irclog2html for blob on 2001.07.29 with jtag
07:59:14Russwb rmk
08:07:38rmkcu Russ.
21:29:43rmkah, you!
21:30:06rmkhas committed the whole of this weekends work on the jtag stuff to CVS
21:30:32rmkI'm in the middle of writing a perl-based BSDL to .inf file converter
21:31:43rmkboundary scan data library stuff.
21:31:46Russhey, I tried that unknown jtag device
21:32:13RussI kept trying to get it to boundry scan, but 0xbeef in, and get 0xbeef out
21:32:31Russevery 10 or so tries, I would get 0xbeef out
21:32:43Russother times, I would get 0xbe00
21:33:01Russstuff like that
21:33:37rmkwhich unknown jtag device?
21:33:48Russthe one one the shannon
21:36:24Russand it didn't seem like it mattered what instruction I used
21:36:45Russit was like the device was not quite jtag and only had a boundry scan mode
21:40:05rmkI was looking at the ARM720T stuff - it has 5 or so different scan chains it can connect into the jtag chain
21:45:01rmkfixes the SA1100 .inf file
21:48:37Russlots of debug stuff
21:49:02Russreally cool to be able to look at a bootloader with gdb
22:03:36rmkok, everythings in CVS for the Assabet jtag flash reader
22:04:38rmkstill need to pull stuff out into a "flash" jtag driver library
22:04:53rmkbut main thing is that what's there is 90% clean now
22:07:31rmkhasn't committed the BSDL->.inf file converter yet - tomorrow for that.

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