IRC log for #asterisk on 20210425

00:02.41*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (~riddlebox@2600:6c42:7900:f1e1:fcd3:508b:9506:59f1)
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10:57.35*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
11:04.26zambawhen performing automated outgoing calls.. and i guess i know the answer to this already.. is there a way to detect if we're hitting the voicemail or an actual person?
11:05.17zamba(and no, this is not for war dialing or spam calls, this is for contacting employees to fill a work shift)
12:02.59*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
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12:55.53*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (~riddlebox@2600:6c42:7900:f1e1:bfe9:a069:130b:f938)
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12:59.15electronic_eelzamba: you could play back a message saying that the user should press some digit when they are ready to fill a work shift
12:59.52electronic_eelthen detect that digit / dtmf code and act upon it
13:01.02zambaelectronic_eel: yeah, it was something like that i was thinking about.. but i wanted to differentiate between hitting voicemail and a live person.. so i was wondering if that's possible at all?
13:02.13electronic_eelif the voicemail greeting is a fully recorded message and not something created by a text-to-speech thing? how would you differentiate that?
13:02.23filethere's the AMD application, but in general it's not easy and there have been entire businesses devoted to it
13:02.33zambaelectronic_eel: no, i was talking about the user's side
13:03.15zambaif you dial a person's cell phone.. then it could ring for a while.. either the person answers or maybe voicemail picks up.. is there a way for asterisk to differentiate between those two events?
13:03.28electronic_eelif the remote end is picked up by a voicemail system and the voicemail plays a recorded message - how do you want to differentiate that from a human picking up and saying something?
13:03.29zambai'm guessing no, but maybe someone has come up with something neat
13:03.42electronic_eeleven humans get fooled by this sometimes
13:04.17zambaelectronic_eel: yeah, that's my question.. but i was maybe hoping there was something built in.. was hoping the phone network was digital enough for this to be returned as status code 202 versus 200, for instance :)
13:04.18zambain HTTP terms
13:04.33zambabut i wasn't expecting it to be
13:04.34electronic_eelno status code
13:04.43zambayeah.. really just as i expected
13:04.56zambafile: what does the AMD application do?
13:05.07HannaMsome of the fundamental flaws in the whole telephony design ..  -_-
13:05.09zambaah.. answering machine detect
13:08.13electronic_eelanswering machines predate sip by several decades. so it wasn't be possible to implement a special status code for answering machines when sip was developed and expect it to be reliable, because you always must take backward compatibility into account
13:14.42zambabut AMD looks a bit promising
13:15.02zambait's not like i'm looking for something that's bulletproof.. and i'm not out to "beat" answering machines
13:22.10*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~dovid@
13:22.57zambai guess what i want to do is for the people currently on shift to dial an extension.. this extension will then allow the dialing user to record a message describing the shift hours.. this recording will then be played to each member sequentially and then their feedback should be received using DTMF
13:24.13*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (~riddlebox@2600:6c42:7900:f1e1:c33:81d0:2d1d:7464)
13:25.12SamotAnswering Machines do the same thing in SIP that they do with Analog.
13:25.19SamotIt is an *answered* call.
13:25.27zambayeah, i was expecting that
13:25.33SamotThere is no special "code" in legacy Telecom for "answering machine"
13:25.47SamotIt is an answered call. Done.
13:26.19SamotYour status code is a 200 OK and for Asterisk it is a hangupcause 16, completed call.
13:27.24SamotSo you want to use AMD to call people, determine if they are human or a machine. If they are a machine, you'll want to wait until a greeting is played back before leaving a message.
15:57.49*** join/#asterisk thansen (~thansen@
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18:45.30*** join/#asterisk AsteriskRoss (~AsteriskR@
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23:41.42*** join/#asterisk Enitin (enitin@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/enitin)

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