IRC log for #asterisk on 20210419

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07:01.44zambai guess the polycom cx500 can't be used as regular sip phones?
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10:00.47electronic_eelzamba: afaik they are only availabe as lync phones, and don't work anymore because they don't have up-to-date encryption support
10:07.04zambaelectronic_eel: so basically just bricks?
10:50.27*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
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11:30.23Samotzamba: they did go end of life a few years back.
11:48.21zambaSamot: sure, but i just hate throwing away hardware
11:48.45zambaespecially working hardware
11:49.32SamotBut does it work?
11:49.52SamotAre you going to go out and get a out of date Lynx server to run it on?
11:51.15zambai was hoping to get a pure sip image on it.. that's why i'm asking in here if anyone is familiar with it
11:51.24zambai definitely don't want to run a lync server :)
11:54.13SamotSo you just recently bought these phones?
11:54.23SamotSadly, no SIP firmware for it.
12:03.26SamotGonna guess they were cheap.
12:05.38zambaSamot: free, as i found them in a dumpster at work.. we had lync earlier
12:05.52zambaso i guess they/we came to the same conclusion regarding that :)
12:06.21SamotWell Lynch died like 7 years ago and was being phased our.
12:06.41SamotSo put them back in the dumpster.
12:09.26TehRabbittSamot: I did get my Cisco 7970s working btw :)  1 part of it was a misconfiguration in the XML. the second part, was well, me thinking I couldn't use PJSIP.  (It works perfectly)  That said, some things like "Directory" and "Intercom" don't work but that's expected (unless you basically feel like coding it yourself etc).
12:10.03TehRabbittI'm wondering, is there a wiki or such for FreePBX where I can post a copy of my [sanitized] XML for anyone else who might stumble across the issue?
12:10.31SamotMy honest answer to that is, don't bother.
12:11.02SamotThey are out of date phones. They don't fully work unless a patch is made to Asterisk.
12:11.25TehRabbittyou're talking getting the "other" features like the Intercom, etc working?
12:11.53SamotIf this is "I want to show how to make it work as well as an ATA" is already out there.
12:12.34TehRabbittTrue, but the XML files tend to be all over the place etc and they're not exactly "compatible" since a lot of the XML I found were either missing things or formatted incorrectly
12:12.58SamotI'm going to be honest here. You're not doing anything new.
12:13.06SamotThese have existed for over a decade.
12:13.26SamotPeople have been flashing those phones to SIP to be cheap for a long time.
12:15.42TehRabbittSamot: what are your thoughts on the cheap "SNOM" phones on Ebay?  again, only reason I wanted to mess with the 7970s was because I used to have them running with Pure Asterisk (Chan-SCCP-B) back in ~2010 and I just bought a 2nd one for like $10 so I could play with them but I had never tried using them w/ SIP.
12:16.07SamotI'm not a fan of snoms. They work just fine, I'm not a fan.
12:16.25TehRabbittSamot: what would you suggest that isn't too pricy?
12:16.36SamotPricy is subjective.
12:16.57TehRabbitt~$50 or less give or take a few bucks
12:16.59SamotI don't find buying new Yealink's or Poly's for things as pricy.
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12:17.08SamotI couldn't give you a suggestion on that.
12:17.08TehRabbittso the Yealinks are decent?
12:17.23SamotI don't buy phones for $50 or under.
12:17.28TehRabbittah lol
12:17.29SamotWell IP phones.
12:18.10TehRabbittAgain, not sure if I ever mentioned it before, but I'm using these @ home
12:18.19TehRabbittso don't need too much crazy stuff
12:19.13*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
12:19.15SamotThen go buy something used that wasn't built for a specific PBX platform and that SIP wasn't an afterthought on.
12:19.44TehRabbittwhy does it seem there are a lot of phones that fall into that category (that SIP was an afterthought)
12:19.55SamotThere aren't actually.
12:20.05SamotCisco UCM phones...
12:20.07TehRabbittJust the ones I keep ending up with lol.
12:20.10SamotLync phones.
12:20.19SamotTehRabbitt: Get further than the price tag.
