IRC log for #asterisk on 20210519

00:19.28InterLinkedSo I've applied the patch on both Switches A and B and all seems okay. Still get hangup code 50 and "Rejected connect attempt. No secret present while force encrypt enabled.", but this appears in Asterisk 1.8 as well. I don't see how a secret can be required because the syntax is [key] instead of a secret if done in Dial(). Requiring one on Switch B causes Switch A to crash - I think this is...
00:19.30InterLinked...exactly the same bug fixed with MD5 a couple months ago
00:24.58InterLinkedSetting aside that bug for the moment, since I don't believe it's related, wouldn't IAX2 need to be patched to *not* require a secret for RSA encryption as well? That's my understanding at present but maybe I'm misunderstanding something. The code seems written with the assumption that these are tied together, but the Dial() syntax for RSA makes it impossible to provide a secret and a key.
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07:11.19UncleKiwii have some phones that Im trying to use BLF with and they dont seem to change the state from idle to ringing and other states
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12:25.00UncleKiwii have two asterisk pizza-boxes connected using sip with each with a few phones registered to each pbx - i dont seem to be able to get the 'hints' information working with across the link
12:27.26UncleKiwii first tried with IAX2 and that was fine and failed with the BLF and thought i'll give it a try using SIP - both situation I can get the calls working - its justt he BLF stuff I can get right - phones on the same PBX can see each other but i cant the the remote phones seeing the BLF hints/status - not sure if its possible or what ?
12:28.20SamotSo what's the backup plan for #asterisk and #asterisk-dev, etc with the Andrew Lee threatening things on Freenode?
12:29.33SamotUncleKiwi: Not sure that's going to happen. You might have to double check to see if there's a remote BLF (like MWI) for this.
12:30.57fileSamot: none as of yet?
12:31.22UncleKiwiah ok thanks Samot
12:31.22SamotOK, staffers started to resign today. No drafts this time, for reals.
12:31.40SamotI think at least two staffers are gone now.
12:36.39mvanbaakit's falling apart
12:39.05UncleKiwiwhat's happend?
12:39.25UncleKiwiwith Freenode
12:39.42UncleKiwiim just reading the tweets
12:41.46SamotAndrew Lee, who bought Freenode in 2017, has decided to become involved in the day to day operations. He started to replace staff without talking to the current staff.
12:42.19SamotHe's gained control of the freenode domains and believes domain ownership gives him ownership of everything.
12:42.36SamotIncluding servers that are provided by 3rd party sponsors that freenode doesn't pay for.
12:44.05UncleKiwiso things may change ?
12:44.28UncleKiwiis that what you are thinking as far as channels etc
12:46.14filethe future of freenode is unknown at this point and it is likely many will jump ship, the people resigning from freenode have spun up a new network and I'd expect many to go there (they are right now - I'm over there and their help channel is ... bananas with people)
12:47.22SamotIt must be, they are having issues with email on that network so no nickserv registrations are working.
12:48.13filethe Asterisk channels are protected over there already, but the staff is swamped so unregistered as of yet
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12:48.52jesswho wants the asterisk channels over there?
12:49.03SamotOh got it.
12:49.08filejess: ooh me
12:49.20SamotI'm making #mikrotik right now :) :)
12:49.30SamotI'm going to guess Sangoma is going to want #asterisk and #freepbx
12:49.55fileI registered FreePBX already, it's not under a project currently
12:50.42UncleKiwiok whats the new network called where you are setting all this up ?
12:51.32fileit's not official that we (Asterisk) are moving there yet, it's literally early in the morning and such
12:51.57UncleKiwiits still irc right ?
12:52.40UncleKiwiwow this is sad - i thought freenode would be here forever
12:52.55SamotNo one said freenode was going anywhere.
12:53.11SamotBut if Mr. Lee has his way, it will be completely overhauled.
12:53.45UncleKiwiok - what do you think he would do ?
12:53.50TandyUKif mr Lee gets his way, there will be bout 50 people prepared to use freenode, everyone else will have fled elsewhere
12:54.07SamotAndrew Lee = Private Internet Access
12:54.20TandyUKand about 50,000 of us telling everyone not to use freenode, and precisely why
12:54.28SamotFunny enough, people are concerned what he'll do with private data.
12:54.50TandyUKoh its hilarious, the owner of a vpn company is probably the last person i'd ever trust imho
12:55.05SamotWell a public access VPN company.
12:55.19TandyUKwell whatever they choose to call it
12:55.35TandyUKwe all know what its really for
12:55.40UncleKiwiah ok - well it sounds like the exodus has begun
12:56.21TandyUKPIA's marketing is hilarious too, its like theyve never heard of SSL/TLS
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13:10.38UncleKiwiwould the ' legal threat to freenode' be govt  ?
13:15.35SamotThis has nothing to do with governments.
13:21.50UncleKiwiok well i guess i'll need a new cloak
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13:41.20rpifanare yall migrating
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13:41.51filethe Libera network is not yet stable, so there is no change as of yet
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13:44.15rpifanyea i see that
13:44.18rpifancant even connect
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18:07.22avbso Andew Lee is going to make hidden chats for the botnets cc on freenode? :)
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21:57.20n0tiz#asterisk planning to move with all the freenode drama?
22:00.23igcewielingThe thing about drama is that often you can just wait until it blows over.
22:00.55SamotWell this one actually could impact how freenode runs and operates.
22:01.08SamotAs in a completely new staff, etc.
22:01.49filethere's nothing official yet re: moving
22:02.11fileI have grabbed the channels on Libera in case we choose to do so, but that network is still unstable
22:02.33SamotYes, day 1 and all.
22:02.55SamotSo far other channels seems to be operating in both due to that.
22:09.28mvanbaakbridge the stuff together using matterbridge
22:09.50mvanbaakit's what we are doing ;P
22:11.22*** join/#asterisk Typhon (
22:27.03n0tizThanks for mentioning matterbridge, didn't know it, it will be helpful in the future!
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22:33.34mvanbaak:) we used it to bridge slack and irc together. Now we added libera as well
22:53.16*** join/#asterisk javi404 (~quassel@unaffiliated/javi404)
22:54.28igcewielingidly wonders how that CentOS 8 Stream drama played out.....
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