IRC log for #asterisk on 20210428

00:01.59*** join/#asterisk thansen (~thansen@
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01:55.47*** join/#asterisk Enitin (enitin@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/enitin)
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04:54.57*** join/#asterisk TriJetScud (~TriJetScu@2602:fca7:1:6:5733:d000:1111:1111)
05:04.01*** join/#asterisk pppingme (~pppingme@unaffiliated/pppingme)
06:12.04zambais background the correct command to playback a file and then wait for dtmf?
06:12.28zambai mean.. some callers may wait until the end of the playback.. some may have heard it before and want to prematurely press the corresponding dtmf
06:41.30*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
06:49.01tuxd00dYes, BackGround() does not need to complete for a selection to be made.  "core show application Background" indicates "Play an audio file while waiting for digits of an extension to go to."   As opposed to "core show application Playback" which indicates "Play a file".
06:49.30zambatuxd00d: yeah, got it :)
06:53.52zambahow can i check the channel variables for a call on the asterisk console?
06:54.31tuxd00dIt would be good practice insure callers don't get stuck by using WaitExen followed by some sort of timeout handler such as transferring to the operator or a VM mailbox.  It would ill-advised to to continually repeat the menu options without limit on the number of repeats.
06:57.14tuxd00dWhat exactly do you mean by channel variables?  An example?
06:57.40zambai tried passing a channel variable through manager when initiating a call
06:58.09zambausing the variables parameter
06:58.18zambaand that seems like it takes a dict as its value
06:58.32zambaso i just for now attempted to push in name=Marius
06:58.39tuxd00dsame => n,Verbose(CHANNEL(name) = ${CHANNEL(name)})
06:58.39tuxd00dwould should the channel name
06:59.04tuxd00d*would show the channel name
06:59.29tuxd00dwell, just the "${CHANNEL(name)}" part
07:00.26zambaCHANNEL(name) = SIP/2109-0000003b
07:00.28zambai got that
07:01.08zambabut i sent in name=Marius
07:01.23tuxd00dAre you wanting to set the CallerID?
07:01.43zambano, i want to set an unique identifier in the call, so i can more easily track it afterwards
07:02.24zamba[2021-04-28 07:02:10] WARNING[28151][C-00000098]: func_channel.c:463 func_channel_read: Unknown or unavailable item requested: 'test'
07:02.43zambai attempted to set "test" to "Marius"
07:03.24zambaso i'm attempting to set Variable there
07:04.20tuxd00dI would advise against following any guides on as they are severely outdated.
07:05.38tuxd00d${CHANNEL(uniqueid)} , ${CHANNEL(linkedid)}, ${CHANNEL(callid)}, ${CDR(uniqueid)} all track different parts of the complete call path.
07:07.19tuxd00dCall != Channel, calls can include many channels.
07:12.52zambayeah, but i need to pass in a variable..
07:13.05zambaone unique id that's unique for my business logic
07:18.43zambader fikk jeg den
07:32.06*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (
07:33.21tuxd00dJeg beklager, I don't have the answer for you.  Learn about the CDR (core show function CDR) and CHANNEL (core show function CHANNEL) functions.
07:36.56tuxd00dGood luck.  Time for me to sleep.  God natt.
08:09.54*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (
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08:57.30*** join/#asterisk detha (~detha@unaffiliated/detha)
09:13.27*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
09:20.22*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~NiHola@unaffiliated/liuyan)
09:21.09*** join/#asterisk Hyper_Eye (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
10:00.11*** join/#asterisk mrcirca (~mrcirca@
10:05.13mrcircaHello i would like monitor peers (sip show peers), channels(core show channels), asterisk uptime(core show uptime). Do you know any command that print results together? i would like to reduce cli requests for monitoring
10:06.01mrcircafor example , a command that print both sip peers and channels
10:14.19*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
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10:33.21*** join/#asterisk UncleKiwi (~UncleKiwi@unaffiliated/unclekiwi)
10:33.31UncleKiwiET phone home
10:37.48*** join/#asterisk forgotmynick (uid24625@gateway/web/
10:39.40*** join/#asterisk csm3105 (
10:44.01csm3105hello, i'm struggling with an issue in asterisk: it suddenly kicks me from the CLI and interrupts any call when that happens. Also the followng messages ae displayed:
11:22.02*** join/#asterisk id4rk (~Thunderbi@reactos/tester/id4rk)
11:23.15id4rkgood day everyone, what is the most secure certificate, hash, method to generate a certificate? for asterisk 16
11:24.28id4rkfor secure calling
11:29.16id4rkAre there any options to beef the encryption up?
11:33.24UncleKiwiif you run srtp over a vpn - would that encrypt it twice ?
11:49.17SamotThats also a bad how-to
11:49.32SamotYou should not use self-gen certs.
