irclog2html for blob on 2001.07.20

08:05:51sammy: bugger all, i dunno
08:05:51sammyibot : are U on line .............?
08:06:59sammyare U a  "Blob" user ?
08:17:37sammyHello ...lxrbot  !!
08:17:50sammyGood morning erikm ...!!
08:18:50erikmsammy: lxrbot is an irc bot
08:18:57erikmlxrbot: have a botsnack
08:19:01lxrboterikm: i don't know
08:19:14erikmlxrbot: what is linux?
08:19:14lxrbotlinux is a free OS designed to be similar to UNIX. It has almost all of the functionality of UNIX, despite its non-UNIX nature. The code and the support for Linux comes from the users and developers of the operating system. The latest version of the Linux kernel can be obtained from, or one of its mirrors.
08:20:01erikmsammy: it usually lives only on #kernelnewbies, but I told it to join #blob as well
08:21:25sammyoh !! welcome ...!! and also be my teacher ...!!
10:20:10sammyerikm : if I buy LART + KSB in the package is  that with dongle ?
10:20:40erikmsammy: I suppose so, yes.
10:20:44erikmsammy: ask Aleph1
10:22:27sammybut I ask them twice , and they answer just like the list on web side ....!!
10:22:59sammywhat is "JTAG connecter " is that mean dongle ...!?
10:26:01sammyand "serial cable " is serial port connecter !! right ?
10:26:53sammyif anything I lost about all package ...!!
10:28:53sammybecause the money is not pay by me ,so if that guy find out something I lost ,and can't work on time , He will Kill me ...!!so I must be sure ...!!
10:30:40erikmsammy: I know the guys from Aleph1 and Remote12, and I'm quite sure that they will deliver a complete package
10:30:49erikmsammy: especially the book is quite good
10:33:01erikmlooks at the aleph1 page
10:34:11erikmyes, the package contains the necessart components
10:34:50sammyfrom your promiss , it's make me relieved............s.......h.........u..........
10:37:04sammyand I only need to buy LCD board additional and then it will can work right ?
10:37:19erikmLCD is a bit more tricky
10:38:13sammyI know but I can't describe.....
10:39:03sammywhat U describe about that ?
10:40:10erikmyou can't directly connect an LCD, you always need to make a little interface board to route the correct KSB LCD signals to the LCD
10:41:20sammybut it not in LART package right ?
10:41:31erikmnot really difficult for a hardware guy, but working out the correct routing is just a lot of work
10:41:56erikmno, because there are thousands of LCDs out there each of them with a different connector layout
10:42:56sammybut that circuit diagram is open ?
10:43:33erikmKSB is diagram is open, and together with the LCD panel data sheet it's easy to work out
10:45:46sammyoh !! in this ..I must talk to our wharwave partner...!!
10:46:47sammysorry "hardwave"
11:22:37sammymore them 12hr ....., hungry ......!! it's time to eat dinner ....!!
14:55:44Russ<sammy> ibot : are U on line .............?
14:55:48Russ<ibot> sammy: bugger all, i dunno
14:55:56Russ<sammy> are U a  "Blob" user ?
15:02:47erikmRuss: rofl
15:04:00erikmRuss: did you see the conversation he had with lxrbot?
16:33:35erikmhi tim
16:33:50BZFlaghey erim
16:33:55BZFlagtopic wars. ;-)
16:34:13BZFlagoh, ibot it mine...
16:34:18BZFlagibot: 1+1?
16:41:06erikmBZFlag: he
17:16:57Russ|werkI know memoserv
17:17:17Russ|werkI just figured, might as well use the topic for something
17:25:26erikmRuss|werk: oh, btw the "doesn't time out after reboot" problem is solved
17:25:36erikmRuss|werk: I'll commit my changes
17:25:50erikmRuss|werk: it's not completely clean though
17:26:51erikmRuss|werk: the timer functions are now using the OS timer, but that wraps after 20 minutes or so
17:27:18erikmRuss|werk: so to make it clean I should test for wraparounds
17:29:45BZFlagerikm: cool.
17:30:18erikmoh, and I also changed every \r into \n
17:30:36erikmcosmetic patch, but it looks much cleaner
17:38:39erikmok, time to cvs update your blob trees :)
18:08:02Russ|werkwhy was it \r originally?
18:08:56erikmRuss|werk: I can't remember anymore. but it works like this as well, and it is a bit more natural for UNIX programmers
18:10:06Russ|werkerikm: did you look at your weblogs yesterday?
18:10:17erikmno, why?
18:10:30Russ|werkthe IIS worm that was going around
18:10:41erikmhow to recognise it?
18:11:01Russ|werkits *very* odvious, its a buffer overflow in default.ida
18:11:36Russ|werkshould be in your sogs on the 19th, starting about 2am your time to about 12pm your time
18:11:40Russ|werker, logs got nothing
18:13:23erikmah, wait, it targets ip numbers...
18:14:48erikmthorgal was targeted 14 times
18:15:02Russ|werkyah, thats about how many I had in my logs
18:15:41erikmchecks on the other server
18:15:42Russ|werkpretty amusing, it was supposed to be a DDoS against, but they hardcoded the IP
18:15:53erikmyeah, fools/
18:16:04Russ|werkso they just modified the DNS record and moved the IP
18:17:07erikmbzip2s precompiled gcc-2.95.3
18:19:06Russ|werkcase 4: ((u_int32_t) (optionptr[end + 2])) = htonl(data); break;
18:19:20Russ|werkhmm...that doesn't seem to do what I want it to do
18:19:41Russ|werkoptionptr is of type char, and I want 4 bytes of it filled, oh...duh
18:19:51Russ|werkfeel free to mock me
18:23:21erikmlxrbot: please mock Russ|werk for me
18:23:57Russ|werknow I just need to figure out udp checksums
18:25:18Russ|werkerikm: did you try out my current cs89x0 driver?
