irclog2html for blob on 2001.07.21

00:01:39Russ|werkok, I have to get going though as it is a friday, I'll probably work on it a little on the weekend, or when I get in monday
00:03:23anderseek.  You are all set up....
00:03:34anderseeThe website now lives in your home dir...  
00:04:03anderseeThanks for the rewrite btw.  I'll have to take a look over it, but I have a feeling I'm going to be impressed
00:05:11Russ|werkthe only thing I really need to add in is a config file command line option so it can handle multilpe interfaces
00:06:06anderseeI set the loginfo line to 'udhcpd-web (cd /home/russ/udhcpd-web ; cvs up -Q )' so it should now update the site automagically for you...
07:50:26Russhey, neato, I got my "you may allready be a winner" letter from the IRS today
07:50:33Russand some jtag parts
08:05:25BZFlagbargin. I got parts 2 days ago and the letter today.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot logs, split per channel and by date, etc.