irclog2html for blob on 2001.08.01

07:47:30Sammy_Russ : is that "KERNEL_RAM _BASE" mapping to the memory data sheets ?
07:50:34Sammy_I mean when the kernel booting it from "0xC0008000" and is this address in memory data sheets ?
07:50:47Russ"memory data sheets"?
07:51:27Sammy_omm... flash memory ...
07:51:46Sammy_or memory ....?
07:51:53RussKERNEL_RAM_BASE is the address in the SA-1100's memory map that the kernel is copied to
07:52:35Sammy_but where can I know why it to be in there ...?
07:52:56Sammy_I must see what infornation ?
07:55:33Sammy_omm...simple ask ..that KERNEL_RAM_BASE is define in 0xC0008000 , but why
07:56:06Russram starts at 0xc0000000
07:56:41Russboot paramaters are at 0xc00001000
07:56:52Russer 0xc0000100
07:58:24Russalso, 0xc0008000 is ZTEXTADDR on arm
07:59:36Sammy_can U tell me about this which part shouid I read (know) more ?
08:00:01Russthere is a message rmk posted about a week ago about all this
08:01:42Russlook in  linux-arm-kernel for "Re: About TEXTADDR, ZTEXTADDR, PAGE_OFFSET etc..."

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