irclog2html for blob on 2001.08.07

05:57:06Sammyhello !! everyone ...!!
05:57:58Sammymy routing server got something ...~~
05:59:13Sammy"CODE RED" ......
05:59:41Sammybut not the point ...!!
06:05:28SammyI really want to know is "0xC71C703F", "0xFFC71C71","0xFFFFFFFF", "0x0334B22f" how is this set ?
06:06:24Sammyafter I read the document , bot still don't get the point .....!!
06:07:10Sammyso ....I need the hint ...........~~
06:09:11Russdid you read the part on DRAM memory timings?
06:11:13Sammyya ..!!
06:12:15Russso what registers are those values going in
06:14:25Sammymdcas0 , mdcas1....
06:14:53Russok, and did you find those registers in the manual?
06:15:04Sammyya ..!!
06:15:12Russok, which register confuses you
06:17:43Sammywhy do put "0xC71C703F"  from MDCNFG to MDCAS0
06:18:36Sammybecause I can't find any infornation in "10.3.2 DRAM timing " talking about this ?
06:18:47Russwhy do you think that goes into mdcnfg?
06:19:36Sammybecause " mov   r1,  #0xA0000000 "
06:19:58Russthats under the SA1110 stuff
06:20:30Russwhere do you see "mov   r1,  #0xA0000000"
06:20:41Russoh, I see
06:21:03Russwhere are you looking
06:21:10Sammystasrt.S write " if defined USE_SA1100"
06:21:40SammyI am looking the blob1.0.8 per2
06:21:52Russget the newest version
06:22:37Sammybecaus I need to compare what is diffent between them ...
06:23:16Sammyand 1.0.8 per2 something write more detail
06:23:24Russ"and 1.0.8 per2 something write more detail" ?
06:24:13Sammylike "mov r1, 0xA0000000"
06:24:21Russwhat about it
06:24:47Sammyadd r1, r1 0x50000
06:25:10Russok, so now r1 contains 0xa0050000
06:26:00BZFlagmov r1, 0xA0000000 <- sets the content of r1 to 0xA0000000, not from the address, just the literal.
06:26:25RussSammy: do you have any quick reference charts, or manuals for arm assembly
06:29:05SammyI mean is like "mov r1 ,#0x90000000" then "add r1 ,r1,#0x50000" so I can know now r1 cantains 0x90050000"  , this is more detail then 1.0.9 only define 0x90050000
06:29:41SammyI have that ...!!
06:29:47Russwhat about 1.0.9 confuses you
06:31:12Sammyon , I just say that's why I look up 1.0.8 ...!!
06:31:35Russwhat in 1.0.9 confuses you
06:31:45Russwhat part of 1.0.9 confuses you
06:32:36Sammyamm....!! 1.0.9 is ok ,but I got question in 1.0.8
06:33:02Russdo you understand what the purpose of mdcnfg is?
06:34:30Sammyya , but that's also confuse point ...!!
06:35:11Sammymdcnfg is setting the dram right ?
06:35:34Russdo you know what it sets
06:35:48Sammybut why U say that's part is about set sa1110
06:36:32Russbecause I saw the line you said under the SA1110 stuff in 1_0_9_hack
06:37:59Sammyok !! the same way , about line 54 and 55 , why ?
06:38:17RussI don't have 1.0.8
06:38:46Sammyno no no I am talking about file memsetup.S
06:40:45Sammy#if (defined BRUTUS) || (defined LART) || (defined NESA)
06:41:16Russthats an older version
06:41:35Russmdcas0:         .long   0xc71c703f ?
06:41:43Sammyya ...!!
06:41:45Russthose are the timings for those arches
06:41:53Russwhats confusing about that?
06:42:29Sammywhy is define in "c71c703f" ?
06:43:01Russthat is the mdcas0 register setting for that arch
06:43:09Russlook up the layout of the mdcas0 register
06:43:15Russand see break it out
06:44:54Russer, and break it out into the individual bits
06:54:01sammy_dullRuss : where is the layout document about mdcas0 , in memory or sa-1100 .....?
06:54:27Russits a sa-1100 register, so under the DRAM timings section in the SA-1100 manuall
06:55:58Russdid you find the part about the mdcas0 register
06:56:57sammy_dullom?   I am all around in 10.3.2 ~ 10.3.3 but I don't see which part is about this ?
06:57:29Russgo back to 10.2
06:59:22sammy_dullis that 10.2.3 ?
