irclog2html for blob on 2001.07.28

02:13:14Russ was last seen on #tuxscreen 18 hours, 38 minutes and 44 seconds ago, saying: or [Fri Jul 27 08:34:30 2001]
02:13:14BZFlagibot: seen Russ
02:13:19Russ|werk was last seen on #blob 3 hours, 32 minutes and 26 seconds ago, saying: I imagine you don't want to screw with an NDA [Fri Jul 27 23:40:53 2001]
02:13:19BZFlagibot: seen Russ|werk
05:42:46RussI'm here
17:08:34rmkwhee, jread works ;)
19:42:32Russrmk: jflash cleaning up nice?
19:43:34Russserenade what?
19:43:37rmkwell, not jflash, but jread
19:46:28Russonce you get all the cell stuff done, will jflash be sa1100/sa1110 independant?
19:46:49rmkshould be.
19:47:08Russ(besides different flash and plaiting)
19:47:26rmkI do need someway of describing various setup things first tho.
19:48:07rmk(at the moment, quite a bit is done by hard-coded lookups for things like "A26..A0" and "D31..D0", "nOE" etc
19:50:33RussI think something that would set the proper chip selects, data direction, and address lines for a paticular 32 bit address read/write
19:50:48Russmaybe thats too high level
19:52:33Russwas there any serial console sysrq problem in 2.4.6-rmk2 or 2.4.6-rmk2-np1?
19:52:55rmkdon't remember any
19:53:14Russnever worked on the tuxscreen for me
19:55:31rmk512KB read using a slow machine: real    2m23.092s
19:55:50Russsounds about righ
19:56:05Russbut again, I think your limitation is the parallel port
19:57:09rmkhmm, the possibilities are endless... could implement a gdb debugger stub on top of this...
19:57:16Russwhat you really need is to attach 4 gpio's to the jtag lines, and pet send schedule timeout's in the driver to keep it at 20MHz
19:57:31Russrmk: you'd need something other than a SA11x0
19:57:45Russbut I imagine you do
19:59:17rmkthinks implementing a SDRAM driver via jtag will be _really_, probably too slow
20:00:16Russit would be impossible
20:00:26Russthere would be no way to catch the refreshes
20:00:59Russmuch less match the read/write timings
20:03:31rmkI'm going to have to do a massive cleanup on the jread code - most of the stuff I bunged into there should be in a library.
20:06:26Russmaybe a flash memory library can go along with it
20:07:01rmkcould do - you feed it the device, and the offsets in the boundary chain to wiggle for various things, and it does the rest.
20:07:36RussI mean for something like jflash to communicate with the flash memory attatched to the CPU
20:36:24rmklooks at erikm
20:37:09erikmhi rmk
20:37:25Russmorning erikm
20:37:37erikmnah, evening
20:37:55rmkvery late evening to you too
20:37:57erikmcomputer maintenance at parents place
20:38:00Russyah, so, its 2:30 here and I woke up less than an hour ago
20:40:50erikmI've been thinking a bit about blob (wow, what a surprise! :), and I don't think we should put the parameter block stuff in right now
20:41:09Russwhat else is there to fix first
20:41:35erikmnothing, I just get the feeling that it will take quite some time to get it right
20:41:42Russbefore cramfs/jffs2/tftp stuff goes in, I would think it would need a paramater blocks
20:42:13Russmake a head tag, tail tag, and a tag y/n load ramdisk tag
20:42:43Russthen add a autoboot timeout tag
20:42:50erikmyes, I know, I know. but I think we'd better declare what we now have "stable"
20:42:57Russjust some stuff to get the ball rolling
20:42:59Russoh, that
20:43:05RussI suppose thats important
20:43:23erikmbecause the other stuff will take at least a month to stabalise
20:44:18rmkwonders if the command line processor will accept ^u as well as ^h/del
20:44:21Russadd flash timings maybe?
20:45:04erikmrmk: not yet
20:45:19rmktakes that to mean "in time, yes"
20:45:59erikmrmk: yes :)
20:46:11erikmRuss: you mean flash memory setup?
20:47:13erikmRuss: that would be OK, not really intrusive
20:51:50erikmgoes zzz
21:02:03Russhey BZFlag
21:09:40BZFlaghey. recovered yet from lack of sleep? ;-)
21:10:19Russslept 14 hours
21:11:45Russhey, its a little past 3
21:11:56Russ(24hr disconnect at work)
21:12:47BZFlag3pm, yes? I'm in UT, 4pm here.
21:22:57Russflash timings for shannon committed to blob
21:27:13Russhrmm...maybe I did something wrong...erasing sectors seems like it might be taking longer...
21:29:16Russon, why does it say "Lucent DSP")
21:47:01Russyou there?
21:47:42rmkwho, here? ;)
21:50:28BZFlagfrom time to time.
21:50:44Russwhy does it refer to a "Lucent DSP" on the tuxscreen pages?
21:51:01BZFlagRuss: that should be where the docs on the DSP go. if and when we get some.
21:51:17Russwhere did you find out its a lucent DSP
21:51:49BZFlagthat's just a rumor. the link has been there all along. I just reformatted the page to remove the frames, and left that one there.
21:52:02Russwhere did the rumor start
21:52:12Russthis would be the hidden chip
21:54:45rmkspots a jtag connection point ;)
21:54:55Russyah, I was thinking about that
21:55:11Russbut I once I read the ID code, where do I look it up?
21:56:23rmkBZ: do these come with 230V power supplies as well as 110V ?
22:24:32rmkBZ: please mail me the answer ;)

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