irclog2html for blob on 2001.08.10

03:52:25sammylunch time every take a rest
05:39:34sammyhello Guru...
05:40:45sammywhy is Guru, is that just name or another mean ?
05:41:24Russits tim
05:44:21sammyI konw but this word "Guru" means the teacher in Hinduism ...haha
05:45:41Guruyep. teacher, or expert. /me is
05:55:00Russ"BTW, what is the VM system of which everybody is speaking?
05:55:15Russ -- someone subscribed to arm-linux-kernel
05:57:00sammyRuss: U mean U wan the VM system ? is that ?
05:58:23sammywhat is that mean ?
05:58:27Russsomeone on the arm-linux-kernel mailing list wanted to know what the VM system is in the kernel
06:00:28sammyVM system is  the software ?
06:01:01sammyI have VM for windows and for Linux both ...
06:03:14RussVM, when it refers to a kernel or OS, means virtual memory
06:08:42sammySorry ...
06:33:22Russ: huh?
06:33:22Russlxrbot1, ibot1
06:34:20Russyah, I'm talking about you
07:02:50sammyRuss : when RTSR = ( RTSE_AL | RTSR_HZ ) then  RTSR become 0x00000003 , right ?
07:03:02sammyin time.c
07:04:49sammybut RTSR = 0x90010010 , why is this become ?
07:07:28Guru0x90010010 is the address of RTSR, no?
07:10:37sammy0x90010010 is the address of RTSR but when it run RTSR = RTSE_AL | RTSR_HZ then RTSR become 0x00000003 right ?
07:18:25Russwhat is  RTSE_AL
07:18:31Russand what is RTSR_HZ
07:22:28sammysorry , it still in blob_1_0_9_HANK
07:22:59sammyas the file time,c say in line 55 ....
07:25:17sammyand I find out that RTSE_AL = 0x00000001 and RESR_HZ = 0x00000002in file SA-1100.h
07:30:01Russupdate your local copy
07:30:24Russin latest blob_1_0_9_hack, I see notthing about RTSR in time.c
07:31:51Russlooking in SA-1100.h, I see them though
07:32:06Russ#define RTSR (*((volatile Word *) io_p2v (_RTSR)))
07:32:13Russ#define _RTSR           0x90010010      /* RTC Status Reg.                 */
07:32:25Russso when you say RTSR = ...
07:32:31Russyou are writing to that memory location
07:32:43Russ#define RTSR_AL         0x00000001      /* ALarm detected                  */
07:32:44Russ#define RTSR_HZ         0x00000002      /* 1 Hz clock detected             */
07:32:52Russand these are the two flags that are set
07:34:16sammyis check
07:34:16Russthe register, RTSR, gets 0x00000003 written to it
08:35:16sammymaybe I should keep watch at sorceforge CVS about blob
09:25:24sammyis in dinner time
15:03:07niihau, erikm
16:11:11erikmhi tim
16:25:29BZFlaghey. you see the latest TuxScreen? Russ and I got NFS chroot with X and everything. ;-)
16:27:42erikmnot yet
16:28:03erikmlast night busy disassembling marc's tuxscreen and soldering the jtag stuff on
16:29:32erikmintersting to see that the mainboard (with the CPU) has a Hitachi logo stamped on it
17:47:32Russ... sorry ...
17:48:10erikmOK, project armlinux has just been approved on SF
17:48:20erikmwill upload kernel tree this afternoon :)
18:02:27Russas tuxscreen patches stabilize, should I send patches that apply against rmk code to rmk, and np code to nico
18:03:06erikmfor rmk, use the patch system
18:09:16Russis that -linus or -ac email blank?
18:10:47erikmeh, what do you mean?
18:12:21RussDate: Wed, 08 Aug 2001 20:48:32 -0400
18:12:21RussFrom: Erik Mouw <>
18:12:43RussSubject: Re: -linus or -ac
18:13:39erikmno, it wasn't empty
18:14:09Russmaybe its because I'm using a beta email program
18:32:54erikmhands Russ mutt
18:36:36Russcurrently using evolution with an imap box
18:38:15RussI noticed rmk already applied some of my fb patches
18:42:20RussI still have diffs against the taged memsetup
18:44:09erikmthat should be fixed in 2.4.7-rmk2-np1
18:44:44RussI still have diffs against that in 2.4.7-rmk2-np1
18:46:56erikmeh, what for?
18:50:47Russ+#ifdef CONFIG_DISCONTIGMEM
18:50:48Russ+#include <asm/mmzone.h>
18:50:48Russ+#define PHYSADDR_TO_NID(addr)  (KVADDR_TO_NID(phys_to_virt(addr)))
18:50:48Russ+#define PHYSADDR_TO_NID(addr)  (0)
18:53:12erikmthat's fixed in 2.4.7-4mk2-np1
18:53:31erikmyou don't need that anymore
18:54:16erikmthe patch has:
18:54:24erikm-mi->bank[mi->nr_banks].node = 0;
18:54:29erikm+mi->bank[mi->nr_banks].node  = PHYS_TO_NID(start);
18:55:01Russright, I chose the 2.4.7-rmk2-np1 side of thet conflict
19:39:27erikm2.4.7-rmk2 is in SF CVS
19:40:07Russnow see, if only I could specify a vendor branch as a CVS tree
19:44:08erikmalso imports 2.4.7-rmk1
19:45:38Russsuppose I can use it to rdiff, then apply the diff to my vendor tree
19:45:47Russthen import my vendor tree, then merge
19:57:24erikmI think so
19:57:43erikmbtw, I put some information about keeping kernels in CVS on
19:59:11RussI do import -m "import of ..." -kk -I '!' tlinux rmk-np linux-2_4...
19:59:27Russthen a cvs -q update -d -j rmk-np
20:00:35erikmbetter use -ko for import
20:00:49erikmand the update thing is also not good. see :)
22:50:42erikmgoes home
22:51:00erikmwell, movie first

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