irclog2html for blob on 2001.07.26

00:32:45saminHi everyone !! is me sammy ............!!
00:37:15sammy_Russ : is me sammy ,the server say my Nick name is as the same as someone , but how does it happen ? how can I solve this ?
00:47:27Russwhen "sammy" logs off, use nickserv to register the nick
00:52:41sammy_ammm....but how to do ?...
06:42:46sammy_BZFlag: how to do that ? change one nick name to another ...?
06:47:07sammy_can U show me please .....!! type what command ?
06:52:55sammy_ho !! ho !! I know
06:55:29sammy_BZFlag : how about your son ? is him better ?
06:56:03BZFlagsammy_: just type /nick NewNick
06:56:19sammy_ya !!
06:56:46BZFlagsammy_: thanx for asking. his hands have burn marks on them, but no swelling. he was in a good mode today. makes me happy. ;-)
06:58:14sammy_omm!! good for that ...!!
09:41:23Sammy_Hello ...!!
09:41:29erikmhello *
09:48:28erikmRuss: I am not too sure about the initrd tag, that's why I didn't put it in yet
09:48:40erikmRuss: I first want to discuss with rmk
09:55:16erikmRuss: it doesn't even work with root=/dev/hda1 so I back it out until we have proper parameter block support
10:10:38BZFlagerikm: he left
10:10:55BZFlagcheck out: ;-)
10:12:16erikmI just backed out his change because it breaks on LART
10:12:54BZFlagwell, you will sonn have a shannon to test on. ;-)
10:12:59BZFlagI gotta sleep... nite
15:24:31Russerikm_dinner: it still boots anything else fine
15:24:50Russthe initrd memory is freed whin it discovers its not booting from initrd
19:22:56erikmdinner outside in the city. good restaurant. good salmon. excellent wine
19:23:22Russ|werkgood stuff, be glad you don't live somewhere the UK
19:24:17erikmyeah. UK has good restaurants as well. pity they can only be found in london
19:24:47erikmI resolved it with rmk
19:24:59erikmreal fix will be in 2.4.7-rmk2
19:25:05Russ|werkI had given up by the time I went to london
19:25:12Russ|werkerikm: what is the fix?
19:25:55erikmwell, basically the same as I posted to the list, but now the PHYSADDR_TO_NID() macro is nicely hidden in an include file
19:26:09erikmwhich needed quite some reshuffling in the kernel
19:26:37Russ|werkwhat does this have to do with the initrd tag?
19:26:44erikmthat's different
19:27:12erikminitrd tag didn't work on LART cause it expected also a ATAG_RAMDISK tag
19:27:20erikmI'll commit the change
19:27:39erikmdo you also expand to an 8MB ramdisk on shannon and nesa?
19:28:34erikmthe name INITRD is misleading, BTW. better name is RAMDISK_IMAGE
19:28:39Russ|werk...I took the ramdisk() and initrd() out of fixup
19:28:48erikmthat crashed on LART.
19:29:08Russ|werkwell then thas bad
19:29:11Russ|werker, thats bad
19:29:22erikmright now I can work without fixup function, but I need the RAMDISK tag
19:29:35Russ|werkit will be resolved with the paramater block
19:29:36erikmdo you expand to an 8MB ramdisk or a 4MB ramdisk?
19:29:57Russ|werkbut ramdisk is still iffy
19:30:04erikmhmm, I make it a define in main.h then
19:30:19Russ|werkmaybe with the new cpu timing register, it will be better
19:30:29Russ|werk0xa0 couldn't of been doing anything helpfull
19:33:48Russ|werkerikm: can you take a look at my sa1100fb patches? I had to do weird things for dual scan that I don't think are right
19:34:46erikmI think you'd better take them up with rmk
19:34:52erikmhe maintains the stuff right now
19:35:14Russ|werkI noticed the sanity checking (CHECK_COMPAT) stuff was fairly broken
19:35:44Russ|werkwas that changing from an old style, to a new style, and he put that in there to verify the new style was correct?
19:36:08erikmIIRC 2.4.7-rmk1 has all #warning converted to #error
19:36:18erikm"no pain, no gain" -- Dave Miller
19:36:41erikmin that way people will *have* to fix it
19:36:47Russ|werkwhere should I be doing the GPIO_DISP_EN  stuff?
19:37:27Russ|werkalso, a bunch of the GPIO pins on the UCB1300 control the back/front light power/intensity/contrast
19:37:41Russ|werkshould I add that to sa1100_fronlight, or is the sa1100fb code
19:38:19erikmdoes rmk have sa1100_frontlight, or is it an np invention?
19:38:31erikmif the last, you'd better take it up with rmk first
19:38:40Russ|werkfairly certain its np, it *very* ugly code
19:38:47erikmok, that must be np
19:39:03Russ|werkand it has a dynamically allocated major
19:39:14erikmnot that nico wrote it, but that usually means that he includes it in his tree so people can use it
19:39:17Russ|werkmaybe there should be a /proc lcd control
19:39:36erikmI think it can be  fairly easy a /dev/fb ioctl
19:39:40Russ|werkwell, someone wrote it for assabet, and it was probably pretty clean
19:40:00Russ|werkbut then someone went in and added freebird support
19:40:11erikmthen somebody else started hacking it for other platforms and made the code unreadable by putting in lots of #ifdefs in code
19:40:47Russ|werkif I made an fb ioctl, I would need to make fb somehow depend on ucb1200 for the shannon arch
19:40:53Russ|werkor not
19:40:57Russ|werkjust #ifdef UCB
19:41:38Russ|werkso if UCB isn't compiled, there aren't any such ioctl's
19:41:55Russ|werkI'll email arm-linux-kernel later about it
19:42:18Russ|werkcontrast and intensity seem like they should be ioctl's to the fb
19:45:11Russ|werkshould I set all my gpio direction registers in shannon.c?
19:45:27erikmno, only the most necessary
19:45:30erikmsee lart
20:28:26erikmhmm, is that motorola guy -ENOCLUE, or -ETOOLAZY?
20:46:14Russ|werkI don't know, so many like him...
20:46:23Russ|werkand these bluecat users...
20:58:58erikmgotta go

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