IRC log for #asterisk on 20210329

00:00.44*** join/#asterisk hvxgr (
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07:59.27golsermaGood morning. I have a question. I have a local asterisk server for my local phones (lan). And I have configured a trunk (receiving cals from landlines). The trunk is connecting to the server of my provider using NAT. The pinhole seems to work ok. I refresh every 30 seconds (port 5060) now I'm wondering how RTP works? is RTP used for normal SIP
07:59.27golsermacals or just if there is video?
08:01.46*** join/#asterisk golserma (~golserma@unaffiliated/golserma)
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08:48.14post-factumrtp is used for media stream, be it audio or video
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09:17.08golsermathats strange for me i don't see any ports in the RTP range beeing used if I receive a call
09:17.36golsermaare only the phones using the portrange or the servers too?
09:25.40*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (
09:35.28golsermaOK solved the mistery using iptraf: So If I receive a call my pbx opens a udp connection in the middle of the RTP range to the trunk server.
09:36.43golsermaI guess the trunk is using the udp connection to send audio back aswell.
11:31.28*** join/#asterisk Milos (~Milos@pdpc/supporter/student/milos)
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12:01.57nbjoergyes, it is normally one "connection"
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15:55.07*** join/#asterisk dacod (~dacod@
15:55.37dacodhi all
15:55.52dacodI have some problems with activate realtime
15:56.02dacodi use 13.29.2
15:57.01dacodand the same sip.conf work well with conf files, but with realtime db, REGISTER process works well
15:57.34dacodbut, calls to peers/friends not work
15:59.37dacodand receive the "retrasmission"  messages
15:59.44dacodlike "Retransmission timeout reached on transmission "
15:59.57igcewielingthat is a nat issue
16:01.02dacodigcewieling: yes, but this issue apeers just when I activate the realtime
16:01.04*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
16:01.39igcewielingso the problem only happens when you replace your static config files with a database config?   naw, nothing different at all.
16:02.28dacodif rollback to conf files just work fine
16:03.43igcewielingany chance you are using a chan_sip realtime, with pjsip?   I don't know how that might work.
16:03.52*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
16:04.33igcewielingMy experience with Realtime was so unhelpful, I switched back to using config files many years ago.
16:04.59igcewielingI actually generate my .conf files from the realtime tables, even though Asterisk doesn't use them anymore.
16:05.30*** join/#asterisk Janos (~textual@
16:07.09dacodchanip with pjsip, i will try some documentation, not work with pjsip yet
16:08.33igcewielingPeople mostly assume pjsip these days since chan_sip is considered "old"
16:08.34dacodI do the same, create "static" conf files from database
16:09.27dacodyes, I'm old to :-) like chan_sip
16:09.31Kobazigcewieling: yup, that's what i'm doing
16:09.44Kobazdacod: you won't like chan_sip anymore after you learn pjsip and realize what limitations chan_sip had
16:10.29igcewielingKobaz: do chan_sip and pjsip use different tables?   the config option names changed between the two.
16:10.41Kobazigcewieling: nope
16:10.53dacodI read about this, but I'm trying not change the application logic in this moment
16:11.10igcewieling*nod* they must do some sort of translations.
16:11.11Kobazigcewieling: my backend tables haven't changed, but i have a db function that reads the tables and outputs asterisk config. i only had to change that
16:11.53Kobazso instead of calling asterisk.asterisk_exten_config('SIP'), it now handles asterisk.asterisk_exten_config('PJSIP_WIZARD') and 'PJSIP' for transports/etc
16:17.48Samotdacod: You have three releases.
16:18.00Samotdacod: After that, Chan_SIP is gone.
16:19.21dacodyes, its time to get new chan and learn
16:20.00dacodthanks all
16:20.31SamotYou should also review that page I linked.
16:20.38SamotAsterisk 21 is going to be a major house cleaning release.
16:21.05igcewielingeagerly awaits Asterisk 22. 8-|
16:21.05SamotAs will 19 this year.
16:21.47SamotThe next two Standard versions will clean up house in a big way.
