irclog2html for blob on 2001.08.09

00:18:33SammyGood morning .......!!
00:23:32erikmgood evening
00:29:37Sammyerikm : may I asking U a question I am curious about it ...!!
00:29:56erikmSammy: shoot
00:30:10Sammywhere is blob 2.0.1 and blob 2.0.2 .....!?
00:36:17erikmkicks the IRC server on
00:37:56Sammywhy is server sometime's kicks guy's out ?
00:38:13erikmSammy: I think it completely broke down
00:39:27erikmSammy: ah, no, the utrecht university router broke down
00:39:41erikm( is hosted at utrecht university)
00:40:42Sammysometime's kick out is happen to me ...!!
00:40:46Sammyhow do I reconnection....!?
00:41:12Sammyif I am not here ....!!
00:41:18erikmuse /server irc.servername
00:41:26erikmor use a client that can do auto reconnect
00:41:31erikm(like xchat)
00:41:47erikmbut you had a question
00:42:11Sammyo o , have U heard "PIRCH98"  ?
00:42:52Sammywhere is blob 2,0,1 and blob 2.0.2 ?
00:43:18Sammywhy is from 1.0.9 jump to 2.0.3 ?
00:43:21erikmthat were no official releases
00:43:36erikmto avoid confusion we decided to jump to 2.0.3
00:45:26Sammyoh , just curious about that how U definiction version ?
00:48:24erikmSammy: the complete story is in the RELEASE-NOTES
00:48:58Sammyoh ~?
00:53:38erikmgoes home
00:59:02Sammylook all around in start.s
02:34:04Sammyhi !! BZFlag....!
07:00:02SammyBZFlag : the dongles for tuxscreen is make by U or some company ?
07:00:34Russwell, half and half
07:00:46Russthe part with the chip is made by "some company"
07:01:09Russmine is 100% homebrew though
08:29:19Sammyif tuxscreen without any os , it can use just like phone ?
08:39:43Russit comes with inferno
09:00:16SammyBZFlag : help me to explan what Russ say ? or what am asking ?
09:10:20BZFlagSammy: Inferno is another OS. It is installed on the TuxScreen. It has a web browser, email apps etc. It is not open source, but the source is available from vitanouvo
09:16:45Sammyohhh....Thanx , because U know my English is not good enough ...and checkkey word  "inferon" mean's hell, so confuse me
09:18:48Sammyso it must with some os to run the phone , if I call tuxscreen is a same as smart phone , is thst right ?
09:54:21Sammyis more interesting in it
09:54:25BZFlagInferno is on the computer portion of the TuxScreen. The actual phone hw is a DSP. Inferno (or Linux) can interface with the DSP and detect ring events, caller ID, etc.
09:55:07BZFlagpcmcia is working now. ;-) I'm pinging another box from the phone.
09:56:09Sammythat's greet and magical
16:09:22privet, erikm
16:42:39erikmafternoon :)
16:42:51erikmget rid of trampoline....
16:50:15Russ|werkyah, jeez
16:50:20Russ|werkcut out the fat
16:50:24Russ|werkdamned bloatware
16:50:51Russ|werkwho wants simplicity when you could save 4 bytes
16:51:02erikm8 bytes
17:12:11Russ|werktell him to send you a patch
17:14:08erikmtrampoline is just convenience. in that way you don't have to bother how your C code looks like
17:14:25erikma little bit of convenience for just 8 bytes
17:14:42Russ|werkI know
17:15:11Russ|werkI wanted to see what he would come up with so that it would go straight form the assembly, to C code in another section
17:16:02erikmoh, that's doable, you just have to guarantee that main() is the first function
17:16:23Russ|werkright, I just don't like a smart ass
17:16:47erikmbut then the next guy will come up and put a function in front of main() and it doesn't work anymore
17:17:06erikmand we will end up with trampoline.c which will just call main()
19:25:35erikmhrmpf. that should explain
19:25:45erikmIMHO rmk should switch to -ac ASAP
19:33:49Russ|werkme too
19:33:58Russ|werkI could care less about VM though
19:34:43Russ|werkalthough, if he does want to integrate more with alan, he's making more work for alan
19:35:26erikmRuss|werk: might be, but linus accepts patches from a handful of people: alan cox, al viro, etc. integration with linus would go as fast
19:36:42Russ|werkI suppose with alan, cpufreq stuff from other arches could get combined faster
19:37:05Russ|werkso its more of a standardized interface to that across arches
19:37:10Russ|werksame with fb
19:37:21erikmcpufreq is already standardised accros archs
19:37:33erikmthe same api works for arm and i386
19:41:34erikmfor i386 it supports amd k6+, intel speedstep, and some kind of cyrix cpu
19:42:40Russ|werkdo you think integrating cpufreq with power management is a userspace issue?
19:44:48erikmwhat do you mean with power management?
19:45:17Russ|werkno, in general, the task of reducing power consumption
19:45:23erikm(and acpi table parsing should *definately* done in user space)
19:45:41Russ|werkshould the reduction of cpu speed to lower power usage be done in kernel, or userspace
19:45:45erikmoh, yes, the power management policy clearly belongs to userland
19:45:58erikmthe kernel should only implement the mechanisms
19:46:29erikmand with the cpufreq stuff it just does that: it only gives you a mechanism to switch the cpu frequency

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