irclog2html for blob on 2001.07.31

02:06:18Sammy_hay , I just get the LART , so I can play it at time......!!
04:54:14Sammy_what is this explain #define STATUS_READ   0x00700070 from memory data sheets ?
05:36:16Russfor flashing?
07:54:18Russheh, never saw that one
07:54:31Russalong with 0xf00d, like 0xdeadbeef
07:54:41Russyou could go have it at 0xabadcafe
07:55:58erikmsomeone posted a script a on linux-kernel that took a dictonary and extracted hex constants out of it
07:56:23RussI like the phrases the best
08:03:01Russwhat is HZ on 2.4.6-rmk2-np1 for sa1100?
08:04:05Sammy_erikm: can U explan why bootkernel call thekernel(0,x); why ? what it means?
08:04:25Russit calls the kernel
08:04:40erikmRuss: afaik HZ=100
08:04:47Russit jumps to the kernel, passes 0 in r0, and the arch number in r1
08:04:53Russerikm: what is it on x86?
08:05:02Sammy_but , I don't see any function ?
08:05:10Sammy_point function ?
08:05:29erikmSammy_: theKernel() is a function pointer
08:05:46RussSammy_: read up on the c faq
08:05:55Russ: excuse me?
08:05:55Russibot: google c faq
08:06:23Sammy_but the function is in which file ?
08:06:44Russthe kernel
08:06:45erikmSammy_: there is no such function. it is a function pointer. get your copy of K&R and look it up
08:07:06Russthe comp.os.c faq is pretty good and available everywhere online
08:08:30Sammy_Thanx I'll find Out ...!!
08:09:57erikmgets coffee
08:21:13BZFlagibot: search google for "c faq"
08:21:26BZFlag: Google can't find c faq
08:21:49BZFlagibot: search google for "comp.os.c faq"
08:21:52BZFlag: Google can't find comp.os.c faq
08:22:01BZFlagibot: search google for comp.os.c faq
08:22:05BZFlag: Google can't find comp.os.c faq
08:22:14BZFlagwhacks ibot
08:22:53Russibot: search google for pr0n
08:22:56Russ: Google can't find pr0n
08:23:08Russwow, it really is broken then
08:33:07Russhow goes the pcmcia then?
08:34:25BZFlag#TuxScreen no change. card gets seen, but I can't get any devices to work
08:34:42BZFlagI suspect we need cardmgr and cardctl now.
08:34:51BZFlagpcmcia utils basically.
08:35:25Russwhat about other cards?
08:35:31BZFlaghave to get an ipaq here side by side to compare
08:35:46Russdo they all give a 5V warning?
08:35:47BZFlagtried pcnet 3v and sandisk cf
08:36:22BZFlagafaik cf is 3v only so the cf card can not be asking for 5v
08:36:42Russstate_array->state[1].vs_3v  = 0; maybe this should be 1
08:38:22Russdoes it give the reset warning?
08:39:13Russand does anything else besides the PCMCIA_CD_0/1 show up new in /proc/interrupts when you insert a card?
08:40:20Russand under /proc/interrupts, is the interrupt count for PCMCIA_CD_0 going up?
08:40:50BZFlagon inset pcnet or CF : shannon_pcmcia_configure_socket(): CS asked for 5V, applying 3.3V..
08:40:51BZFlagshannon_pcmcia_configure_socket(): Warning, Can't perform reset      
08:40:51BZFlagshannon_pcmcia_configure_socket(): CS asked for 5V, applying 3.3V..
08:40:51BZFlagshannon_pcmcia_configure_socket(): Warning, Can't perform reset    
08:40:51BZFlagshannon_pcmcia_configure_socket(): CS asked for 5V, applying 3.3V..
08:40:51BZFlagshannon_pcmcia_configure_socket(): Warning, Can't perform reset
08:41:54BZFlag45,46 in /proc/interrupts show CD_0 and CD_1 count is 0 for both.
08:42:44BZFlagI do get a link light on the pcnet card and traffic indicator.
08:45:38erikmI don't think the tuxscreen will arrive on time over here, but if there is one at marc's place, I can start hacking over there :)
08:47:17erikmbtw, I have some scripts that allow you to build multiple versions of blob at the same time
08:47:42Russusefull for distribution I suppose
08:47:52erikmI currently build for all architectures plus all archs with debug
08:48:09erikmuseful for development, so you can see if your changes don't break other archs
08:49:58BZFlaggot a check in the mail from marc today. his phone will go out tomorrow.
08:50:54BZFlagdoes he have equipment around? I could unlock the flash before I send it. then all you need is inferno and a null modem cable.
