irclog2html for blob on 2001.08.03

17:15:43Russ|werkwb erikm
17:15:50erikmhi Russ
17:16:01Russ|werkhappen to know what happened to nico?
17:18:48Russ|werkI raally wish they would have done teh input layer rewrite in 2.4
17:19:22Russ|werkyou'd expect as a input module to just be able to pass key codes to input.c, and have it work
17:19:40erikmyes, that's how it is supposed to work
17:20:05Russ|werkbut it all then has to be x86'ized, and then un x86'ized
17:20:20Russ|werkso you have to add keyboard.c hooks
17:24:00Russ|werkdid you just get back from ny?
17:24:36erikmI just arrived
17:24:46Russ|werkin new york?
17:24:50erikmlanded 4.5 hours ago
17:25:39Russ|werkyour hostname could have fooled me
17:25:46erikmthat's right
17:26:23erikmI'm at IBM watson right now, but their firewall doesn't like IRC, so I do it through an SSH tunnel
17:27:09Russ|werka new deb just went into sid that wraps libc ip calls to socks
17:28:03erikmyou mean libsocks?
17:28:13Russ|werksomething like tsock
17:28:22erikmLD_PRELOAD it and you're set
17:28:35Russ|werkoh, wander what the diff is
17:28:54erikm(given the correct socks config file of course)
17:31:49erikmnico is just on holiday
17:33:50erikminteresting host names over here
17:34:59Russ|werkmaybe its the password
17:35:12Russ|werkwhat is
17:35:15erikmis tempted to try
17:35:29erikmwatson is one of their research labs
17:35:51Russ|werkthe ip is definately easier to remember than the hostname
17:38:01Russ|werkquite the campus
17:38:47erikmit's the yorktown building
17:40:21Russ|werkoh...oh well
17:41:00Russ|werkthe lobby reminds me of leeds
17:42:14Russ| do I destroy an mbr
17:45:53erikmdd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1
17:46:05Russ|werkdoes that mess up the partition table?
17:46:11Russ|werkah, what do I care
17:48:42erikmyesm because mbt==partition table
18:22:33Russ|werkibot: 11 / 8
18:42:46erikmhands Russ|werk xcalc
18:44:42Russ|werkyah yah
18:44:49Russ|werkibot: 6 * 9
18:58:12erikmanswers aliasing question on the LART list
19:19:35erikmJDB found The Guardian article that wookey mentioned:
19:34:44erikmmakes news item for the LART pages
19:35:07erikmand marcj makes the html code nicer so it looks nicer in Opera
19:37:47erikmOK, I'll go
19:37:54erikmcamping and so on
19:38:24Russ|werkhave fun, and don't get het by a truck (TM)

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