IRC log for #asterisk on 20210415

00:24.29*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
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01:51.38igcewielingheh, I'm actually tempted
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14:16.08zambai have been given just an ip address and a port number from my sip provider to set up a sip trunk.. how do i set this up in freepbx?
14:18.10electronic_eelzamba: look for a freepbx channel or forum first
14:25.07*** join/#asterisk Janos (~textual@
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14:43.42zambaelectronic_eel: yeah, i guess i could do that, but that channel is idle :)
14:44.35zambabut the problem i'm having seems to be more related to dialplan than freepbx
14:46.53zambaor rather.. if i'm missing a checkbox that allows certain extensions to dial out
14:48.57*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
14:53.20Samotzamba: How about actually presenting the issue in a way that we can work with.
14:53.42Samotzamba: Have you or have you not setup a trunk?
15:07.52electronic_eelthe asterisk dialplan doesn't have "checkboxes allowing to dial out", that is a purely freepbx thing
15:27.41*** join/#asterisk clarjon1 (~clarjon1@unaffiliated/clarjon1)
16:00.36igcewieling*sigh*  One of our sales reps doesn't check to see the speed of the customer network before deciding to install a 10/100 switch or a Gig switch.
16:02.01HannaMsales reps...
16:02.52igcewielingApparently the checklist form even has a box for customer network speed.
16:03.03SamotDo you know that companies like Oracle and such always par sales people with engineers?
16:03.16SamotSales Engineers.
16:04.17HannaMalways two they are ..
16:10.11igcewielingIf I ran the company I'd likely do that.
16:11.58igcewielingActually, if I ran the company I'd replace half the sales people first.
16:12.41HannaMquestion is: with what? would a bunch of apes do better work perhaps?
16:13.22ShaunRWhy would anybody install a 10/100 switch these days?
16:13.48HannaMmaybe cheap leftover devices ?
16:13.55igcewielingShaunR: because we have them in stock and the majority of our customers are at 100Mbps.
16:14.46ShaunRWhat kind of switch
16:15.01igcewielingAdtran NetVanta PoE models
16:16.30igcewielingNV123X, NV1531, NV1550
16:16.41SamotThe customers only have 10/100 LAN networks?
16:17.25igcewielingSamot: yes.
16:17.48SamotThat actually takes effort these days.
16:17.49igcewielingMost of our customers are technological morons.
16:18.34SamotSo are mine.
16:18.56SamotOddly enough not every customer is a tech genius.
16:19.09ShaunRI dont understand how a 10/100 switch isn't end of life :)
16:19.48igcewielingI don't expect them to be.   I expect them to have someone to call on when their phone system has problems and someone to call on when their network has problems.
16:20.28igcewielingShaunR: When the entire office is a 10/100 network, why would we install a GIG switch?
16:22.30igcewielingOur switches have only phones plugged into them.   Some customer plug PCs into the PC port of the Polycom phones, in that case, they are limited by max speed of the phone and the max speed of the switch.
16:23.00igcewielingWe are not a network management company.   The customer manages their own network.  We just manage the phone parts.
16:26.09*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
16:26.33ShaunROut of curiousity whats the price diff between the 10/100/1000 vs the 10/100?
16:27.00SamotAnd my shock on them being 10/100 isn't about you managing them.
16:27.22SamotI'm just hard pressed to find a pure 10/100 network when I do new turn ups.
16:27.39SamotCould there be 10/100 devices, sure but not 100% all of them.
16:27.46ShaunRIf i came into a company that had a new 10/100 switch that they purchased from X company i would tell them to get rid of that company
16:27.53ShaunRSorry not trying to be a dick, just saying.
16:29.13igcewielingShaunR: Even 6 year old switchs?
16:29.48ShaunRNot sure what you mean?  I thought you were selling them a NEW 10/100 switch?
16:31.04igcewielingNo, we rent them as part of renting the phones and providing voip service.      The majority of our customers have existing 100Mbps switches so there is no point in installing a giog switch.
16:31.29ShaunRAh, i see.  I could see renting them existing stock at a lower cost then.
16:32.19igcewielingWe are not (usually) replacing the customer switch.  We are adding another switch for phones.    Sometimes, we need to route PC LAN traffic via the voice switches -- in those cases, it matters what speed switch we install.    For the most part, we try to match the speed of the switch we install to the speed of the exising customer switches.
16:33.14SamotYeah, I don't bother with that.
16:33.21SamotIt's just a 1G switch. Done.
16:34.49igcewielingGig phones too?
16:35.09ShaunRDo you have any BNC hubs to rent ;)
16:35.58igcewielingno.  I do have a 20 x T-1 echo canceling system in a box which I can't bear to throw away.
