IRC log for #asterisk on 20210422

00:01.30*** join/#asterisk Janos (~textual@
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01:36.03*** join/#asterisk forgotmynick (uid24625@gateway/web/
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06:03.22*** join/#asterisk Enitin (enitin@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/enitin)
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13:40.47*** join/#asterisk kerouac[m] (kerouacmat@gateway/shell/
13:42.04kerouac[m]Here is the log of two calls
13:42.04kerouac[m]From 6002 to 6001 and then back. Both unsuccessful by some reason. What it could be?
13:44.26filein the first case you're calling a Grandstream with WebRTC settings enabled, that may be why it responds back with a "486 Busy Here" although it gives the reason "All lines are in use"
13:45.19igcewielingah, that is what all that extra crap in the invite is for.
13:46.10filein the second case dunno, INVITE I think was sent but no response
13:47.16kerouac[m]<file "in the first case you're calling"> but if I do pjsip show channells there is no active calls, why all lines in use could appear?
13:47.41fileI gave you a potential reason, otherwise all I can do is say that is what the Grandstream replied back
13:47.57fileWarning: 399 GS "All lines are in use"
13:51.26kerouac[m]<file "in the first case you're calling"> In my case I need WebRTC
13:51.53*** join/#asterisk bford (uid283514@gateway/web/
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13:51.54fileeach call leg is independent, if what you really mean is "I need WebRTC on my calling side" then that's fine
13:51.59filethe called party doesn't need to be WebRTC
13:52.16fileif the Grandstream wants WebRTC and can handle WebRTC SDP, then also fine
13:52.35kerouac[m]what is grandstream?
13:53.02filethat is what was called in the first call, apparently
13:53.04fileUser-Agent: Grandstream GSC3510
13:54.10kerouac[m]Ah, yes, that's it, sorry for stupid question
13:58.27*** join/#asterisk kharwell (uid358942@gateway/web/
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14:45.04*** join/#asterisk pppingme (~pppingme@unaffiliated/pppingme)
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15:09.37*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
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16:10.48*** join/#asterisk clarjon1 (~clarjon1@unaffiliated/clarjon1)
16:31.07*** join/#asterisk Janos (~textual@
16:31.34kerouac[m]Maybe this log could explain the reason?
16:32.09kerouac[m]BUSY is the answer of server or the recieving side?
16:32.41filethe remote side sent that to Asterisk.
16:32.56fileAsterisk then sent busy to the caller
16:36.23kerouac[m]As far as I know, the touble is that sides are in different subnets.
16:36.23kerouac[m]I have exactly the same config in other network and it works properly.
16:36.37kerouac[m]Is there a good guide to config asterisk and pjsip in LAN?
16:36.51kerouac[m]no nat
16:36.53fileif there were a networking issue, then you wouldn't get any response at all
16:37.21fileand there is no extra configuration for such a thing
16:47.27kerouac[m]But I have no idea what can differ from this two instances of asterisk except network
16:47.48kerouac[m]same softphones, same configs, same hardware
16:48.01igcewielingTry tuning off ice/stun/and webrtc?
17:03.04Samotkerouac[m]: This is not a problem because there are two subnets. This is a problem because the device being called is returned that reply.
17:03.15Samotkerouac[m]: So look at the device being called.
17:26.01*** join/#asterisk mr44er (
17:38.54*** join/#asterisk clarjon_1 (~clarjon1@unaffiliated/clarjon1)
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18:20.42*** join/#asterisk zapata (~zapata@2a02:1748:fad4:7260:80c1:7eac:31e7:9b8)
18:23.56*** join/#asterisk ppman (~mkern@
18:27.15ppmanHi guys, I'm debugging a strange UDPTL issue. It seems that ast_udptl_new_with_bindaddr() is opening a socket with AF_INET6, and then trying to sendto an IPv4 address. There is no IPv6 on this system, and I even explicitly have t38_udptl_ipv6=no in my relevant endpoints. I'm getting EINVAL on those sendto's, so I can only receive UDPTL traffic, not send/pass it on. Any ideas to find this?
18:28.25filewhat version of Asterisk?
18:30.38filethe code checks for IPv6 support within the system itself, if available it binds a socket which supports both IPv4 and IPv6
18:30.45filewhat distro/platform?
18:31.49ppmanThis is an awkward setup, I'm in a Ubuntu 20.04 chroot running on top of linuxulator in FreeBSD
18:32.29ppmanI suppose I don't know for sure that that's what is causing the EINVAL, but that was my best guess given the evidence
18:32.42fileif the socket does not allow both IPv4 and IPv6, then it wouldn't work and you'd need to modify the code probably
18:36.43ppmanhm, well just changing the socket() call starts moving the error around (now in the bind() call)..
18:36.57ppmanis there an easy way to completely disable ipv6 in asterisk?
18:37.46igcewielingyou can't just disable ipv6 system wide?
18:42.49SamotWell that is an interesting setup
18:45.17ppmanigcewieling: maybe I'm misunderstanding, but it seems that FreeBSD can disable IPv6 on interfaces, but not overall... seems the only interface without IFDISABLED in nd6 options is my loopback interface lo0, which I don't think should bug things out
18:45.31ppmanSamot: I need to do it this way to get DPMA to work
18:47.02SamotYou couldn't just spin up a Ubuntu 20.04 system?
18:48.34ppmanit would have to be a vm, and I really don't want to deal with that in this particular situation...
18:53.07ppmanhm, so I can confirm that ast_udptl_new_with_bindaddr() is getting called with [::]:0 as the sockaddr...
18:58.22ppmanYeah, it works perfect now - I manually disabled the check in res/res_pjsip_t38.c -> load_module() for ipv6 support, and t38 works now!
19:01.30ppmanI do wish main/utils.c -> ast_check_ipv6() could be configured by a config option somewhere, but this as a workaround is fine for now... I'll just hate myself every time I update :P
19:03.13*** join/#asterisk CatCow97 (
19:08.23ppmanhmm, further it seems that that function is only actually used in res_pjsip_t38.c and res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c - and I haven't had any noticeable problems with rtp/sdp, but I think that's the bind_rtp_to_media_address working... I couldn't get it to work at all without that
19:08.41ppmanif only there were the bind_t38
19:08.48ppman_to_media_address option...
19:09.13igcewielingyou could use a real linux box and avoid all this problem
19:09.17*** join/#asterisk riddlebox2 (~riddlebox@2600:6c42:7900:f1e1:fa31:f257:6cd2:991a)
19:11.34ppmanwell, yeah... but honestly this setup isn't too bad
19:11.55ppmanI just get a nasty dmesg line any time anything calls getifaddrs() :P
19:12.51*** join/#asterisk lbazan (~LoKoMurdo@fedora/LoKoMurdoK)
19:13.22ppmanI used to be a Linux guy but every since they ditched init it's gone downhill... and this is a production system
19:15.05ppman...but OS politics isn't exactly the topic here. I'll be filing a bug report, but otherwise thanks for your help!
19:17.07*** join/#asterisk Enitin (enitin@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/enitin)
19:20.36SamotMan, I love people like that.
19:20.49Samot"Sure, I could just do it right but naw, that's just too much work"
19:21.05Samot"Now excuse me while I got spend 10 hours on making this work my special way"
19:26.07*** join/#asterisk Tittan (be405fd2@
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23:07.32*** join/#asterisk riddlebox1 (~riddlebox@2600:6c42:7900:f1e1:89a:76d3:2978:2b23)
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23:48.10*** join/#asterisk theborger (~wifflebat@unaffiliated/theborger)
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