irclog2html for blob on 2001.07.19

04:09:46Russdamn, the first two gpio's are routed under the chip
04:09:59sammyI am Back !!
04:10:06BZFlagsa gpios?
04:10:10BZFlaggot those here...
04:10:40Russall I see is "gpio_wheaties = 1, /* out */
04:11:05BZFlagyep. ok. and that's the one your are tracing huh. sorry.
04:15:41RussI think this board is 8 layer
04:18:59Russvery strange
04:18:59Russtwo clueless asian people
04:19:13Russboth have a board that they got from someone else
04:19:22Russboth have no clue what it is
04:19:34Russand I'm fairly certian they both have the same board
04:36:27Russgpio23 looks like it is just a pullup (or down), with a spot to put a zero ohm to pull it the other way
05:04:12Russwho is jacky
05:22:09JackyHallo! Russ
05:27:03sammyI need some C language Book ...!! someone suggest me A Book on C
05:27:03sammyI need more C language book , someone suggest me that " A Book in C"By "Al Kelley"and  "Ira Pohl" ...!! what U think ?  
05:27:03JackyI am a student at NTUST(National Taiwan University of Science and Technology)
05:27:37sammyRuss :?  BZFlag :?
05:33:13JackyI am a beginner of BLOB
05:35:46Russsammy: maybe the C faq?
05:37:02Russthe gcc manual
05:38:29BZFlagto much for me
05:39:08sammyas U mean ,that is all on web , should I need Hand book ?
05:39:56Russdepends on how much you know
05:40:35sammythank's first ,this two web side is so useful to me ...!!
05:41:11Russand the glibc manual
05:42:15sammywhen I saw the sorce , find out that my knowledge base is not strong ....!!
05:43:38sammyor download the page and use them ?
05:44:10RussI just use them online, but I am in the US
05:45:02Russthere are info pages for the gnu stuff if you are familiar with info pages
05:45:02Russand the C-faq is mirrored everywhere
05:47:28sammyohh !! I see ....!!
06:51:00sammyat this page /~scs/c-faq/top.html , Russ can U try prass any hyperlink for me , it's sounds like can't connect ...
06:56:26sammyoh !! I am drink to much  ,sorry ...!!
08:18:09sammyHi !! erikm .....!!
08:18:17erikmgood morning
08:18:21erikmgets coffee
08:18:33sammywhat time is it ?
08:18:51erikmI slept late after a long night of blob hacking :)
08:19:13erikmsammy: the latest blob CVS version has a porting guide
08:19:46sammyohh ...!! that's great ...!!
08:20:51sammydownload place ? on LART ? SorceForge ?
08:22:16sammynow I am hard reading the code U made !!
08:33:22erikmin the CVS tree, check out the blob_1_0_9_hack release
08:33:32erikm(which has lots of other goodies as well
08:53:02sammyerikm : is that file name  "blob_1_0_9_hack" ?
08:55:27sammyOr can U detail  me more , maybe I think wrong way about your massage ...!!
08:55:58erikmsammy, no that is the CVS branch
08:58:12erikmcvs login
08:58:34erikm(password is anonymous)
08:58:58erikmcvs -z3 co -r blob_1_0_9_hack blob
10:29:28sammyerikm : tell U one ture thing ...!!
10:30:24sammyI can't use cvs in linux , I haven't use it before ...!!
10:30:42erikmwhat do you mean with "can't use"?
10:31:01erikmdon't understand it, or it isn't installed?
10:32:04sammyI type "cvs....." that      but it can't work ....!!
10:32:13erikmwhat do you mean with "can't work"?
10:33:24sammyis  that type U say , it can login into cvs.blob.sorceForge ?
10:34:08sammyor it must use some software to login ?
10:34:17erikmwhat kind of error do you get
10:38:26sammyauthorization failed :server rejected access
10:39:28erikmah, I see. my fault
10:39:38erikmthere is no password for the login, just press enter
10:41:29sammyif I pass <enter> it will return to my place ]$ (I use RedHat)
10:43:02erikmthat's good
10:43:18erikmnow do  cvs -z3 co -r blob_1_0_9_hack blob
10:45:02sammyit say  "[server aborted]:no such tag blob_1_0_9_hank" ...!!
