IRC log for #asterisk on 20210330

00:55.03*** join/#asterisk fuselage (
00:58.28fuselagei currently use callcentric, a softphone app, and google voice for my sip/voip telephony
00:58.48fuselagetrying to figure out if adding asterisk to the mix could somehow improve things
00:58.54fuselageany input on that?
01:04.52jm|laptopfuselage: it could add 'features'. Depends what you need, really.
01:05.05jm|laptope.g. centralised voicemail
01:05.59fuselagethanks jm|laptop. my needs are really pretty basic. this is just a home phone line
01:06.45jm|laptopthen you might have all you need already! What drew you to Asterisk in the first place?
01:06.48fuselagewe've always had reliability issues to a greater or lesser extent like missed calls and audio lag
01:07.32fuselagelike somone will call us when we're home but the phone doesn't ring and they wind up getting voicemail
01:07.43jm|laptopfuselage: assuming your internet is capable enough, that sounds more like a sip client issue to me?
01:08.01fuselageaudio lag is worst when speaking with cell phone users
01:08.44jm|laptopand that sounds like the lag is in the cellular leg?
01:08.44*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
01:08.45fuselageyeah. we switched to grandstream wave some months ago and things do seem better on the missed calls front
01:09.39fuselagealso i have a vps i need to repurpose and wondered whether setting up asterisk on it might be worthwhile
01:09.47jm|laptopI live in the middle of a forest and cell signal is pretty poor [indoors particularly], if someone else even remotely rural rings me on my mobile it's almost unbearable!
01:11.10jm|laptopfuselage: NAT is often a killer with these things. SIP likes direct routes. Shoving a VOIP server endpoint on a VPS with proper and good connectivity is probably a good idea, but if you're still doing odd NAT/SNAT/STUN for the last bit it might not help
01:11.50fuselageyeah. i've got a nat router here in the home (openwrt)
01:11.59jm|laptopfuselage: Asterisk is IPv6 compliant which can sometimes help assuming your internet and all your local devices support it too, and assuming you don't have an routtable IPv4 subnet to carve up.
01:12.36*** join/#asterisk tsal (
01:13.15jm|laptopfuselage: if you slap Asterisk on that VPS it might at least be a decent learning exercise and you might realise features you didn't expect to need :)
01:13.25fuselagemy lan is ipv4 but the router of course handles ipv6. as well as the "home phone" (samsung edge 7 mobile phone that has wifi but no connection to cellular network)
01:14.32jm|laptopdoes the SE7 VOIP client support IPv6? I take it you're using the one built-into Dialer? Or did you say you're using a third party app?
01:14.35fuselagei've wanted for years to do some experimentation with asterisk but stuck with ata's so far as they were easier to start with
01:14.55jm|laptopATAs can connect to Asterisk :)
01:14.59fuselagethe phone supports ipv6. will take a look at the sip app to see
01:15.51jm|laptop"some" missed calls smacks a little of NAT/STUN timeouts to me but I'm no expert on the matter because I made sure I didn't need to rely on them before I rolled things out
01:17.14jm|laptopif your router, ISP and SIP broker all support IPv6 that's probably a Good Thing. As more things started supporting IPv6 my job got a lot easier (I support a handful of VOIP servers for small businesses)
01:18.29jm|laptopI found even that if you have to use RFC1918 locally on your LAN, if everything from a local Asterisk server upwards if 'proper' IP[v6] I got better results, even if the local Asterisk was still proxying, effectively
01:19.02fuselageyeah. i first ran across this idea in a post someone made on the openwrt forum about sip telephony and how he was thinking of setting up ipv6 to answer to problems he was having with sip telephony
01:19.07fuselagemade sense to me
01:22.48jm|laptopthe irony is that most [all?] "voip" providers won't/don't do SIP anyway. The business model is a bit weird, if you think about it. If all they're doing is translating a 'telephone' number into a SIP endpoint and then RTP happens directly between everyone (in a perfect all-routed-IP[v6]-world) how do you cost that?
01:23.57jm|laptop(obviously, they /employ/ SIP as part of the general process - but they effectively proxy everything so they can call charge.)
01:24.25jm|laptopmumbles something about E.164
01:25.46jm|laptopfuselage: do you currently leverage¹ free calls?
01:25.51jm|laptop¹ not a verb
01:26.18*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
01:26.30jm|laptoprunning your own local voip server can permit internet calling from various devices that allow SIP URI calling
01:26.54jm|laptopor if you have friends/relatives with SIP clients you can all mush up nicely in a PBX
01:28.55jm|laptopI used to use chan_mobile aeons ago, before it was properly mature, because I had 'hundreds of minutes' of calls to other mobile phones and landlines on my monthly tariff and this let us leverage¹ that from any of our home phones
01:46.39*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
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04:23.38*** join/#asterisk FH_thecat (
04:51.09LiuYanIf a phone respond 302 to asterisk to redirect to another number, asterisk then call a Local/the-redirected-number@my-context, how can I know the original called number in the second call (@my-context)?
