IRC log for #asterisk on 20210503

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09:16.12kerouac[m]I have such dialplan
09:16.24kerouac[m]exten => 001,1,Confbridge(1)
09:16.24kerouac[m]same => n,Originate(PJSIP/6003,app,ConfBridge,1)
09:17.24kerouac[m]I expect that when I call 001, it will create confbridge with name "1" and connect pjsip point 6003 there. But when I call it, I'm only person in room. How to debug it?
09:31.22filethat's the way dialplan and ConfBridge works, ConfBridge blocks until either the channel hangs up or it exits the ConfBridge
09:32.16fileif you wanted the Originate to happen first, then it would need to be at priority 1 before the current channel enters the ConfBridge
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12:41.47kerouac[m]file: yes, that's it, thank you
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14:08.21igcewielingVerizon sold AOL/Yahoo to a private group.   I was sure Softbank would buy them, it seems like the perfect purchase for them.
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14:50.43kerouac[m]Well, now I have correct config for ConfBridge, and if I call number, it creates room with me and that number. And how could I invite in that room such extensions that only have Playback and hangup?
14:51.13kerouac[m]If I or remote leg call such extention, then only calling side could hear voicemessage
14:51.37kerouac[m]I think I could do Originate, but what should be the CALLER, in case of ConfBridge?
14:52.01SamotYou need to put them in the confbridge.
14:52.16SamotYou just can't originate a call and expect it to dump them into the confbridge.
14:54.16ornkerouac[m], create a dialplan rule that drops it into the confbridge and then use a local channel
14:54.41kerouac[m]drops what?
14:54.53ornthe "caller"
14:55.39kerouac[m]Hmm. I don't think I got that. Can you please explain more verbose?
14:58.31SamotWait. This is for paging?
14:58.49ornyou could do this by using two contexts for example, one context might just dial into the confbridge with proper parameters
14:58.56ornand the second context would call Playback and then hangup
14:59.13SamotWhy would playback matter?
14:59.39ornthen you originate a call, to a local channel, Local/[extension-to-dial]@context-for-dialing-into-conference
15:00.02ornand supply the context for this in the call file to be the playback context
15:00.31ornContext: context-that-will-do-playback-and-hangup, Extension: [extension you chose] Priority: 1
15:00.59kerouac[m]<Samot "Why would playback matter?"> I need to have two connected points with voice chanell betwenn them, and sometimes there sould be a voice message, heard by both legs, that's all I want
15:01.06ornwhich would then dial into the conference, and upon answer execute whatever happens in the other context
15:01.26SamotSo you have a call?
15:01.36ornhe has an ongoing call between two parties
15:01.43ornand wants to occasionally drop in some message
15:02.14SamotWell you cant do thaf with confbridge and playback
15:02.31ornyou could using call files and local channels
15:02.41ornunless there is some limitation with confbridge i'm not aware of
15:02.52SamotSure. So you take away the confbridge
15:03.02kerouac[m]So, what is better way to do that?
15:03.08ornyou're thinking barge?
15:03.10kerouac[m]Without confbridge?
15:03.13SamotYou cant playback a file in a confbridge
15:03.22SamotThey are in the bridge.
15:03.40SamotThe playback wont happen while in the confbridge
15:03.48kerouac[m]Samot: confbridge itself could play files with CBAnn, couldn't we use it?
15:04.15kerouac[m]Can't google a man for it. How to use it?
15:04.19SamotYou can set the confbridge to playback something when they join
15:04.40SamotOur you can use the MoH to playback something
15:04.55kerouac[m]What is MoH?
15:05.01ornSamot, good point
15:05.04SamotYou cannot call playback() while they are in a confbridge
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15:08.39kerouac[m]Still didn't got that. Ok, I can't use Playback(), and afaik CBAnn cal only playback something on chanell events like join/disconnect, but I want to start voicemessages manually or by timer. Any ideas?
15:11.19SamotWhat would the timer be based off of?
15:12.17kerouac[m]E.g if I have call between point A and B it is good for me if I can call from point A to number, say, 007 and both A and B will hear some voicemesage with no hangup, right in their call.