11:53.05sibiriaUncleKiwi: yes, obviously
11:57.44SamotVPN != automatic encryption.
12:48.32*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
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14:47.17*** join/#asterisk CatCow97 (
15:17.15zambaSamot: i actually ended up with no AGI scripts.. and no hangup handlers.. it's based on touching a file and then running scripts through crontab that will then use manager to issue calls
15:17.41zambaas a PoC it works fine :)
15:19.39SamotSure. I guess it would.
15:19.48SamotNot at all how I would have done it
15:20.20SamotEven with what I have in production now, I use hang up handlers.
15:24.31SamotNor would I use call files for this.
15:33.40*** join/#asterisk ketas (
15:58.52zambaSamot: i guess you're still not interested in revealing some of your magic? :)
15:59.30SamotDefine, revealing.
16:00.03SamotBut really based on what you have said, my magic would give you a headache. It's dialplan logic.
16:06.27Samotzamba: What is actually being recorded?
16:06.47zambabut as i said, my logic is currently also mostly based on dialplan
16:06.49SamotIn a nutshell. It is just "We need someone to cover from X to Y hours"?
16:07.11zambayeah, in a nutshell.. but it may be some more details later on.. but for now, yes, that's pretty much it
16:07.25SamotSo they really don't need to record a new greeting each time
16:08.09SamotSee Asterisk has a slew of preexisting sound files.
16:08.21SamotFrom numbers to times to AM/PM, all that.
16:08.40*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
16:08.49SamotThere may be no need to record a new recording each time.
16:08.52zambaah, yeah, i see what you mean now.. the message needs to be a bit more personalized than that.. and it could be that some other practicalities need to be informed as well.. so it has to be a greeting, yes
16:09.58SamotAnd what happens when they press 1 to accept?
16:10.00zambai see your point and i have thought about the same.. what i may end up doing is also differentiating between what kind of personnel is needed.. and maybe also introduce a count
16:10.07SamotOutside of it shouldn't call anymore numbers.
16:10.57zambathey are asked to record their name (but i will probably do this prerecorded once we go into production).. and then the call is hung up.. the loop to hunt for people is also terminated and then a "report" is dialed back to the original caller
16:11.15SamotDialed back?
16:11.18zambabasically "we've found someone, and they are: <sound clip>"
16:11.36SamotSo why don't you just connect them?
16:11.45zambabecause they may be busy
16:11.48zambathey are probably busy
16:11.54SamotSo they can go to voicemail?
16:12.01SamotThe same place the greeting is going to go?
16:12.10zambamore like retry connecting
16:12.24SamotNone of this was explained before.
16:12.38SamotSo I call an extension, I leave a recording. I hangup..
16:12.45zambathis was not part of the PoC.. all of these questions are outside of the PoC scope..
16:13.02SamotThis calls the entire list of people, someone presses 1.
16:13.04*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak (~mvanbaak@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/mvanbaak)
16:13.12SamotThat person is prompted to record their name
16:13.14zambathese details will be up to the people using it.. so it will be up to discussion, i think.. connecting them together is of course also an option
16:13.32zambai thought about that originally
16:13.47SamotOnce the name is recorded you then need to dial ANOTHER device but also hang up the person.
16:13.56zambaSamot: yup
16:14.06SamotWhich is me. And you want it to continue calling me until I pick up?
16:14.12SamotDon't let it go to voicemail.
16:14.20zambabut as i said.. outside the scope of the PoC.. this will be details in the final implementation
16:14.31SamotHow is that out of scope?
16:14.35SamotIt's the ENTIRE PROCESS.
16:14.46SamotHow can you PoC only half of it?
16:15.14zambathe poc is showing that it's possible and doable to automate the process of getting hold of employees without having to sit down and call each and every one..
16:15.36SamotFollow Me proves that.
16:15.38zambathat's the poc.. THEN we will have a discussion to determine the details.. what happens if this and that
16:16.14SamotThe Appointment Reminder module proves that.
16:16.29SamotIt proves that a list of users can be called without a person doing it.
16:16.40zambait seems like the appointment reminder is more targeted towards doing this on a schedule
16:16.53zambalike: at 12am it should remind someone of something
16:17.00SamotBut it *proves* a list of users can be called without someone doing it
16:17.12SamotAnd not call each and every one themselves.
16:17.13zambai really don't understand what you're going on about
16:17.21zambait works.. we're happy..
16:17.23SamotIt's a PoC of what you're trying to PoC.
16:17.48zambathe whole idea is that this is initiated by someone FIRST calling in.. i don't want to PoC that it's possible to dial someone in order..
16:34.51*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~dovid@
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20:57.15*** join/#asterisk csm3105 (~csm3105@
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21:16.11*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
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23:57.41*** join/#asterisk CatCow97 (

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