08:51:28erikmsome equipment
08:51:41erikmif you could unlock the flash already, it would be nice
08:51:56erikmIIRC he has a soldering iron right now.
08:52:09erikmhe had one before, but that was radio shack quality...
08:52:50BZFlagyou won't need that unless you want to hook up the jtag.
08:53:00BZFlagor I suppose you could solder in the 12 leads...
08:53:01erikmBZFlag: I think we'll do that anyway
08:53:24BZFlaggrabs a phone...
08:53:31erikmdoes it need the same kind of flash dongle as the lart needs?
08:53:45Russsimilar, but needs some hacking of pins
08:53:56Russand a header is usefull
08:54:12erikmhmm, is that somewhere on the tuxscreen pages?
08:54:29Russ boot
08:54:31erikmif so, I'd better get the necessary components over here.
08:56:11BZFlag              total         used         free       shared      buffers
08:56:12BZFlag  Mem:        14576         2932        11644            0            4
08:56:12BZFlag Swap:            0            0            0
08:56:12BZFlagTotal:        14576         2932        11644
08:56:15BZFlaghelpful? ;-)
08:56:21Russnot really
08:57:17RussArchitecture: Shannon (AKA: Tuxscreen)
08:57:23RussI did change that little line
08:59:46erikmright, so I need the components for a LART flash dongle, a couple of headers, a connector, lots of wire, and a PCB board
09:00:39erikmI'd better buy the components over here. the electronics shop over here (a) just has the parts, and (b) knows what you're talking about.
09:01:39erikmmuch better than the RS in marc's neighborhood: "you've got questions, we've got blank stares" :)
09:01:55BZFlagpulls the mem from marc's phone and hooks up 12v
09:05:34BZFlagflash unlocked...
09:08:16BZFlagmem back, and boxing up.
09:09:55BZFlaghis check says #87 but the back of the letter says #87 (house number) know which is right?
09:10:05BZFlager letter says #84
09:10:39erikmlet me look. 87 sounds familiar...
09:11:15BZFlagahh, email also says 87
09:11:24BZFlagletter must be a typo.
09:11:25erikm87 ferris place
09:12:38erikmchecks another source
09:12:49erikmyes, 87
09:13:01BZFlagthat's ok, we are 3 out of 4 now. ok, 4 out of 5. ;-)
09:14:06BZFlagare you taking a laptop? you might want to DL, install and test inferno first. Course you won't need it if you get jtag working.
09:14:21erikmI'll take my laptop with me
09:16:19erikmBZFlag: no risk, no fun. of course we'll go for linux :)
09:16:21BZFlagI'm running inferno under 2.4.7 on debian unstable. x 4.0.3 supports the inferno graphics apps.
09:16:47erikminferno runs in a virtual machine or so?
09:16:48BZFlagI'd blast blob on, but you might want to play with inferno first.
09:17:06BZFlagyep. virtual machine under linux/solaris/win32
09:17:25erikmruns 2.4.8-pre2 on debian stable+bunk updates
09:17:32BZFlaghe's got net access I presume. ;-)
09:17:44erikmyes, no problems
09:18:33erikmoops, siglunch
15:57:12erikmhi Russ
16:05:31erikmtell me about function pointers... :)
16:06:22Russ|werkI don't know, I can only code in java
16:06:36Russ|werkwhats a pointer?
16:07:06erikmjust found his K&R book. somebody put it in the library while it has a clear note in it that it belongs in *my* room
16:07:20Russ|werkI saw some code the other day where every if statement was like:
16:07:45Russ|werkif ( 0 != funcAB( &foo, 5 ) )
16:08:17erikmyeah, seen that. there is som insane reason behind it. can't remember what
16:09:48erikmnot as bad as:
16:09:56erikmchar *foo(void)
16:10:04erikm  bar[42];
16:10:16erikm  strcpy(bar, "hello, world!\');
16:10:21erikm  return bar;
16:10:58erikm(that was from a guy who did C++ first)
16:11:57Russ|werkI like the 0 != .....
16:18:22Russ|werkwb tim
16:23:07BZFlagcheckin in before headin in. ;-)
17:07:37erikm"Some how a lo of you mail is coming to me. please ease my name from your
17:07:37erikmmailing list.
17:07:48erikm(from the LART list)
17:12:28erikmturns out that he even isn't subscribed
17:12:28Russ|werkdon't you have a footer?