16:36.12igcewielingI *heart* Tellabx
16:36.18igcewielingI *heart* Tellabs
16:36.25ShaunRWhy is it so hard to throw away old gear!!!
16:36.42ShaunRI have racks of it, I feel like i'm eventually going to do something with it.
16:37.07igcewielingWe jrecently tossed out almost 2 dozen old Gen 1 single ethernet Adtrans
16:37.13ShaunRI have a shit tone of old cisco C2948 switches.
16:38.58*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
16:39.32igcewielingsadly recalls the day a fully loaded Catalist 5500 was put in dumpster. Needed three people.
16:43.41SamotGig phones?
16:43.45SamotYeah, for the most part.
16:44.15igcewielingSamot: if you install a gig switch with phones and plug PCs into the PC port of the phone and the phone is not GIG, then the switch speed is pointless.
16:46.58SamotWell I guess that depends on your point of view.
16:47.20SamotIf next month the company has a moment of lucidity and goes "We're upgrading to 1G"
16:47.35SamotI now don't have to go buy another switch, do a truck roll and deal with replacing it.
16:47.51SamotThe price difference at that point is meh.
16:48.14igcewielingOur problem is that we have a lor of existing switches in stick, taken from former customers
16:48.31SamotI'm not sure how that is a problem.
16:48.39SamotEbay is great.
16:48.47SamotAmazon works out too.
16:49.30ShaunRSamot: He's renting the switch to the customer, so I could see giving them the option to rent a older switch at a reduced cost.
16:49.39SamotThat's fine.
16:49.45SamotThat works out great too.
16:49.47ShaunRIf they were buying it, thats a different story. I agree with you
16:50.01SamotBut the logic of "we put in a switch to match their switch speeds" is flawed to me.
16:51.27ShaunROk, back to figuring out wtf is going on wiht this gosub!  Think Read() is the solution atm.
16:52.24igcewielingRead is the solution to most issues of playing a message and collecting digits.
16:53.56ShaunRWaitExten() worked for my old asterisk 11, but something obviously changed in newer versions.
16:54.48ShaunRI think I remember this is why I only bumped from asterisk 1.8 to 11 a while back.
16:55.31ShaunRlrwxrwxrwx   1 root root       17 Apr 13  2015 asterisk -> asterisk-
16:55.38ShaunRlol 2015!
16:57.11ShaunRlol, this is even better...
16:57.15ShaunR15 years ago!
16:58.06SamotI couldn't.
16:58.18SamotI think I would have an actual physical reaction to that.
16:59.51ShaunRSamot: it's like how freepbx is still using init scripts on a OS with systemd ;)
17:03.00ShaunRSo when making changes to the extensions.conf is running 'dialplan reload' enough to bring in those changes?
17:03.16*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
17:03.45ShaunRWould that also work for changes to queues.conf
17:04.07SamotShaunR: why are you even messing with FreePBX?
17:04.25Samotand no, you need to reload the queue app
17:05.50ShaunRSamot: Honestly I though it would make setting up and managing the system and phones easier. My homegrown asterisk setup was lacking many features because I got over spending the time to implement them
17:06.09ShaunRwas thinking freepbx could save me some time.
17:06.18ShaunRNot really looking that way, lol
17:06.20SamotWell there is a compromise with FreePBX
17:07.47SamotFor example, you wouldnt be making custom changes to extensios.conf or queues.conf those would be the wrong places
17:08.54ShaunRI'm not
17:09.10ShaunRI know i wrote extensions.conf above.
17:09.19SamotWell based on your statements that is not the case.
17:09.20ShaunRI'm making them to the _custom.conf files
17:09.53ShaunRMy gosub is in extensions_custom.conf
17:11.20ShaunRI'd actually like to make this into a module, but man i had a look at some existing module code and the documentation and it doesn't look inviting.
17:11.39ShaunRAnd i write alot of code
17:11.44SamotA module for what?
17:11.56SamotTo do?
17:12.07ShaunRScreening the way I want to do it.
17:12.26SamotScreening for queues?
17:12.38ShaunRBasically screen an incomming call, and announce the caller to the queue member.
17:12.51ShaunRfor both internal and external calls
17:13.04ShaunRwith options like putting the call on hold, send to vm, etc.
17:13.44SamotSo a pro module?
17:13.55SamotThat could tie into CRMs
17:14.52ShaunRTieing into a CRM would be nice too.  I was actually going to look into that more for CID stuff.
17:15.13ShaunRWould be nice if a matched number would display their name, business and customer id on the phone.