12:20.22TehRabbittShoretel = Crap apparently
12:20.31SamotShoretel = phones for a PBX
12:20.33TehRabbitt90% of the "feature" are in their switches
12:20.40SamotBecause Shoretel is a PBX maker.
12:21.11SamotIf you buy phones from a PBX maker, they are only doing phones as an accessory to their PBX.
12:21.33SamotThey don't care if their phone doesn't work with someone else's PBX or not.
12:21.44TehRabbittgood way of looking at it.  why support their competitors etc.
12:22.15SamotNothing about that.
12:22.26SamotThey are designing phones to support the features of their PBX
12:23.43fileand the fact they may use SIP is an implementation detail
12:23.53SamotBroadSoft is a huge telecom platform for ISPs.
12:24.26SamotPolycom can be programmed to use BroadSoft firmware. It's still 100% SIP but BroadSoft uses custom headers and stuff.
12:24.37SamotThey also modified their own SIP stack.
12:25.20TehRabbittHence it's similar to Cisco to some extent?
12:25.38SamotBecause all basic PBX features are supported.
12:25.47TehRabbittso no workarounds to get things like intercom working
12:25.48SamotThese are extra features.
12:25.54SamotOr BLF
12:25.59SamotOr conferences
12:26.00TehRabbittwhat is BLF
12:26.05SamotBusy Lamp Field.
12:26.07TehRabbittYeah, I noticed the conference thing.
12:26.11SamotIt shows me when you are on the phone
12:26.24SamotAllows me to speeddial/transfer to you with a touch of a button
12:26.35SamotAllows me to pick up calls ringing to your phone if you can't get it.
12:26.43TehRabbittNow I see what you're saying :P
12:26.49TehRabbitt"Shared Lines" as Cisco calls them
12:26.56TehRabbittbut again dont' work out of the box
12:26.58SamotThose are different.
12:27.22SamotShared Lines are not BLFs.
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21:33.41zambai have managed to get my PJSIP against my provider registered and into an online state.. but when i attempt to make a call, i'm getting 100 Trying and then immediately afterwards 486 Busy here back from my provider
21:33.49zambais this something wrong at my end or my provider?
21:34.04SamotDid you call them?
21:34.17SamotDid you ask them why there is a 486 Busy
21:34.26SamotBecause that generally means who you were calling was busy.
21:35.05zambathey're closed right now.. so i have to check tomorrow.. but since they are a provider and possibly have working customers already, i'm guessing that there's something wrong at my end :)
21:35.29SamotThe problem here is that 486 Busy is a totally acceptable response.
21:35.44SamotIt means the other wise was in use but couldn't take another call.
21:35.59zambathe other wise?
21:36.01SamotUnless they are doing something funky and returning the wrong response.
21:36.15SamotHave you not used a phone before?
21:36.22SamotSometimes when you call someone they are busy..
21:36.28SamotYou get back busy tones.
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21:36.49SamotIt's hard to know if this is a real problem when the response is a standard and acceptable response.
21:36.54zambayeah, but this is returned back immediately.. and i'm calling my own cell phone and it's not busy.. unless my other personality is using it behind my back
21:37.02SamotShow a call.
21:37.07Samotasterisk -rvvvvvvvvv
21:37.10Samotpjsip set logger on
21:37.19Samotmake the call, pastebin the results.
21:39.15Kobaz<Samot Have you not used a phone before?  <---- Great advise there!
21:41.20KobazAnd I swear I can type.  *advice
21:43.46Samotzamba: not a thing wrong with it.
21:45.00zambaSamot: meaning? there's an issue with my provider?
21:45.02Samotzamba: You will need to call them provider. They might not like how the call was sent to them and are using the wrong response
21:45.36SamotOr there is something else going on.
21:45.52SamotBut that looks like a normal busy call attempt
21:49.37zambaoki.. i'll check with the provider tomorrow
21:50.35zambaSamot: thanks for your patient help
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22:23.14igcewielingin case anyone collects old telephones
22:23.34igcewielingor at least weird telephones, I don't know how "old" it is.

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