04:52.24*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
04:54.14LiuYanI didn't see datatype name contains 'orig' in CALLERID function.
06:39.26*** join/#asterisk Ner0Zer0 (~Ner0Zer0@
08:11.50*** join/#asterisk [\\\] (~triplesla@unaffiliated/imsaguy)
08:32.21*** join/#asterisk DodgeThis (~DodgeThis@2001:818:df17:3000:608f:cf45:ccc3:6fa)
08:54.26*** join/#asterisk infobot (
08:54.26*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 18.3.0, 16.17.0 (2021/03/25) Final Bugfix: 13.38.2, 17.9.3 (2021/03/04); DAHDI: 3.0.0 (2018/11/15); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct:
09:04.21*** join/#asterisk infobot (
09:04.21*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 18.3.0, 16.17.0 (2021/03/25) Final Bugfix: 13.38.2, 17.9.3 (2021/03/04); DAHDI: 3.0.0 (2018/11/15); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct:
09:59.04*** join/#asterisk FH_thecat (
10:14.19sibiriaLiuYan: one way would be to store the number in a channel variable for later keeping
10:14.37sibiriathough i think you can refer to it using the original channel as well
10:14.46sibiriafor later use*
11:02.12*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
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12:35.48*** join/#asterisk DodgeThis (~DodgeThis@2001:818:df17:3000:608f:cf45:ccc3:6fa)
12:36.11*** join/#asterisk Janos (~textual@
12:47.19LiuYansibiria: but how to refer it using the orginal channel?  >> though i think you can refer to it using the original channel as well
12:57.07sibiriaLiuYan: with the MASTER_CHANNEL() function
12:58.08sibiriait works the same way CHANNEL() does, but it points to the originating channel rather than current channel
12:58.50sibiriaor specifically, it points to the oldest channel
12:59.31sibiriait might be a simpler and cleaner solution to just set an inheritable channel variable in the start instead
13:15.30LiuYansibiria: Thanks, this function is new to me, it seems is the proper function to get the original callled number.  >> with the MASTER_CHANNEL() function >> it works the same way CHANNEL() does
13:21.36sibiriaLiuYan: it depends a bit on how the call was set-up and how the dial plan looks. usually you will be able to get it from the EXTEN variable, but you can also look at e.g. endpoint / contact
13:21.55sibiriacheck out the "Function_CHANNEL" documentation on
13:27.52*** join/#asterisk ghoti (
13:30.57sibiriai find it easier to just set the variable myself. less hunting for it depending on the scenario of how the call was set up
13:33.57LiuYansibiria: Okay, thanks a lot. I'll check if MASTER_CHANNEL() works on our dialplan. Our dialplan is logically simple: A call is in from PSTN, then transform the called number to SIP phone number of employee, the phone rings but it returns 302 redirect to the mobile phone number of the employee, then asterisk starts the local channel to call the mobile phone number
13:36.59LiuYansibiria: and when call the mobile phone number, the CALLERID(num) is the CALLERID(num) of the original channel, which is not allowed by the SP, so I need to know the EXTEN of the original channel, and set it as CALLERID(num) of the local channel.
13:37.06*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
13:37.59sibiriayeah, as said, i'd just save it to an inheritable channel variable right at the start when the extension is known
13:38.42sibiriasaves the trouble of trying to fish for it later on
13:40.56LiuYansibiria: yes, that's already done in our dialplan, the variables includes even the employee's department & seat information, lol
13:42.49sibiriashoe size... eye color... etc.
13:44.37igcewielingDon't forget current GPS coordinates!
13:46.57SamotThis is why I disable CF at the phones
13:58.08*** join/#asterisk kharwell (uid358942@gateway/web/
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14:07.42LiuYansibiria: that's not necessary, I only use these information to append to CALLERID(name), so that the callee will know which department & building you're from >> shoe size... eye color... etc
14:22.55*** join/#asterisk netman (~netman@
14:48.45*** join/#asterisk FH_thecat (
15:08.53*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
15:19.04Kobazwoah, i just had a sip stack freeze on 16 suddenly
15:19.28Kobazunfortunately i don't have a core file
15:21.22SamotThat's odd.
15:21.45Kobazi was trying to troubleshoot why asterisk wasn't responding to this invite from a new endpoint i set up
15:22.08Kobazi was tcpdumping... saw it coming in and asterisk ignoring it, and then i checked asterisk and it stopped responding to sip entirely
15:22.30Kobazmy health check restarted it... so i'll add a core dump prior to restart
15:23.01SamotWas it just not responding or was it completely dead? Not sending out requests?
15:24.15Kobazthe console was functional
15:24.18Kobazprobably a deadlock
15:24.49Kobazeverything was slowly going unreachable
15:27.26*** join/#asterisk themayor (~themayor@unaffiliated/themayor)
15:29.40Kobazi saw this type of thing once before when pjsip reloads took too long
15:33.19Kobazi'll see if i can break it again
15:56.08SamotI have faith.
15:58.15Kobazme too
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23:59.40*** join/#asterisk Janos (~textual@

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