IRC log for #asterisk on 20210511

00:06.40*** join/#asterisk Enitin (enitin@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/enitin)
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05:34.23*** join/#asterisk jbg (sid494673@gateway/web/
05:35.27jbgI've got an asterisk server that's behind a NAT, and for various reasons it would be easiest if it could discover its own public IP using STUN. we have our own STUN servers already set up, and I've verified from the asterisk server that I'm able to successfully do a STUN lookup from there
05:35.53jbghowever, after setting stunaddr in rtp.conf, asterisk still sends its private IP in SDPs
05:36.32jbgis there something else necessary to get asterisk to do the STUN lookup? it may be relevant that we're using pjsip
05:37.15jbgasterisk version 18.2.1 in case it's important.
05:54.56jbgah, looking at the code it looks like the STUN server is only used when ICE is used, it's not supported to just use it to discover the external address in the absence of ICE
06:09.37*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
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07:20.26jkroonjbg, i'm fairly certain that shouldn't be the case.
07:37.30jbgis `ast_rtp_ice_add_cand` used even when ICE is not being used?
07:37.58jbgbecause the stun handling code doesn't seem to do anything with the result other than call that fn
07:38.39jbgthere are some odd messages when I enable stun debug, so if this is expected to work I'll look into those further
07:47.00*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
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08:43.30fileSTUN is not used to discover the IP for SDP c=
08:45.44jbgok, thanks for confirmation
08:46.08jbgso I should place the IP in external_media_address for the transport in pjsip.conf
08:46.36jbgasterisk has no built-in mechanism to get config options from the environment or substitute env vars into the config, right? I should take care of that myself?
09:00.30jbgok cool, thanks again for the confirmation. the IP doesn't change during asterisk's runtime so I'll just substitute it into the value for the pjsip.conf external_media_address before launching asterisk
09:00.41*** join/#asterisk andrewya_ (
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10:15.15jbgeven after specifying the public IP address in external_media_address in pjsip.conf, asterisk still sends the private ip in SDP
10:15.36jbgI specified it in the transport section in pjsip.conf as documented. is there something else I'm supposed to do?
10:16.03fileis local_net set?
10:16.04ornjbg: where did you take the capture? maybe it's the router rewriting it -- i've seen numerous faulty NAT implementations
10:17.15jbgfile: yes, local_net is set to the CIDR of the private IP the asterisk box has. the INVITE is coming from a public IP and the candidate in the remote SDP is a public IP, both as sent by the remote system and as seen by asterisk
10:17.29jbgI'm capturing at both ends, but this is in a datacenter and I control every part of the network up to the transit providers
10:17.49ornjbg: okay -- just wondering whether maybe asterisk was sending the correct SDP but it was being mangled by a router
10:18.16jbgyeah, I've seen such things with home routers and some misguided 'enterprise' crap
10:18.21jbgthese are basic routers, no such capability
10:18.36ornjbg: surprisingly a lot of cisco firmwares have done this
10:19.20jbgyeah, that's the enterprise crap I refer to
10:19.28jbgtypically the ones designed for installation on prem rather than in DC
10:19.31jbganyway, it's not the case here
10:19.31filenothing else comes to mind,
10:20.27jbgok, so just to confirm, this is intended to work this way right?
10:20.37fileif what you say is correct, then yes
10:20.47jbgSDP should have c=[public ip] if I set external_media_address=[public ip] in pjsip.conf
10:20.57fileif that transport is used, yes
10:21.03jbgyeah, there is no other transport
10:21.05fileyou could turn up core debug and see if it yields any insight
10:21.14jbgthe local_net check, what is it checking against exactly?
10:21.17fileor provide the actual configuration and "pjsip set logger on" trace
10:21.25jbgthe IP the signalling is received on or the IP of the media candidate?