15:13.33SamotSo no timer
15:14.17kerouac[m]If there is no way to do it manually, maybe I could use timer, but manually is the best
15:14.35SamotYou mean making the call
15:15.41kerouac[m]how do you know playback doesn't works in confbridge
15:15.54kerouac[m]I just does what orn asvised me, and it somehow workd
15:15.55kerouac[m]Ok, if I can't use Playback(), what should I use to playback sound in confbridge? I'm afraid I can't use
15:15.58SamotBecause that's how it works
15:16.09kerouac[m] < >
15:16.12kerouac[m]this worked for me
15:17.06kerouac[m]I can call, say, 6003 from 6001 and be in room, where there are 6003 and 6001, and when I call from 6001 the number 201, it invites local chanell 200 to confbridge and playback workd
15:17.12SamotIn not sure how
15:17.38kerouac[m]I'm not sure that other leg had sound, because it is remote and no access now
15:17.47kerouac[m]but I myself heard the message LOL
15:18.15kerouac[m]Well, nuce
15:18.33kerouac[m]I'll tell you if it really works, gonna debugf
15:20.12ornSamot, I'm not sure why you say it wouldn't work -- a local channel can behave just like any other caller -- Playback() is done on its side of the bridge and just transmitted as audio, as I understand it
15:20.35ornbut maybe there's some internal implementation/special case that i'm not aware of
15:22.32ornMaybe local channels just can't join confbridges?
15:22.41SamotThis is going to Originate to 200, it's going to do the Playback() and hangup.
15:22.45SamotIt's not that.
15:22.58SamotYou can do the Playback *before* the confbridge.
15:23.19SamotOnce the call is in the confbridge, just like dial(), it blocks all other dialplan until completed.
15:23.39SamotSo while the callee's are in the confbridge you CANNOT use playback() to play a recording to them.
15:23.47SamotBecause they are in the confbridge.
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15:24.06ornyes, I am aware of that, but using local channels you can have one thing executing on one side of the bridge, and another thing on the other side
15:24.20SamotThat's Dial() options.
15:24.59SamotAlso Originate requires the other side to ANSWER before executing the App/Extension.
15:25.10ornyeah, i wasn't talking about using originate
15:25.15orni'm talking about using call files
15:25.17SamotSo if calling 200 is a Playback() followed by a Hangup() then the originate fails.
15:25.20SamotHe's not.
15:25.33SamotIn the context of this conversation and the dialplan presented, it's originate.
15:25.36ornwith a local channel and either an application or context/priority/extension
15:26.45Samotkerouac[m]: What is this for?
15:26.53Samotkerouac[m]: Is this for paging? Autodialing?
15:28.20ornSamot, I just tested this
15:28.22ornthis works
15:28.33SamotWhat works?
15:28.38ornwhat i was describing
15:28.42ornusing a call file
15:28.47SamotWhich does?
15:28.48ornto call a local channel which will drop you into the bridge
15:29.06ornand executing a context/extension/priority which will use playback
15:29.15SamotShow it.
15:29.19ornone sec
15:29.22SamotAnd it played to both sides?
15:29.38ornboth participants of conference
15:32.56SamotWho did this call?
15:33.07ornwhat do you mean? this is a call file
15:33.12ornmoved into the outgoing spool
15:33.18ornwith two extensions sitting in a confbridge
15:33.26SamotThey were already in it?
15:33.43ornyes -- the callers are always in a call
15:33.49ornif i understand kerouac[m] correctly
15:34.14SamotBut this is supposed to have two people be called.
15:34.20SamotThen do all that.
15:34.49orn<kerouac[m]> there is call between two nodes. it almost never ends. It connects human with remote speaker. And sometimes there should appear scheduled voice messages, like notifications. They sould be heard both by human and speaker. How it could be realised?
15:35.03SamotWhat human?
15:35.11SamotI didn't see that. I asked if this was a paging setup
15:35.17SamotI never got an answer.
15:36.34SamotHow is this human connected to this never ending call?
15:36.35orn<orn> he has an ongoing call between two parties
15:37.02SamotSo the human is next to a phone that is always opened to this remote speaker?
15:37.55orni don't know the details dude, all i know is that he said he wants to have an ongoing call between two "parties" that he occasionally wants to drop announcements into, and he was leaning towards using a confbridge
15:38.09SamotWell I'm asking these details because they are important.
15:38.22ornin which sense?
15:38.33SamotWell human connected to speaker phone.
15:38.42SamotHow is the human side done?
15:38.49SamotA deskphone at one place?
15:39.00SamotIf this is an open line then does the deskphone need to be muted?
15:39.12SamotShould it be a muted caller in the confbridge?
15:39.22SamotWhy does the human need to hear this when there are speakers?
15:39.24SamotAre they remote?
15:39.52SamotWill this human hear the recording from both the phone speaker AND the overhead speakers?
15:40.12ornas far as i am concerned, this is all irrelevant -- he asked how two parties could be on a call that never ends and how he could pepper the call with occasional announcements
15:40.23SamotHe did.
15:40.54SamotSo it doesn't matter if it's a bad solution that could be handled better just as long as a solution was given.
15:41.40SamotSo yeah, dropping a random local channel into an existing confbridge that has people in it. Sure works just fine.
15:42.06orndid he ask you to engineer a system/solution? he described a specific problem and got a specific solution
15:42.20SamotWell the whole muted thing is kind of an important thing right?