07:00:01Russwhy do you think its 10.2.3
07:00:25Russit says "Static memory control registers (MSC0-1)
07:03:12Russwhich section is about MDCAS0, MDCAS1, MDCAS2
07:04:14sammy_dullok !! I know in 10.2.1, right ?
07:04:41Russthats an important section that is about MDCNFG
07:04:52Russbut its 10.2.2 that tells about MDCAS0
07:05:01Russdo you see the table of contents?
07:09:57sammy_dull? U mean Figure 10-3 ?
07:10:20Russdo you see the table of contents
07:10:37Russat the beginning, where it says Contents
07:10:59Russnot where it says "Figures
07:14:57sammy_dullContents of DRAM register fields : MDCAS0 = 0110 0011 0001 1000 1100 0110 0000 0111( binary)
07:15:30Russthe MDCAS0 register doesn't have fields though
07:15:33Russits a bit stream
07:16:16RussMDCNFG has fields
07:17:31sammy_dullya  !!
07:46:15sammy_dullRuss : U have your own IP right ?
07:48:06sammy_dullbut U don't know somewhere like taiwan only in school can get the free IP address .
07:48:44sammy_dullso, if U want on internet , fast way ,use PPP
07:51:51sammy_dulland that U can't set the server on it , and the host name .....forget it
07:53:14sammy_dullbut now the situation is getting better ....!!
07:53:24Russno, I mean a host name like:
07:56:54sammy_dullthat's means U must have server on one IP right ? , but we can't have our own static IP before ....
07:57:36sammy_dullso if that got host name , it must always be school ....!!
08:00:59sammy_dullour telecommunications company the biggest one , "He" say we can't get IP address,
08:07:26sammy_dullUntil now , only spend more money to get a dedicated line "ADSL" can get some static IP , and U can set Up DNS server let other can see that ...
09:49:29sammyRuss : are U still awake...
09:52:58sammymaybe ........sleep
15:15:55erikmhi RUss
15:16:05erikmblob-2.0.3 just booted on LART :)
15:18:08erikmsiglunch :)
15:21:23Russ|werkmorning tim
16:35:45erikmchecks in the documentation updates
16:35:55erikmand some cosmetic changes
16:43:11Russ|werksammy's router got coder red...
16:43:38erikmthere are currently four versions
16:43:50erikmthe fourth does a DoS attack on win98 boxes
16:45:12Russ|werkthe arp thing?
16:45:41Russ|werkand its still an "internet virus/worm" and not a "microsoft virus/worm"
16:46:27erikmwell, it nicely demonstrates that a computer monoculture is not a good idea
16:46:40BZFlagto be fair, the '85 virus worm only targeted certian OSes. At least it was more than one though.
16:47:56Russ|werkBZFlag: when there is a worm that targets apache, is it called a "Internet worm"?
16:48:18BZFlagRuss|werk: perhaps it should be. ;-)
16:48:56erikmRuss: it should, apache runs on over 60% of all web servers. but I think it will be called an apache worm
16:49:12Russ|werkthere have been apache worms in the past
16:49:24Russ|werkand bind worms
16:50:12Russ|werknothing like code red...which is strange, because apache has much more "market share"
16:52:04erikmyes, but apache runs on much more platforms. an apache/i386-linux virus doesn't affect an apache/sparc-solaris server
17:09:30BZFlagis a fan of 115k2 for shannon.
17:09:56BZFlagis reading list email...
17:10:41Russ|werkI'd put a 230k4 card in my computer if I had room
17:14:10BZFlagnever done 230k4 under linux before, much new pc hardware should be able to do it now, no?
17:16:36Russ|werkyah, I have a lava high speed serial card
17:16:48Russ|werkthe normal pc hardware doesn't do it
18:35:49erikmstarts releasing blob-2.0.3
18:39:11erikmcvs is tagged "blob_2_0_3"
18:42:24erikmblob-2.0.3.tar.gz has been released on
18:57:04erikmrehi tim
18:58:06erikmblob-2.0.3 uploaded to both sf and lart sites, currently updating blob homepage
19:24:51erikmstarts writing the blob-2.0.3 release message
19:25:13erikmhmm, I think I'll CC it to the sa1100-linux list as well
19:28:47Russ|werksince it should be the defacto sa1100 boot loader
19:30:05Russ|werkdid you see the topic I had?
19:35:05erikmok, the release message is in the mail
19:35:20erikm(party time)
22:34:32erikmgoes home

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