10:45:53erikmhack, not hank
10:47:00sammyI try again !!
10:48:01sammyok !! it download ......!! thank a lot ...!!
10:52:50sammynormally , I use windows 2000 (some os with famous death blue screen) be my work place !!
10:53:15sammyand telnet to my server RedHat 6.22 to work on there ...!!
10:55:03sammyso I always on to get the information I want , and I know U also from there...!!
10:56:07sammyso that's shame , can't use CVS ....!!
10:56:38erikminstall linux on your machine and run win2000 in vmware
10:57:24erikmyou can't do serious linux work without a linux machine
11:00:15sammyI got TWO PC so I can compiler some code on linux and talk to U (like right now) on PC ...!!
11:01:18sammyI always use telnet to my LINUX ...!!
11:02:59erikmdoesn't see a need for a windows PC anyway
11:03:49sammyI think U must use debian right ?
11:04:09erikmwell, I do use debian, but it is not a "must"
11:04:16erikmlinux is all about choice
11:04:34sammyYa ..!!
11:04:58sammybut U don't know one more thing ...!!
11:05:28sammyI got very poor english.........!!
11:05:43sammycan't U feel that ...!!
11:07:18erikmjust practice
11:07:46erikmmost people will understand anyway and let you know when they really don't understand
11:08:02sammywhen I talk to U , some thing I want to ask , some question I need to make U understand ,it's all let me use all I can say to U ...!!
11:09:02sammybut still a little difference....
11:10:09sammyif U know what country I am , U will not be feel stranger...!!
11:10:27erikmtaiwan, right?
11:11:43sammywith lot of poor English , and Hard work on Embedded system ,start from "blob" ,"LART"......
11:12:13sammyit's a long long way ....!!
11:12:49sammybut I like it , and still got I little late to join in ...!!
11:14:56sammymaybe next week , our boss will pay it for one development board , and the LART+KSB maybe the choose ...!!
11:16:57sammybut now I still study hard to read Ur code to Know how it work ..!!
11:20:31erikmit should be easier in the current CVS version
11:21:21sammyso I must try harder to join in U ....!!
11:24:42sammyanyway !! if I can't buy the book "ARM aechitceure Reference Manual " (not I would, it's can't find) where can I know about the virtual instruction . the ARM Web side ?
11:28:44erikmask your local ARM distributor for the PDF file of that document
11:30:04erikmor ask for it at the ARM web site. I just used
11:30:14erikmand asked for the ARM architecture reference manual
11:30:25erikm(in pdf format)
11:34:23sammyok !! that's my way on that ....!!
11:35:58erikmnote that it is a 14MB document, so be sure that your mailbox can handle that
11:39:53sammyno problem !! my mail box is 50MB ...!!
11:40:30sammyor I can add it to 100MB ...!!
12:09:29sammyit's time to take a rest and have a (late) night snack.....!!
15:47:59Russ"oh !! I am drink to much  ,sorry ...!!"
15:50:25RussOnly stranges signs appears on the screens!
16:10:36erikmhi Russ
16:16:10erikmand another bot joins the channel :)
16:16:19erikmibot: have a botsnack
16:16:27erikmlxrbot: have a botsnack too
16:21:39Russwe need lots of bots then, eh?
16:22:29erikmis working on memory detection for blob
16:30:49erikmhmm, first lets see if I can get a data segment, I mean
16:30:59erikmand a .bss
16:51:25erikmcool! looks like we have both a .data and a .bss segment
16:54:28Russ|werkwhich is important because....
16:54:42erikmnow we can have global variables
16:56:15erikmthe new "load blob from serial port" patch also works very nice :)
16:57:21Russ|werkshould speed deveopment
16:57:37Russ|werknow...where are those tftp patches
16:57:52Russ|werkdid you send wookey a driver?
