IRC log for #asterisk on 20210427

00:00.21nglpx1I have sended the screenshot in group escrow, they believed me and gave me another half hour God bless you
00:00.23SamotBecause this is beyond ridiculous at this point.
00:02.00SamotThis could have been solved 10 frigging hours ago if you would have just done what was asked of you.
00:02.34Samot[Apr 26 23:43:34] NOTICE[5978][C-00000006]: chan_sip.c:26224 handle_request_invite: Call from '201' ( to extension '+393515201769' rejected because extension not found in context 'from-internal'.
00:02.55Samot^^ Because that is one of those "huge glaring issues that stand out" things I said we would notice 10 hours ago.
00:05.00nglpx1the pastebin you gave me to add is already in extensions.conf
00:06.42*** join/#asterisk simplydrew_ (~simplydre@unaffiliated/simplydrew)
00:07.06SamotNo, it's not.
00:07.19simplydrew_When performing a “sip show peer [extension]” for chan_sip endpoints, why does Reg. Contact show sip:100@[server_ip]:5060 instead of the actual extension?
00:07.21SamotI added a + to the pattern match and removed the + from the Dial string.
00:07.35SamotIt's basically the same but allowing a + to be sent.
00:07.49SamotAgain, Bria is sending +39XXXXXX there's no match.
00:07.56SamotAsterisk is rejecting the call.
00:08.12nglpx1Okok, i try to make the modify and I send you the pastebin modified
00:08.25SamotJust add those lines to it.
00:08.37Samotsimplydrew_: Because that's the contact.
00:08.45Samotsimplydrew_: The contact is the location of the device.
00:08.55Samotsimplydrew_: It's how Asterisk knows where to send things.
00:09.42simplydrew_Samot: But yet two different extensions have 100@ and their endpoint IP address. That’s normal?
00:09.55SamotWhat do you mean by extensions?
00:10.04SamotChan_sip peers?
00:10.13simplydrew_Samot: Correct - two different peers
00:10.32SamotSo they show the registered contact as 100@[same_ip]?
00:11.09SamotIs one of the peers 100?
00:11.18simplydrew_So I guess as part of the string, the endpoint IP is the thing that matters. I figured it would incriement by peer - 101, 102, etc
00:11.19nglpx1Samot look if is correct
00:11.43Samotnglpx1: I said add it, not replace what was there.
00:12.13nglpx1Oh add.. okok wait
00:12.41Samot7:59:57 PM <Samot> Just add that to the from-internal. <-- how was that not clear?
00:15.23nglpx1Like this?
00:21.11*** join/#asterisk nglpx1 (05abc946@
00:21.32nglpx1Temporarily Unavaible 480
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00:25.19nglpx1I lost connection
00:25.35SamotNow shit
00:25.43SamotIts getting old
00:25.52SamotShow the failed call
00:26.08nglpx1In the log debug?
00:26.29SamotLike before
00:26.41SamotShow me a full call that fails
00:30.25SamotThat call went out
00:30.41SamotThey sent back 100 Trying
00:30.55SamotAnd a 183 Session in Progress
00:31.10SamotThen a 480..which means the other side didnt answer
00:31.56nglpx1but I have the phone next to me
00:32.24nglpx1183 session?
00:32.39nglpx1my phone don’t have recived that call
00:32.44SamotI also see a lot of transmissions to your IP
00:32.54SamotYou have a crappy connection
00:33.18*** join/#asterisk AsteriskRoss (~AsteriskR@
00:33.21SamotIs that phone registered to a different service?
00:33.37nglpx1i am using 4g data
00:33.59SamotSo you have the phone that should also receive this call?
00:34.24nglpx1the phone that is to receive the call has a subscription with a traditional provider and one yes
00:34.48SamotYou mean it is a copper line?
00:35.07nglpx1yes I have it here
00:35.21SamotThen you need to call your provider
00:35.33nglpx14g lte
00:35.44SamotThe call was sent to them..why they returned a 480 you will have to ask
00:36.23nglpx1but why, if I make the call directly by connecting bria to the provider, it goes out quietly
00:36.50SamotAnd the other phone gets the call?
00:36.57nglpx1Yes sure
00:37.10SamotYou need to ask the provider.
