikmthis sunday
22:25:54Russ|werkwhen keeping a kernel in cvs, why is it you make a new branch of your own sources everytime there is a kernel update?
22:26:07Russ|werkwhy not just keep merging to a kernel_hack branch?
22:26:20Russ|werkis that far backporting fixes?
22:27:13erikmbecause in that way you also keep cruft in your kernel tree
22:27:42Russ|werkso its optional
22:29:24erikmno, it just doesn't work in your way
22:29:36Russ|werkwhat do you mean?
22:29:47erikmsuppose linus moves a file, you will have the old and the new version in your tree
22:30:11Russ|werkoh, merging two branches doesn't delete old files
22:31:07Russ|werkI don't know if watching for extra files in my diffs is more effort than messing with sandboxes
22:35:36erikmthe messing with sandboxes problem can easily be solved with a couple of scripts
22:39:19Russ|werkI'm just impatient
22:40:09Russ|werkIf it doesn't work out, I'll be wrong, and have to fix it later
22:48:56erikmgoes home

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