17:12:35erikmof course we have
17:13:03erikmbut he's using outlook, so I suppose he can't read
17:13:58erikm(lot's of outlook users suffer from that)
17:14:42Russ|werkI haven't got any worms yet
17:14:58erikmonly one sircam message today
17:15:25Russ|werkgood to know I'm not in someone's address book that is intelligent enough to propogate those
17:18:29erikmproblem is that you don't have to be in the address book
18:10:29Russ|werkfind a power adapter?
18:11:06rmknot yet - it'll be a while until I do
18:16:12BZFlagshould be buildable, but I'm not sure what the PFI pin needs to do
18:16:59Russ|werkhe just needs a UK<->US
18:25:10rmkBZ: these are Philips devices, aren't they?
18:27:01Russ|werkthe keyboard is from sejin
18:27:18rmkjust out of interest, do they contain firmware already?
18:27:29erikmrmk: yes, inferno
18:27:39Russ|werkits philips, not phillips
18:28:20erikmRuss|werk: yes, philips. eindhoven, the netherlands.
18:30:51BZFlagrmk: yes. Philips IS2630 originally.
18:31:57rmkWhat's the story behind porting Linux to it?  Just because its got a StrongARM?
18:32:06BZFlagthey contain inferno: monitor (boot), sboot (debug interface) kernel, rootfs w/ web browser, email app, contact manager, callerid, tel directory, notepad, etc.
18:32:07erikmlooks to BZFlag
18:32:29Russ|werkand its cheap, has a touchscreen, pcmcia slots
18:32:51BZFlaglinux cause nobody seems to be able to support the apps that are on them now, and cause they are cheap. ;-)
18:33:07erikmrmk: for me it's just "a phone with a StrongARM", cool
18:33:17rmkerikm: heh
18:33:45rmkWell, I'm assuming that the phone isn't certified for the UK phone network
18:34:34BZFlagno. phone is US style. from what I hear there was a french version as well, but I have none of those.
18:34:51erikmrmk: I'll just hook it up to my ISDN switch, so it's legal for me
18:35:19BZFlagright, the idea is to get voip working and use an ethernet card. ;-)
18:36:28rmkdiscovers the resume of someone who worked on Inferno on this machine
18:36:40rmk"Frank Edward Barrus"
18:37:00I haven't seen 'quite', Russ|werk
18:37:00Russ|werkrmk: seen quite a few of those in my searches for info
18:41:07BZFlagFrank == Shaggy
18:41:23Russ|werkah...I see
18:41:28BZFlag, I didn't have anything matching 'quite'
18:41:28BZFlagibot: forget quite
18:42:13rmkhmm, plan9.ini ?
18:42:41I haven't seen 'quite', Russ|werk
18:42:41Russ|werkBZFlag: seen quite
18:42:56Russ|werkBZFlag: see
18:43:00BZFlagheh, yep. plan9 almost equals inferno
18:43:23Russ|werkit thinks I'm asking if ibot has seen `quite`
18:43:43I haven't seen 'that,', BZFlag
18:43:43BZFlagRuss|werk: seen that, before, I was just checking
18:44:18Russ|werkwas that on purpose?
18:44:20BZFlagrmk: so did you get yours? and have you booted it yet?
18:44:33I haven't seen 'the', BZFlag
18:44:33BZFlagRuss|werk: seen the way I did that?
18:45:48BZFlaghopes to avoid /.ing for the next week while he's out of town... ;-)
18:46:05rmkBZ: I've got it, but I need a 110V supply
20:32:18erikmtests trivial "max size" patch
20:33:58Russ|werkgood thinking
20:40:27erikmblob> flash blob
20:40:28erikmSaving blob to flash *** Downloaded image too large for flash area
20:40:28erikm*** (0x00023800 downloaded, maximum size is 0x00020000 bytes
20:41:25rmkthinks you need a blob and a bit to reflash with a bigger blob
20:41:39erikmrmk: that's what I did
20:42:09erikmdd if=lart/src/blob of=foo bs=1k conv=sync
20:42:19erikmdd if=dev/zero of=foo bs=1k seek=14 count=128
20:44:37Russ|werkcan you think of any other user mistake fixes?
20:45:28erikmRuss|werk: not really
20:46:03erikmRuss|werk: oh, yeah: one thing: add a parameter to blinky
20:46:15erikmRuss|werk: should be easy
20:47:28erikmOK, I'm going home
20:47:49erikmI'm taking a few days off before I fly to the US
20:48:17Russ|werkhave fun in new york
20:48:55erikmI think I will resurface on the net monday or tuesday
20:49:16erikmthough I will check my email tomorrow
20:50:15erikmRuss|werk: if you could put in a parametrised blinky be my guest. otherwise I will do it monday or tuesday and release the whole stuff as blob-2.0.3

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