00:42.21nglpx1and strange I don't understand the meaning
00:45.07nglpx1it is even stranger that in 16 changing the librerire (which makes it unstable) makes me make calls wherever I want without problems
00:46.18nglpx1are you here?
00:53.16*** join/#asterisk nglpx1 (05abc946@
00:53.27nglpx1Samot  ?
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14:05.19igcewielingIs the chupahora gone?
14:08.08SamotNot sure what that means.
14:11.21SamotSo, yes?
14:12.15seanbrightsupport vampire?
14:16.39igcewielingchupacabra = goar sucker    chupahora = timesucker
14:17.37sibiriaand lets not forget chupa chups, the famous spanish brand of lollipops
14:17.46sibiriai.e. suckysuckers
14:19.29seanbrightthe only suckers i see are the ones helping him
14:25.05SamotWell unless it's coming from me, I don't help. I belittle.
14:31.05HannaM.. so, did someone really lost 16k euro yesterday?
14:33.52seanbrighttrue, true
14:34.15seanbrighti think it's like 70/30
14:40.18SamotThat was the claim, 16K bitcoin lost.
14:41.07HannaMyep - smells like some oc (organized crime) minion, if usa, italy and bitcoin are mentioned in the whole "discussion"
14:41.51SamotI doubt that.
14:42.07SamotEven crime orgs have an IT dept. and they got a budget.
14:42.24HannaMyeah, the big competent ones ..
14:42.34SamotThis is most likely yet another crypto currency fanbois.
14:42.42HannaMthis might be just the little backyard scam running somewhere ..
14:43.16SamotBecause I see this all the time in networking communities. No idea what they are doing but gotta do the mining nodes because crypto mining is $$$ and "easy"
14:44.10zambain asterisk 16.x, how do i do playback over agi?
14:45.17seanbrightthere is a command line command to get a list of AGI commands
14:45.22seanbrightagi show commands
14:45.25seanbrightor something like that
14:46.07zambawhat does the dead column mean/indicate?
14:46.25zambaexec is dead, so :)
14:46.26seanbrightif it can be used on a dead (hungup) channel
14:46.50seanbrighthow about 'stream file'
14:49.44sibiriaSTREAM FILE is the right method
14:50.01sibiriarather than 'EXEC Playback/Background'
14:50.45SamotOr GET OPTION if you're looking to playback and get DTMF
14:51.10sibiriaSTREAM FILE does the same, but without a timeout option
14:57.39zambaanother question.. is there a simple sip proxy that i can place between my soft phone and the actual asterisk server? the problem is that the asterisk server is running on an ip i'm not able to connect directly.. right now i've NAT-ed some traffic on a neighbouring server (which is in the same layer-2 network and that i'm able to reach directly)..
14:58.11zambathis is currently for testing purposes.. the asterisk server will be relocated once we have it in production
15:25.23*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
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16:34.40igcewielingzamba: no, but there is a nice complicated sip proxy.  It is called Kamailio. 8-|
16:35.00igcewielingYou are better off getting a public IP address.
16:39.23zambayeah, i've heard about that one
16:40.36seanbrighti mean... it's not super complicated
16:40.51seanbrightand i think someone implemented a nice UI frontend
16:42.04zambahm.. i'll see if it's worth it..
16:42.10seanbrightand a sip proxy is not enough if you want the media to traverse the NAT as well
16:42.17seanbrightyou would need an rtp proxy as well
16:42.24zambaor just NAT it, right?
16:42.41zambabtw.., how do i set the language for sound files through AGI?
16:43.04seanbrightset the language of the channel i guess
16:44.54sibiriayou can omit it if you want, or specify it explicitly for the soundfile
16:45.26sibiriae.g. you can play back "en/hello", or "hello"
16:45.46sibiriaif the latter, asterisk will also try source the file from the sounds/ root directory
16:47.54sibiriaLANGUAGE is the channel variable, btw.
16:48.36sibiriashould be accessible with CHANNEL(language)
16:55.36zambasibiria: i just set it in the dialplan.. i'm constantly second-guessing myself wheater i should put stuff in the dialplan or in an AGI script
16:58.59igcewielingzamba: if you need complex logic or for loops or while loops or to handle complex data like databsse lookups, use an AGI.
16:59.54igcewielingMy primary AGI connects to a database, does a bunch of logic and lookups, then sets dialplan variables.   My dialplan handles the actual dialing, etc.