18:26:32erikmRuss|werk: not yet, too busy building gcc-3.0
18:31:51Russ|werkwho is working on lxrbot?
18:33:16erikmit's mine
18:33:57erikmruns on a machine on my desk
18:34:28Russ|werkI noticed it was periodicaly leaving and rejoining, so I thought it might be being worked on
18:35:28erikmthat's just a cron job
18:36:04erikmit sometimes gets stuck. the bot thinks it's still connected, but the irc server doesn't
18:36:14erikmkilling it once every 3 hours fixes it
19:14:02erikmprecompile gcc-2.95.3 is available for download from
19:14:26erikmah, 8 IIS worm hits on our other server
19:15:17erikm I mean
20:11:46Russ|werkibot: 60*60*24*10
20:14:43erikmhands Russ|werk xcalc
20:15:04erikmxcalc -rpn even
20:19:52Russ|werkactually, I use x48
20:22:07Russ|werk: excuse me?
20:22:07Russ|werkibot needs that thing that translates typecasts, dererences to english and back
20:27:04erikmhmm, I still have to finish my HP-32S emulator. the engine is in place, now the UI
20:27:56erikmprecompiled gcc-3.0 is also available for download
20:35:44lxrbot is nothing but a spur-galled assload of tottering urine samples.
20:35:44BZFlagibot: insult lxrbot
20:39:13erikmBZFlag: be carful, I'll ask f00f to join
20:39:18erikmcareful even :)
20:53:20BZFlagwonders how ful his car is. ;-)
20:54:51erikmgoes home
22:28:21Russ|werkBZFlag: any chance you could summon the lineo erik again?
22:28:27Russ|werkI finished my dhcp rewrite
23:19:41BZFlagerik is on vacation. back monday.
23:19:56BZFlagHe'll probably be on email though.
23:20:05Russ|werkanyway, majro changes, and it is now fully compliant
23:20:17Russ|werkI'll check it in under a different branch
23:21:13BZFlaglooks like he's logged in at home. I msged him to join us
23:21:56BZFlaghe's coming
23:23:04BZFlagandersee: welcome! ;-)
23:23:57BZFlagandersee: Russ says he made the udhcpd rfc compliant.
23:24:13BZFlagRuss: what were the issues? and what did you do for the leases file?
23:25:05anderseeCool.  I spoke with Matt Ramsey a coupld of days ago, and he is cool with Russ taking things over...  
23:26:41BZFlagRuss lags...
23:31:04Russ|werkoh, sorry
23:31:11Russ|werkother window, testing on arm
23:31:24Russ|werkanyway, its basically a complete rewrite
23:31:44Russ|werkshould I check it in as a udhcp-0_9_0 branch?
23:31:48anderseeWanna tackle the client next (perhaps starting from pump
23:32:20BZFlagjust turn the kernel code into a compliant module. ;-)
23:32:27Russ|werkthats the next step
23:32:54anderseeWhat I would do is make sure that the present suff is tagged in CVS, and then just commit on top of it (doing a 'cvs rm' on whatever is no longer relevant).
23:33:49BZFlagif nobody is maintaining the old, then the new should replace it. ;-)
23:33:53anderseeAlso, if you would like me to, I have MAtt's blessing to let you take over the webpage.  
23:34:43Russ|werkI don't have a ton of time to do html
23:34:55Russ|werkbut I suppose the webpage would need to be updated
23:35:29anderseeI can set apache to point to your home dir.  I can just move the present stuff there, so you can work from that, rather then from scratch
23:37:31Russ|werkI'd probably want to start from the original page
23:38:31anderseek.  Would you like me to set that up now for you?  Would you like the website in CVS as well?
23:38:42Russ|werkyah, that would be great
23:39:13anderseeK.  I'll go set that up for you.  Back in a few minutes....
23:45:46Russ|werkok, commited
23:48:57anderseewhy don't we just fold the udhcpd website into the main udhcpd cvs tree.   Something like udhcpd/docs/www ok?
23:50:57BZFlagI'd rather a separate module, no sense in every developer having to check it out.
23:51:16BZFlagudhcpd-web or some such.
23:51:58anderseeThats how it is now...  Just checking your preferences.
23:51:59Russ|werkI'm with BZFlag
23:53:11anderseeI'll have it belonging to you and have it in your home dir in just a minute then.  I'll set up a cron job to pull it from CVS once per hour...  The sites home dir will be under /home/russ on oss...
23:54:54Russ|werkonce an hour is fine (although it is possible to update on commits)
23:56:14BZFlagnods at Russ|werk, yep, a commit script would be nice. ;-)
23:56:16anderseeIf you just commit and don't care, it'll get updated once per hour.  If you care and want ti faster, login to oss and do a 'cvs up', or just make changes there in the live tree...
23:57:20anderseeI suppose I could write a scipt to be fired from /var/cvs/CVSROOT/loginfo...  Prefer me to just put a cvs co there for you?
23:57:25Russ|werkIts not that its faster
23:57:42Russ|werkitsjust then the server isn't doing an hourly cron job
23:58:37anderseeI usually put it at an odd minute, not at :00, at :00 I have an hourly rsync I run...

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot logs, split per channel and by date, etc.