irclog2html for blob on 2001.07.25

00:07:45sammyGood Morning all .........!!
00:08:23BZFlagmorning sammy. TuxScreen blob is booting thanx to Russ.
00:08:40BZFlagnite... ;-)
03:01:24sammywelcome back ...!!
03:01:38sammyare U  sleeping or not ?
03:02:48BZFlagI should bem but I'm not.
03:02:58BZFlager I should be, but I'm not.
03:03:37Russworking on diff, touchscreen, and frontlight
03:03:42Russer diffs
03:04:26sammyor something like insomnolence ?
03:04:32RussBZFlag: how you doing on sa1100fb.cL
03:04:36Russer, .c
03:07:56sammyif I porting blob and kernel on LART and then want show something like "Hello World" on screen ,can I use QT GUI from iPAQ on it ?
03:08:15Russwhat screen?
03:08:43sammylike LCD or termil screen on PC
03:08:50Russwhich one
03:09:14sammyLCD ...
03:09:28Russwhy wouldn't you be able to?
03:11:21BZFlagRuss: not working on it yet.
03:11:31BZFlagrebuilding with jffs2 support.
03:12:13BZFlagRuss: what happened to the blob jffs2 patches? Should we look at those next?
03:12:53Russsoon, I use them at work, along with the cramfs ones
03:13:23BZFlagMy son burned his hands on sparklers tonight, so I'm not expecting much sleep or work will get done tonight.
03:13:59BZFlagpatches: nice. I should get back to work on the tftp patches too.
03:17:26BZFlagyeah. he was doing so well with just holding the tip, but then after like 20 sparklers he had one go out and grabbed the top to bring it back.
03:17:51BZFlagIt hurt just watching him, we grabbed fast and shouted, but it was too late.
03:18:17sammyand how about your son ? is he alright ?
03:18:51BZFlagsammy: he will be, but he'll be sore tomorrow and we probably won't get much sleep tonight.
03:19:17BZFlagI did manage to rock him to sleep a little while ago, so he is sleeping now.
03:19:54BZFlagRuss: what what the name of that jffs2 image you had?
03:20:09BZFlagand is there a tarball so we can fix the terminal speed?
03:22:24sammyGod prays your cute son !!
03:22:49RussBZFlag: the nico image?
03:25:11Russgetting ready to make some images of my own
03:26:47BZFlagsammy: thanx.
03:28:46Russbuilding uClibc now
03:35:01BZFlagponders changing all foo (foo@bar) entries in AUTHOR to foo <foo@bar> as they should be. ;-)
03:37:38BZFlagheh, did it. there's a useless patch for ya. ;-)
03:37:51BZFlagbah on me or uClibc?
03:38:03Russon the changing things
03:39:15BZFlagI'm bored while waiting for my fs to upload
03:39:56Russyou done with sa1100fb yet? getting impatient
03:40:52BZFlagheh. did you check out the ts blob version to get the splash code?
03:41:36RussUCB1200 generic module installed
03:41:36Russucb1200 touch screen driver initialized
03:41:36Russucb1200 adc driver initialized        
03:41:36RussUCB1200 audio driver version 2.2 initialized
03:41:54RussFrontlight Driver Initialized...
03:42:06BZFlagand then?
03:42:29Russthe jffs2 scan get stuck...
03:42:34RussNetWinder Floating Point Emulator V0.95 (c) 1998-1999
03:43:01Russthe Frontlight driver should allow the setting of brightness, contrast, and power management
03:53:25BZFlagblob needs erase...
03:53:44Russbuilds a busybox
03:53:57BZFlagwhen you flash the jffs2 image it should erase the rest of the partition.
03:54:10BZFlagelse the jffs2 scan will have trouble.
03:54:16BZFlagdoes it do that now?
03:54:58RussI think jffs2 might do that on its own
03:55:13Russ...unless there was a jffs2 partition there before....
03:56:02BZFlagif it finds any non-jffs2 blocks it prints warnings etc.
03:56:12Russthats ok
03:56:17BZFlagif it finds a completely empty block it uses it.
03:56:38BZFlagelse it ignores the block IIRC.
03:57:15BZFlagthere was a bug posted where jffs2 would erase non-jffs2 filesystems, so the erase unknown block code was removed.
03:57:26Russit was?
03:57:29Russthats not right
03:57:42BZFlagit should erase other filesystems?