10:21.33jbg(remote candidate)
10:21.39fileit is checking the IP address that the SIP message is sent to
10:21.58fileif it falls within local_net then nothing is changed, if it falls outside then external_* is used
10:24.25jbgyeah that could be key, need to check source address of the incoming SIP INVITE
10:24.35jbgthe NAT might be rewriting both src and dst
10:24.44jbgin which case the src would be inside local_net
10:26.30filethis would be the second time in recent times where someone said the same thing
10:26.44file(they thought their traffic was coming from the public IP, but it wasn't)
10:28.18jbghm no, it's not that
10:28.35jbgsource address of the SIP traffic is the public address of the inviter
10:34.32jbgah got it
10:34.43jbgthere's an additional restriction that the address it *would have* sent needs to be within local_net
10:35.02jbglocal_net was not wide enough
10:38.16jbgaw. thought I had it, but no, even after updating that it's still sending the private IP
10:38.23jbgI'll turn up debug
10:38.39jbgspecifically to try to see this, and I'll remove local_net and see if it changes anything
10:49.24jbgwith local_net removed and with debug turned up to 5, I don't see that log message
11:18.43*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
11:22.41jbgah. needed to load working fine now! pebkac
11:45.46*** join/#asterisk DodgeThis (
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12:44.47jbgis there any way to get asterisk to write a dns name in Contact: rather than an IP address?
12:45.09jbgI set `external_signaling_address =` but it resolves it and puts one of the resolved IPs in there
12:47.38jbgis that a conscious decision that has been made or just that nobody implemented support for it yet?
12:47.50filenobody implemented it
13:02.44*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (uid299068@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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14:50.45sibiriadoes pjsip track an endpoint's availability in any other way than with the qualification options?
14:51.04fileif qualification is not enabled, then based on whether any contacts exist or not
14:51.46sibiriaand if qualification is enabled, it is entirely up to that one OPTIONS message, whenever it happens?
14:52.10igcewielingoptions won't happen if there isn't a contact?
14:52.20filealso correct
14:54.26ornhuh -- i'm receiving a "process_cors_request: Origin header '' does not match an allowed origin.". ari show status shows Allowed Origins: ""
14:54.40orni don't get this notice if i replace the ari conf allowed list with *
14:54.47ornbut i AM able to connect
14:54.52ornany caveats?
14:54.58ornsomething that pops into anyone's mind?
14:56.27seanbrightit has to be a verbatim match
14:56.51seanbrightif both of those removed domains in your error log are identical, that sounds like maybe a bug
14:56.57seanbrightbut the code is pretty straight forward
14:57.27sibiriawhen invoking a call file aimed at an endpoint that is currently offline, asterisk will not enter the call file's context (or any other context seemingly) unless the defined context has the FAILED extension. is there any way of tracking that call file's failure without the FAILED extension?
14:58.07ornseanbright: it is a verbatim match
14:58.21ornthanks for your input
14:58.35orni glanced at the source and it seems very straight forward
14:58.38ornas you said
14:58.51seanbrightdo you have more than one value in your allowed_origins config?
15:00.09ornseanbright: yes, comma separated. i've tried also just with the one entry
15:00.20orni don't get how i get this notice, and yet am able to connect
15:00.28ornmight just be a bug?
15:01.28seanbrightdunno. would need to see actual configs and all that.
15:01.37jbghow can I silence acl notice/warnings without affecting other notice/warnings?
15:05.10*** join/#asterisk ^MillerBoss (
15:11.38*** join/#asterisk jkroon_ (~jkroon@
15:36.30Kobazweeeel, there goes Level3
15:37.28SamotAre they having problems?
15:41.19igcewielingWhat about level3????
15:41.26igcewielingThey are our second carrier.
15:42.08igcewielingsibiria: use Local/ channels
15:44.42KobazSamot: yup, very down in Chicago right now
15:45.12SamotExplains my issues. And they are down on the west coast in a spot too.
15:45.27SamotSo is HE and Microsoft, looks like they got problems in the same areas.
15:48.56KobazSomeone tripped on the fibers
15:49.53KobazAnd more recently:
15:51.06*** join/#asterisk irrgit (~ch33se@
15:51.18igcewielingSquirrels are evil.
15:54.00igcewielingI once warred with squirrels.   I won, but it took 6 months.
16:14.53*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
16:22.49SamotWell looks like they figured it out. All my stuff is back to normal.
16:23.16*** join/#asterisk tripleslash (~triplesla@unaffiliated/imsaguy)
17:31.38igcewielingAnyone having problems getting Adtran switches in the past few weeks?   Our reseller claims availability problems.
18:02.39*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
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23:12.17*** join/#asterisk john2gb0 (
23:18.00*** join/#asterisk Enitin (enitin@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/enitin)

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