15:42.39orni have no idea -- i don't know what he is using it for
15:42.40SamotIf it's not addressed, would the noise picked up by the human side be heard over the speakers?
15:42.42ornhe could have either party join muted
15:42.47ornwith a confbridge option
15:43.04SamotHe could but it's pretty clear he has no idea about this stuff.
15:43.06orni don't know the details, but he can work around them
15:43.25SamotYou're right you don't know the details, neither do I. Hence the line of questioning.
15:43.40SamotSo I could offer proper advice.
15:45.10kerouac[m]<Samot "kerouac: Is this for paging? Aut"> Expert is sitting in the room and tells to person via speaker what to do, seeing him on the screen via camera. And time by time automated messages e.g. "ten minutes left" should appear
15:45.25kerouac[m]<Samot "A deskphone at one place?"> yes
15:45.50SamotAnd should the other person be able to talk back?
15:46.12kerouac[m]Yes, it should
15:46.19SamotSo then it's not just a speaker.
15:46.22SamotIt's a speaker phone
15:46.29SamotBecause that would require a mic.
15:46.45SamotSo totally different than just sending audio to a speaker.
15:47.21kerouac[m]But I don't mention that because I need minimal implementation of what I mean. If I will not have sound from speaker phone, I'll just use the one from camera :)
15:47.44SamotSo yeah, you drop both sides into a conference bridge and then with an external program, drop in your alerts X minutes via an originate over local channels.
15:48.01SamotYou just can't use it from the camera.
15:48.07SamotHow will you get audio from the camera?
15:48.31SamotA separate system?
15:48.41kerouac[m]<Samot "How will you get audio from the "> That's not asterisk problem
15:48.44kerouac[m]yes, separate
15:49.07kerouac[m]<Samot "So yeah, you drop both sides int"> Yes, thanks. As far as I see, it works. Tomorrow I will know better
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17:19.43igcewieling*whine* Will we never be rid of 82574L chipset?
17:29.41SamotLOD 1/31/2021; LSD 7/31/2021 <-- Yes.
17:29.48SamotThis year, in fact.
17:30.31electronic_eelwhat is the problem with the 82574L?
17:31.09SamotOutside of the fact it's 11 years old?
17:31.43electronic_eelyes, i don't see pure age as a problem. it delivers 1 gigabit without problems afaik
17:33.57electronic_eelthe fact is that 10gbase-t never took off, so until the recent introduction of 2.5gbase-t there was no faster copper based line speed available. so no real need to upgrade
17:35.30SamotYou don't hang out in the same circles I do on here.
17:35.45Samot10Gbps home networks is all the new hotness.
17:35.54SamotAnd if you gots real money, 40g.
17:36.34electronic_eelhmm, i have 10gbps at home too. but with direct attach cables and singlemode fibre. no 10gbase-t anywhere
17:37.18electronic_eeldon't like 10gbase-t at all. runs too hot, too high latency, too unreliable over longer cables
17:39.34SamotI'm not even sure why a home network needs 10Gbps or even 40Gbps.
17:39.59SamotThe best answer I've gotten so far is "mah backups move faster"
17:40.02igcewieling*nod*  10G always overheats for me.
17:40.19SamotOr "mah VMs move faster between my hosts"
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17:40.41SamotBecause, you know, every home network needs multiple hosts with dockers and containers.
17:40.47igcewieling*nothing* will make VMs move between hosts fast enough.
17:40.57electronic_eeligcewieling: with "10g" you mean 10gbase-t, right? not the stuff you plug into sfp+ slots?
17:41.07SamotOh wait..
17:41.11SamotNeither was I.
17:41.17igcewielingelectronic_eel: I meant to point out the stupidify of saying a protocol runs "hot"
17:41.28SamotYeah, no one bothers with 10Gbase-T
17:41.39SamotNot when there is a better option.
17:42.08electronic_eeloh, i meant the controller chips run too hot. take about 5-10watts each for an acitve and loaded connection
17:42.18electronic_eelfor 10gbase-t
17:42.39electronic_eelnot the ones based on sfp+ slots, like direct attach or fibre
17:44.20igcewielingThankfully, I deal mainly with VoIP which doesn't actually use a lot of bandwidth.
17:44.52electronic_eelyes, will be a bunch of calls until you saturate a 10gbps link with voip calls...
17:46.30electronic_eelwould be quite a home to have that many phones and active calls at once...
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20:09.53electronic_eelmaybe mellanox will soon bring out a switch line dedicated for modern home networks - 400Gbps to the living rooms, 25 Gbps to the bathrooms and attic
20:26.01HannaMand 1000Gbps to the cellar, where the world domination machine is installed !?