16:22.38*** part/#asterisk dacod (~dacod@
16:22.56SamotWell I'm pretty sure res_monitor being removed in 21 will impact just as many as chan_sip being removed.
16:23.12igcewielingI sort of surprised iax hasn't been removed.
16:23.33filestill core supported, for the moment
16:23.37*** join/#asterisk akp55 (
16:23.40igcewielingIt lost the Protocol Wars, accept it and move on. 8-)
16:24.43SamotIt's not even that really.
16:25.03SamotA lot of the issues that IAX solved back in the day, are no longer issues that need to be solved really.
16:25.38SamotIAX, today, solves one major issue. The person being to cheap to have a real router/firewall in front of their PBX.
16:26.18igcewielingAt least we are stuck with SIP and not H323 *shudder*.
16:26.35igcewielingPersonally, I liked the design of MGCP.
16:27.37igcewielingMGCP is dumb-ish phones, smart PBX -- the way phones are supposed to work.    Instead we get phones which are mini-PBXs on each desk.
16:29.18SamotIm not sure I follow that.
16:29.58*** join/#asterisk dacod (~dacod@
16:31.56SamotI dont see IP phones as mini-pbx systems
16:31.57igcewielingSIP phones are basically a mini-PBX in the form of a phone.
16:32.05SamotNot really
16:32.58igcewielingThey provide dialtone, they do digit mapping, digit translations, call routing.
16:33.13SamotThats not a PB
16:33.21igcewielingthey even do forwarding independent of a PBX.
16:33.32SamotStill not a PBX
16:33.43SamotA phone cannot replace a PBX
16:34.18igcewielingIn MGCP the PBX handles all that.     The PBX provides dialtone, the PBX does forwarding and call routing.
16:34.26SamotAnd what you described is SIP router/proxy functions
16:34.42igcewielingWhat I described can be done by any polycom phone.
16:35.04SamotAnd ATAs
16:35.27SamotI can do all that in ATAs
16:36.19igcewieling"Mini-PBX" might be a slight overstatement, but my point is that SIP devices are overly intelligent and provide many of the same functions as a PBX.
16:36.49SamotWell you are describing basic SIP functions.
16:37.02SamotNone of which require a PBX
16:37.07igcewielingIt is the whole "peer to peer voip" thing which never seemed to take off.
16:37.33SamotPeer to peer is perspective.
16:37.34igcewielingSamot: My point is that MGCP, in my opinion, was better designed and should have won.
16:37.55SamotNone wanted all that came with it.
16:37.56igcewielingSamot: peer to peer requires intellegent endpoints.
16:38.16SamotMy Poly to Asterisk is peer to peer
16:38.27igcewielingand both endpoints are intellegent
16:38.37SamotMy poly to kamailio is peer to peer
16:38.52SamotKamailio is not a PBX
16:39.08igcewielingAs opposed to MGCP to Asteirsk where only Asterisk (server) is intellegent.   The phone is as close to "dumb as a rock" as you can get still do RTP./
16:40.05SamotSo then an ATA
16:40.27igcewielingMGCP seemed to me to be a logical evolution from analog PSTN to IP.      SIP seemed to be an attempt to make a usable variant of H323.
16:40.39igcewielingAn ATA is still intellegent.
16:43.09SamotWell did you ever setup MGCP?
16:43.45SamotI did
16:43.47igcewielingSamot: back in 2002 and 2003
16:44.08SamotOut of all three, SIP was both the most simplistic and feature rich
16:45.46SamotA part of me believes that if MGCP had one, POTS would still be around more.
16:46.14fileMGCP sorta lives on in the end
16:46.33SamotWell its kinda like IPv6
16:47.19SamotI have seen a few ISPs bitch about how much a PITA it is to deploy at their level
16:47.46SamotEnd user side, easy peasy
16:47.57SamotTheir side, nightmare.
16:48.06SamotMGCP was the same way
16:48.28filePacketCable! that's what I was trying to remember
16:58.01seanbrightwe need an IAX3
16:58.11seanbrightor we can just skip right to 10 and call it IAXX
16:58.23seanbrightor skip to 20...