17:00.49igcewielingThis is very similar to how FreePBX does things.    I suspect that is where I got the idea from, but I don't recall.
17:01.17igcewielingzamba: "core show applications" and "core show functions" are your friends.
17:02.03SamotWell considering this is being done on a FreePBX box...
17:02.20igcewielinglooks around. This doesn't look like #FreePBX.
17:02.28SamotWhy in the world haven't you looked at the Appointment Reminder module?
17:03.19SamotIt might work enough for this.
17:05.27zambaSamot: appointment reminders seems to work on a schedule.. my thingy works by demand
17:06.15zambaright now that's what it is.. it's a PoC just barely standing on its own :)
17:06.21SamotSo how many numbers can be in this call list?
17:07.00zambaSamot: that can be dynamic.. but it will be in a database.. so people who's out of town and such, won't be called
17:07.14zambabut i guess maybe up to 30-40
17:08.05SamotOK and you're plan is to pull one number at a time and call it?
17:08.31zambawell.. i think i will pull all numbers and then iterate over them one at a time
17:08.57SamotSo what is the hangup here?
17:09.06zambauntil one of them returns a positive feedback
17:09.09zambawhat do you mean?
17:09.32SamotLet me ask another way.
17:09.35zambawhy i'm not done yet? :)
17:09.38SamotWhy does all this need to be AGI based?
17:09.58zambai believe i answered that yesterday.. dialplan logic gives me a headache
17:10.59zambadoing stuff like response = agi.wait_for_digit(5000) was a breeze
17:11.28zambaand then jumping based on that
17:17.32zambaSamot: i'm currently using manager to initiate the outbound calls
17:17.51SamotOK and they have to hit a context...
17:50.25*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (
18:03.26zambayeah, i have that ready.. context, exten and priority
18:29.45*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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19:37.03zambahm.. i have done some experimenting.. it seems like calling stuff from a hangup handler leads to some strange behaviour..
19:37.32igcewielingzamba: depends on what you are doing.
19:37.40zambait seems like this is in fact not called *after* it's hung up, but rather that it leads the call that should've been hung up in some kind of limbo
19:37.58zambaigcewieling: i want to run a script after a call has been hung up
19:38.08zambathat needs to run on its own
19:38.11igcewielingzamba: I do that on every call.
19:38.27zambanot sure what i'm doing wrong, then
19:39.04igcewielingMy hangup handler calls an AGI which writes the various database entries required to close out call accounting and fraud mitigation.
19:39.38igcewielingIf you are trying to do something stupid like trying to play audio to callers or run an IVR, that would be just crazy.
19:39.59zambathe dialplan is not polished at all.. it's currently just a PoC
19:40.03zambaso i'm just testing the building blocks
19:40.29zambathe script will start an asterisk manager and will start issuing new outgoing calls
19:40.32igcewielingIs an ACTUAL AGI or is it a simple python scrpt
19:40.53zambaigcewieling: what do you mean by actual agi? import asterisk.agi ; agi = asterisk.agi.AGI() ?
19:40.58igcewielingAn ACTUAL AGI reads the STDIN data Asterisk sends the script.
19:41.20zambawell.. i'm starting to think that i may not need the stdin data from asterisk..
19:41.28igcewielingzamba: noobs sometimes try to run regular scripts in Asterisk using AGI()
19:41.29zambaso maybe use System instead?
19:42.05igcewielingzamba: Do you need to do anything which interacts with asterisk on stdin/ardout?
19:42.20igcewielingGet dialplan variable?
19:42.40zambaigcewieling: well.. i was thinking i want/need the caller id from the person calling into the temp_callin, but i guess i can just pass that as an argument or write that to a file
19:42.53zambaigcewieling: so i don't really *need* something that interacts with asterisk
19:43.43igcewieling*nod*  try using System without any AGI stuff.    Manager is sometimes lumped under "AGI" but it isn't really.
19:47.39SamotIt's like someone that does this said that.
19:48.26zambamaybe i'm a bit confused by my phone not hanging up.. i'm calling in from my cell phone.. and that keeps the connection open.. even though i've issued Hangup() from asterisk
19:48.29zambais this normal?