21:41.52kerouac[m]Samot: I'm sorry for not answering. I just had no time, and that was production task, I should do it as fast as I could. And I'm not too brilliant in english and especially ip-telephony terminology, so, sometimes I just can't say what I want properly. Thanks to all active members of this channel for patience and helping. Sometimes I have a solution just trying to ask correct question, and sometimes one helps me just
21:41.52kerouac[m]explaining common stuff, but I just don't have a word to google it. You should know what to google, isn't it? ))
21:42.17kerouac[m]orn:  thank you!
21:45.42kerouac[m]Just as a matter of fact, what is the better solution better than confbridge in my situation? I'll describe it again. I have two PJSIP points. One is PC with softphone, and the second is speaker phone. It CAN talk back, but it really don't need to. In my case it is used just as a speaker. Speaker and PC are remote, they are in different rooms. The user on the PC is doing his job and should have ability to say something
21:45.42kerouac[m]in speaker. And he has a feedback with cameras, that have their own sound, not related to asterisk or telephony.
21:46.42kerouac[m]This call between PC and speaker is as long as possible. I mean nobody really need to hangup. Mute/unmute is also a part of PC's softphone features, if needed.
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21:47.43kerouac[m]All i need is: PC's softphone should be able to do something (call a number, request url, anything), so that both PC's user and Speaker will play some audio message.
21:49.01kerouac[m]The easiest way to do it is my goal.
21:49.01kerouac[m]Now I have never ending confbridge and invite there local channel with Playback(). Are there simpler ways?
21:49.26SamotNot really.
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21:53.03micdudsamot a few weeks back you said new android phones and  sip clients had no problems with incomind calls , now i have and s8 that still falls a sleep and takes up to 20 sec to recieve a call
21:53.47micdudcan you ping you  s8 9 10 s aand get a decent ping back without screen on ?
21:54.08SamotWhat softphone are you using?
21:54.37micduddo you have a particular reason to ask that question ?
21:55.00SamotBecause a shitty softphone is still a shitty softphone.
21:55.17micdudwhat is not shitty ?
21:55.26SamotI use Bria.
21:55.35micdudso everything but ?
21:55.49SamotNo, but I use Bria. Groundwire is alright.
21:56.20SamotBut then again, those both have one thing in common. They have paid versions.
21:56.27micdudand you can get an incoming call without delay with screen off ?
21:56.39SamotNot just some flash in the pan FOSS softphone.
21:57.07micdudpaid version mean its the only thing that will not put wifi to sleep ?
21:57.17SamotThere is a bit of a delay for the phone to wake up but nominal.
21:57.41SamotNo but it comes with push services which also assist in waking up the device.
21:58.12micdudwhat is normpush service does not wake up the device, devices wifi sleep policy does
21:58.24micdudand some apps can cotroll that
21:58.41SamotWhat softphone do you have?
21:59.34micdudand what is normall dealy ? i tested everything from samsung s2 to s8  , and unless rooted and turned off wifi sleep manualy  delay is 1 to 20 seconds
22:00.08micdudand that is wifi power savings not some special paid only option
22:03.42micdudi have an android 4 phones where i can turn off wifi sleep with screen off by default and get incoming calls instantly , anyting after 4.2 disables that option unless you root, so please tell me , can you ping instantly to you paid phones with screen off ?
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22:12.23micdudand why is it that you feel the need to pay for a sip client (softphone) ?  what is it that other clients cannot do ?
22:13.16micdudand that is you main solution to anyone with a problem , old shitty phone and old shitty non paid client !
22:14.30filemany people pay for such a thing, because Google and Apple state that the best way to do VoIP is to use their push services to wake the phone up so it can then receive an incoming call, this requires infrastructure and so paid clients exist for such a thing
22:14.55micdudpush does not wake up a phone from wifi sleep !!!!
22:15.20micdudonly the device itself can check in with AP for storred messages
22:15.38filethere are numerous people who use such things and have no issues, so however it works for them they use it and are fine with it
22:17.08micdudmy original question was related to smartphone as a voip client, and its  tendancy to wifi powersave sleep and not recieve calls  without delay
22:17.42micdudon a cell network a push might wake things up, not on wifi as far as i tested
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22:30.49kerouac[m]Is it proper for confbridge with dialplan like this to take about 10-12 seconds to connect to conference?
22:30.51kerouac[m] < >
22:31.16kerouac[m]If conference already exists doesn't matters. It still takes time.
22:31.48filethat depends on what "connect to conference" actually means - you'd need to show the actual Asterisk console output
22:39.47filedoes it only happen with WebRTC?
22:41.20fileand if so, does it take 10-12 seconds before the INVITE even shows up in Asterisk?
22:49.36kerouac[m]Yes, looks like it is ICE search
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