16:58.28seanbrightyou see where this is going
16:58.44fileseanbright: IAX tunneling protocol which encapsulates SIP!
16:59.00seanbrightRTP media trunking
16:59.04seanbrightthat is all i need
16:59.26seanbrighti don't even need it, but it would be cool.
17:00.23seanbrightwe can create an RTP extension. file you can write the RFC.
17:00.31drmessanoNeed IAX that integrates directly with neurons in the brain.  Human Asterisk eXchange, call it HAX
17:00.32seanbrightit's a perfect plan
17:00.42filerequest for cookies?
17:01.08fileseanbright: 4170 btw
17:01.26seanbrightfile: my blood sugar? i know
17:01.45seanbrightof course cisco would do it
17:02.04seanbrightdied on the vine
17:13.53drmessanoIt's just sad how Asterisk has fallen behind.  No Snapchat integration, no "Stories", no "reacts" or comments for calls, no retweeting them.
17:14.11drmessanoCan't even put a call in my Top 8
17:15.37drmessanoMaybe I need to implement "Likes" in dialplan.  After a call hangs up, "If you wish to Like this call, Press 1"
17:15.49drmessano"To angry react to this call, press 2"
17:18.37Samot"To ratio this call, press 7"
17:34.29igcewielingTalk about zero useful content: "Our flagship platform, Tesira is the world's only integrated, networked audio and video processing and distribution platform. Sophisticated, adaptive DSP is the core of what Biamp does and what Tesira delivers. ... With a single networked platform, Tesira truly is enterprise-wide media made simple."
17:34.57igcewielingI guess they have never heard of YoutTube.
17:38.13*** join/#asterisk Janos (~textual@
17:42.05SamotThat's more something that drmessano would use.
17:42.13SamotNot really what YouTube does.
17:44.54SamotI mean YouTube could be involved if they were streaming live to it but that software is what they would use for the AV of stream to get it to YouTube.
17:48.57igcewielingThey want to know how to connect it to their (FreePBX) PBX.   Not quite so simple as that.
17:50.46igcewielingWe could put them on the voice VLAN, but if the device needs to talk to an outside service over the internet, they will be disappointed.  The voice vlan isn't allowed to access the Internet.  The alternative would be to put the device on the customer LAN, then configure the device to use the external IP of the PBX.   But then we have to rely on the customer firewall to not to screw it up.
17:51.05SamotWhat are they using it for?
17:51.36*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
17:53.17igcewielingno idea.  They are just asking for ip and login info to "integrate with the PBX"   I told them the options and asked for more info.
17:54.57igcewielingthey sent a config sheet for this device:
18:04.17Samotdrmessano might have more insight but that device looks like something a radio station would use to mix in callers to the feed.
18:05.56SamotBased on what I'm seeing it supports SIP/FXS so yeah.
18:06.09igcewielingThe customer is a "foodservice company distributing fresh produce, meats, & seafood along with a full line of food products",
18:06.31drmessanoThat's interesting
18:06.55drmessanoDante and CobraNet are a couple low-end AoIP protocols
18:07.37SamotSo I'm close to my assessment on what it would be used for?
18:07.50drmessanoPretty much, yes
18:08.43drmessanoLet me put it this way, i've never seen this products sold for Broadcast, so they may be used in audio production houses
18:08.46igcewieling"Thanks for calling into the Bobs Foods Show.  Today we are going to talk about our meat."
18:09.18SamotThe SIP/FXS interfaces are the PSTN connection.
18:09.31SamotSo this will probably need a trunk/peer off the PBX
18:09.53Samotdrmessano: Could they be using this as their paging system?
18:10.13SamotIf this is a warehouse setting.
18:11.52SamotBecause that does seem like an option to use this for.
18:13.59drmessanoThat is beyond overkill, but I suppose
18:16.07igcewielingAny people using Adtran getting bogus LLDP speed/duples mismatch errors?  I just found "no lldp receive 802.3-info mac-phy-config" to fix it.
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20:15.47igcewielingha!  from an article about AT&T:
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