03:57:44Russoh, wait, I see what you are saying
03:57:56RussI think it sees if it can find something jffs2 first
03:58:59BZFlagI think it will try to erase any blocks after the valid image till the end of the partition, but if it finds one random suspected good block, that will mess up.
03:59:19BZFlaghence the need for the bootloader to erase the remaining blocks.
04:00:28BZFlagI just uploaded a 3M file of 0xff, that did it, but took a while as you can imagine.
04:02:27Russthe nico image is nearly 3M
04:04:02Russbuilding tinylogin....
04:11:20BZFlagyeah, I just remounted / rw and it reports 0 free
04:15:24RussI noticed
04:18:24BZFlagthough it did find like 20 blocks that it marked dirty!?
04:18:54Russthen its probably an image thats aleady been used
04:19:06Russer, why is it dirty
04:19:43BZFlagdont know.
04:19:56BZFlagI wrote all 0xff first remember.
04:25:20BZFlagempty blocks should get marked dirty till GC erases them later.
04:41:16BZFlagI mailed the jffs list, and forgot to mention the kernel version... ;-/
06:48:19sammy{{{{{{{ sammy }}}}}}}
08:12:26sammywhat's up !?
08:12:34erikmcvs update on the wrong branch
08:18:30sammyerikm: where U define the Ser1UTDR1 and UTCR0_1StpBit
08:21:03sammyand as U say that  CVS add the command and support on blob
08:21:53sammymeans can get new blob from CVS again the same way ....?
09:37:22sammygo ....
17:43:27erikmrelocation went ok
17:43:35erikmnow compiling a kernel
17:44:40Russ|werkand supposively paramaters will pass?
17:46:00erikmI hope so
17:48:31erikmlet's try it immediately with the hard disk as root
17:48:36erikmno risk no fun, right?
17:53:02erikmok, half of it works
17:53:12erikmide_setup: idebus=33
17:53:20erikmso the commandline node works
17:53:34erikmapparently the memory nodes don't
17:54:07erikmand the root node also works
17:57:42erikmputs some debug printks into the kernel
18:02:23Russ|werkyou didn't before?
18:09:14erikmblob> boot console=ttySA0,9600 idebus=33 root=/dev/hda1 single
18:09:23erikmKernel command line:  console=ttySA0,9600 idebus=33 root=/dev/hda1 single
18:09:29erikmMemory: 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB 64MB = 96MB total
18:09:46erikmGive root password for maintenance
18:09:46erikm(or type Control-D for normal startup):
18:20:37Russ|werkvery nice
18:20:49Russ|werkcan you email me the patch to lart.c?
18:22:03erikmRuss|werk: not yet, it needs some other kernel work as well
18:22:22Russ|werklike what?
18:22:52erikmthe node ID is not correctly set when using ATAG_MEM nodes
18:23:22Russ|werkI'm confused
18:23:50Russ|werkif you use ATAG_MEM nodes, do you have to change you <sa1100_arch>.c file around?
18:24:29erikmyes, first of all you have to tell where your bootloader puts the arguments
18:25:07erikmRuss|werk: and because blob is the first bootloader on SA1100 that properly uses the ATAG_* stuff, we're running into a bug right now
18:32:23erikmre BZFlag
18:32:40erikmBZFlag: so marc also ordered a tuxscreen
18:35:37erikmBZFlag: (marc == marc joosen)
18:37:11Russ|werkso all the arches that want to use ATAG_MEM need to modify their arch file with an ifdef atag bootloader?
18:37:33rmkno, we're solving it...
18:37:40erikmno, they can also use the older, less flexible format
18:38:28erikmbut the new format is pretty neat. the old one couldn't describe more than one memory zone, the new one has no problems with that
18:38:49rmkand its far more flexible and extendable
18:39:19erikmrmk: I suppose you're going to ditch the old one in 2.5?
18:39:40rmknope - I made a promise to keep it around for the next 5 years
18:40:06rmkthere's too many boot loaders out there to modify ;(
18:40:16erikmput such a comment in the source
18:42:24Russ|werkbtw, what exactly is an assabet frontlight
18:42:25rmkpatch? ;)
18:43:03erikmrmk: will do
19:33:01BZFlagerikm: I got marc's order. will ship tomorrow.
19:33:20erikmBZFlag: he will be enlightened ;)
19:33:45erikmBZFlag: (and I will have something to hack on when I'm in the US)

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