19:49.32zambathat's why i'm wondering if the hangup handler is to blame
19:50.04zambai'll try without the hangup handler
19:50.41zambayeah, then it closes the connection.. and the call is hung up on the cell phone side as well
19:51.08zambaso this thing is keeping the call open seen from the caller's side: Set(CHANNEL(hangup_handler_push)
19:51.40SamotAGI is analogous to CGI in Apache. AGI provides an interface between the Asterisk dialplan and an external program that wants to manipulate a channel in the dialplan. In general, the interface is synchronous - actions taken on a channel from an AGI block and do not return until the action is completed.
20:07.11zambayeah.. but does that explain the non-hangup?
20:07.25zambai've realized that you're not a fan of the hangup handler :)
20:09.08zambaso i'm starting to think about using cron jobs and touching files instead
20:10.54zambato trigger something completely outside of asterisk
20:20.27seanbrightif your AGI doesn't exit, neither will the channel
20:20.41*** join/#asterisk ghoti (
20:21.57zambaseanbright: even if it's an hangup handler? which should be called *after* the channel is hung up?
20:22.22seanbrightoh great point!
20:22.25seanbrightyes, even then
20:23.10seanbrightjust make your AGI exit, i don't get what is difficult
20:28.34SamotWell the AGI can't exit until it's complete, I'm guessing.
20:28.37*** join/#asterisk Tittan (be405fd2@
20:29.06SamotWhich means it will stay open until the list is exhausted or an accept is submitted.
20:32.18SamotAs always, hangup handlers, like the h extension, need to execute quickly because they are in the hangup sequence path of the call leg. Specific channel driver protocols like ISDN and SIP may not be able to handle excessive delays completing the hangup sequence.
20:33.52SamotI guess one could postulate that running an AGI during the hangup sequence that is going to linear dial 30+ destinations with at least a 25-30 second ring time and at least 30 seconds of call time would be considered an "excessive delay".
20:58.28*** join/#asterisk DodgeThis (
21:05.18igcewielingA hangup handler is to handle hangups, not trigger dialing campaigns.
21:08.29seanbrighti mean... it can
21:08.38sibiriait's just fine to use it to issue signaling
21:08.50seanbrightjust don't block.
21:09.29igcewielingI suppose I should not say "trigger", I should say "manage and run"
21:09.37sibiriacan fork
21:09.50seanbrightwe'll accept that
21:11.05igcewielingAnyone know how much of a hanguphandler induced delay would cause SIP signaling issues?
21:12.56*** join/#asterisk landau (
21:13.01seanbright(i do not)
21:13.03igcewieling.ignore seanbright
21:19.28sibiriathe problem is more that asterisk stops responding to SIP traffic on the channel when it's hung-up. technically any delay can be too long delay, even a few milliseconds
21:19.49sibiriai still haven't gotten around to file the bug report about this that was discussed here some weeks ago... i'm a bit weighed-down with work etc.
21:22.52SamotHow is that a bug?
21:23.15sibiriait depends on the scenario. in the case i brought up for discussion the call disposition can end up misjudged
21:23.34SamotMisjudge how? I missed this convo.
21:24.39sibiriaasterisk can end up ignoring the last response from the opposite end and present no q.850 reason despite one arriving a millisecond later
21:25.26SamotWhy would ASterisk need a q.850 reason for a hangup
21:25.38SamotAsterisk would be generating the BYE
21:26.56SamotYou mean to the other channel?
21:28.50sibiriai'll make sure you let you know when i've written up the bug report
21:29.09sibiriato let you know*
21:29.23SamotYeah, I guess I'm not following it right now so more details would be nice.
22:10.04*** join/#asterisk Kobaz (
22:10.12KobazAnyone do any work with iSAC?
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22:54.24SamotI have not.
23:34.25*** join/#asterisk nglpx1 (05ab2e89@
23:35.00nglpx1Who can tell my why I recive this error?
23:36.22SamotBecause the other side sent it.
23:36.38nglpx1I have 13.8 today it worked fine, I made some calls everything is fine. now i saw that error and so i uploaded yesterday's snapshot where it worked and it goes anyway.
23:37.10nglpx1What do you mean?
23:37.35*** join/#asterisk AsteriskRoss (~AsteriskR@
23:37.59SamotI mean the side you sent the request to, sent back a 500 Server Error
23:38.35nglpx1then the provider?
23:46.04*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@

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