irclog2html for blob on 2001.08.06

03:38:42Russgot your nick back
03:38:48Russyou should register with nickserv
04:02:58sammyya !! I am already do it ....!!
04:04:25sammyho..ho... if somebody use my nick name then I can kick it out ...!!
07:51:04SammyRuss : may  I asking U what is this mean ?
07:51:34Sammywhen define MDCAS0 ....
07:52:28Sammymov   r2,    #0xc71C703F
08:02:16Russmemory timings
08:04:58Sammyohhhh... god bless U are still here ...!!
08:07:00Sammybut so confuse . I still don't get 0xc7ic03f why is this define use for ?
08:07:16Russlook up DRAM timing in the SA-1100 manual
08:11:02Russmakes more sense now?
08:13:00Sammystill search between chapter 10 and 13
08:13:49Russlook in the table of contents
15:14:14Russmorning erikm
17:22:20erikmhi Russ
17:23:26Russ|werkeating well?
17:24:47erikmehm, yes. why?
17:26:22Russ|werkbeing in new york
17:26:57erikmnew york state, that is. not new york city
17:27:12Russ|werkoh, oops
17:27:15erikmis the food supposed to be good over here?
17:27:31Russ|werkI think in new york, I've never spent any time back east
17:28:37erikmso far I haven't eaten bad
17:29:07erikmIBM restaurant turns out to be quite well
17:34:53Russ|werkphoenix is really nice for food, because of scottsdal culinary school
17:35:09Russ|werker, scottsdale
21:20:38erikmmerges the blob_1_0_9_hack branch into the HEAD branch
21:23:55Russ|werktoday is the day?
21:25:14erikmI think tomorrow is
21:25:44erikmdepends a bit how much time we have right now
21:33:03erikmI have to update the documentation a bit
21:35:05erikmlooks like the merge went ok
21:35:56Russ|werkwhat commits did you do on HEAD?
21:36:54erikmnone yet
21:38:13erikmI only locally merged the 1_0_9_hack branch into the HEAD
21:38:27erikmonly one conflict in the ChangLog
21:38:37erikmwhich should be easy to fix :)
21:41:06erikmheh, only directory we didn't touch is tools/
21:41:15erikm(which is a good thing)
21:41:39erikmI think I'm going to add a RELEASE-NOTES file
21:41:56erikmwhich explains which platforms work and which don't
21:43:34erikmok, merge is done
21:44:22erikm(also commited)
21:45:52erikmcvs update -r HEAD to get the merged stuff
21:46:07erikmcvs update -dP -r HEAD even
21:46:07Russ|werkdo you tag it 2_0_3? or just leave it as HEAD
21:46:29erikmI leave it as HEAD right now, but will tag it as 2_0_3 tomorrow
21:47:09Russ|werkand then branch 2_1_0-pre?
21:47:15Russ|werkor _hack, whatever
21:48:02erikmnot sure if I want to branch it again. I think the linear way we work should work without branching as well
21:49:16erikmheh, one of the syncmail messages is too large
21:50:45erikmapproves the message
21:53:54erikmbtw, I got some mail back from that guy that ported blob to the graphicsclient
21:54:28erikmlots of the workarounds he made actually look to me like his memory setup is completely wrong
21:54:38Russ|werk <- definately what every ISP should be
21:55:27erikmso instead of running it from DRAM he runs it in SRAM
21:55:37erikmI told him to fix the root of the problem
21:55:48Russ|werkdoes he not have DRAM?
21:55:52erikmhe has
21:56:10erikmbut he didn't set it up properly
21:56:36erikmthe first indication was that the memory detection code broke on it
21:56:38Russ|werkoh, so, instead of figuring out the dram, he just used the sram
21:56:45Russ|werkare you sure it isn't sammy?
21:56:53erikmno, this was darwin chen
21:57:38Russ|werkhe asked me last night about the MDCAS0 stuff and the seemingly random hex numbers
21:57:56Russ|werkso I told him to look up DRAM memory timings in the SA-1100 manual
21:58:23erikmI really have no idea why all those asian guys sound so clueless.
21:58:24Russ|werkbut he couldn't find them, I asked him how he was doing, and he said something about being between chapter 10 and 13
21:58:50Russ|werkI told him to look in the table of contents, but I don't think he knew what I was talking about
21:59:22erikmhe seem to have a problem with the english language. that's not something I can fix for him.
22:40:51erikmgoes home
22:41:14erikmblob-2.0.3 will be released tomorrow, so please test the current CVS version

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