16:58:10erikmnope, I actually wanted to ask your driver :)
16:58:32Russ|werkok, I'll send him what I have atm and cc it to you
16:58:58Russ|werkI #ifdef'd all the memory mode stuff with PCMCIA_MEM0_BASE or something liek that
16:59:55Russ|werkyah, so if PCMCIA_MEM_0_BASE ever gets defined/remapped, memory mode might work
17:00:00erikmRuss|werk: also thought about sending it to andrew morton?
17:00:08Russ|werkI can CC it there too
17:00:11erikm(i.e. the current maintainer)
17:00:16erikmhi tim
17:00:58erikmbtw, did one of you have a look at the "porting blob" section in the README file?
17:01:30Russ|werkI skimmed it
17:02:03Russ|werkerikm: the current timings for the shannon are looser than what they could be, correct?
17:02:29erikmnot sure, I have to dig up jdb's memory timings tool
17:02:43erikmhave to do that soonish because we also need it in the kernel
17:02:44Russ|werkI wrote it all out, seems sane
17:03:05Russ|werkjust put some very complex macros into blob
17:03:16erikmno need for it.
17:03:33erikmwhat I want to do is to generate the correct line compile time from a memory description file
17:03:54erikmjust what I want to do for the sa1100 clock scale driver
17:04:03Russ|werk0x8300, 0xA300, 0xC300, 0xE300 <- addresses of four ethernet chips, correct?
17:04:28erikmI suppose so, yes
17:04:31Russ|werkIRQ_GPIO0, IRQ_GPIO1, IRQ_GPIO2, IRQ_GPIO3 <- and the GPIO's used for interrupts
17:10:12Russ|werkok, it should be headed for the lart list
17:10:21Russ|werkas long as it fit...maybe I should of gzip'd
17:10:33erikmI don't know the exact maximum size
17:11:20erikmstrange bug
17:11:33erikmif you reboot the kernel (sysrq-b), the timer doesn't seem to run
17:11:48Russ|werkI told you that a long time ago (not in those words)
17:12:00Russ|werkthe little autoboot thing never times out
17:12:26Russ|werker, was that with reboot, and not with sysrq-b...
17:12:35erikmyes, that's what I see right now
17:12:42Russ|werkin any case, it seems blob might need to make the timer sane
17:12:53erikmlooks in the bootldr source
17:13:53erikmhmm, bootldr doesn't seem to touch the RCNR
17:14:11Russ|werkmaybe it has the same bug then
17:17:32erikmreads the sa1110 manual
17:19:25erikmhmm, nothing special about the 32kHz timer
17:36:40erikmhmm. not really
17:47:39Russ|werkhow are the creditlarts then
17:47:40Russ|werk(noticed you said sa1110 manual)
17:47:51erikmRuss|werk: jdb is to a conference, so no testing takes place
17:48:58erikmI have a hardcopy of the sa1110 manual
17:49:13erikmlikes hardcopies more than pdf files
18:00:20Russ|werkso do I (like hardcopies)
18:01:38erikmhmm, no errata about the 32kHz timer
18:12:05Russ|werkcall intel?
18:12:35erikmI'll first ask nico and russell
18:33:24erikmhmm, I have and idea
18:33:41erikmmaybe I shouldn't initialise the timer after a warm reboot
18:41:30erikmnope that doesn't fix it
19:01:42erikmok, it's fixed
19:02:21erikmturned out that the RTTR *should* be 0 after a reset, but it isn't
19:02:34erikmonly after a cold reset
19:41:10erikmhmm, nico has a point
19:41:26erikmI shouldn't touch the RTC, but use the OS timer instead
19:41:41BZFlagsounds good.
19:42:07BZFlagyou going to order one of these phones sometime? ;-)
19:42:25erikmBZFlag:  I first have to set up a paypal account for it
19:43:00erikmBZFlag: let me see how that is supposed to work
19:43:15BZFlagyou can mail me a check or money order if you like.
19:43:32BZFlagpaypal is just easy for credit card handling etc.
19:44:32erikmBZFlag: checks send from europe to the US are a bit hard
19:44:42erikmBZFlag: close to impossible, actually
20:52:30erikmgoes home

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