17:15.28SamotSolutions already exist for that
17:16.00ShaunRYa, i've seen a couple.  I just would need to tie it into my system.
17:16.25ShaunRIt doesn't look too difficult.  I'd like to integrate call recording and logs into the system too.
17:16.37ShaunRbut i'm getting ahead of myself.
17:16.48ShaunRProjects are stacking up.
17:18.01SamotIm just saying you need to educate yourself
17:18.50SamotCase in point: someone posted this huge how to to make a feature work in a module. Hours spent on it, great how to...
17:19.19SamotMy reply: Did you not use the drop down too select X option? That does all you just posted.
17:19.26ShaunRIs that the "hooks" post
17:19.41SamotThis was for the Endpoint Manager.
17:19.55SamotThey thought it lacked a feature
17:20.02ShaunRdropdown X option?
17:20.05SamotSo they did all that work...
17:20.19SamotX as in placeholder. Not a real thing.
17:20.46ShaunRDo you happen to have a link to this post?
17:20.49SamotMy point is. They failed to educate themselves on everything the module did
17:20.53igcewielingSangoma FreePBX: X-Men Edition
17:21.07SamotDid test things.
17:21.16SamotDidnt explore it.
17:21.40SamotSo they wrote a workaround that wasn't needed.
17:24.58SamotSangoma/FreePBX has the Queues Pro module that gives more advanced queue options including announcements to agents and post call destinations.
17:25.15SamotThere is Queue Wallboard or whatever they call it to manage agents/queues/reports.
17:25.39SamotThere is a CRM module for integrating with CRM solutions.
17:26.00ShaunRI'm looked at that module but honestly nothing stood out to me that it would do what I wanted.
17:26.05SamotThen you can look at Asternic for solutions like FOP2 that lets you monitor queues, pull callers from queues...
17:26.25SamotTransfer calls, etc.
17:26.48SamotThey also have a queue stats/agent monitoring program, wall board plug ins, etc.
17:27.48ShaunRI'm still searching for this write up you talked about above.
17:39.11*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
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18:51.09ShaunRAnyway to make membergosub continue to play music like it does with a dial?
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19:02.17SamotSet the musicclass on the channel?
19:09.19*** join/#asterisk Ravenheart (
19:32.33ShaunRSamot: So i have a context called screen-dial that simply does Dial(PJSIP/${EXTEN},30,U(screen-callee,s,1)).  Queue members are set to Local/EXTEN@screen-dial
19:32.54ShaunRwhen doing that the caller thats in the queue hears music the entire time the gosub runs.
19:33.44ShaunRNow if i set membergosub in the queues.conf and change the member to use a standard dial(exten) the caller stops hearing the music while the gosub is running.
19:35.38KobazSamot: got time to confirm a bug for me?
19:36.24SamotWhat's that?
19:37.03Kobazlemme paste real quick
19:37.16SamotShaunR: You probably need to set it on the proper channel.
19:37.31SamotShaunR: The gosub runs on the created channel, not the existing channel.
19:38.23KobazDoes this crash for you?
19:38.34KobazWarning, this will probably seg fault
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19:39.08igcewielingyou mean, missing a priority?
19:39.29KobazIn asterisk 16.x
19:39.35igcewielingstop pointing the weapon at your own foot 8-|
19:39.48KobazIt's not my fault my customers make typos
19:40.52ShaunRSamot: just wonering why using the gosub via dial or the gosub via member is different? So how would i set on the channel like your saying.
19:43.42SamotShaunR: Dial() runs before the channels are connected. Queue() runs after they are connected.
19:44.20SamotKobaz: Wait, that was it?
19:44.50KobazSamot: yup
19:45.19SamotSo you were just taking a piss?
19:45.47SamotIt was a joke.
19:45.55SamotYou were making a ha ha..
19:50.20Kobazdid you crash? heh
19:53.18ShaunRSamot: so is it even possible to do then?
19:55.35SamotNot from a Queue() gosub. It only runs once the channels are connected.
20:06.23ShaunRI'm guessing that MusicOnHold() won't stop the dialplan from executing further
20:06.38ShaunRor will it until it times out...
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20:39.31ShaunRSamot: ya the MusicOnHold() application
20:40.09SamotOK there's no dialplan application/function called MusicOnHold()
20:40.24SamotYou do CHANNEL(music)=mohclass
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22:25.52SamotNope, you're right I missed that in the index. Never really use it.
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23:00.01igcewielingnot when "core show application musiconhold" works fine.
23:00.35igcewielingIt is mostly useless as far as I can tell.
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23:21.35igcewielingI don't think the employer is going to cave.   "Charter Communications employees who have been on strike since 2017...."
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