IRC log for #asterisk on 20210326

00:37.46*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
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06:02.00*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (maliutamat@gateway/shell/
07:50.29*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (
07:52.20*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (
08:03.24Ravenhearti'm trying to trace a call via AMI events
08:03.33Ravenheartand i'm noticing something strange
08:03.42Ravenhearta call comes in, an IVR picks up
08:04.10Ravenheartthen an operator starts ringing
08:04.20Ravenheartthe LinkedId so far is correct
08:04.54Ravenheartbut once the operator's channel state goes Up i get a different LinkedId
08:06.18Ravenheartthe crappy part about this is that the Asterisk server is not managed by us
08:06.26Ravenheartand its Asterisk 10
08:06.33Ravenheartwhich is wayyyyyyyyy out of date
08:06.55Ravenheartand i can't tell if its a problem with this old asterisk version
08:07.13Ravenheartor something the other company has messed up with the dialplan
08:09.04Ravenhearti'm listening in on NewCHannel, NewState and Hangup events
08:21.39*** join/#asterisk Posterdati (
08:22.52filelinkedid can change on bridging
08:31.21Ravenheartso the only way to know when two channels bridge/connect is to have references to both channel's state and then check the Connectedlinenum field?
09:04.27*** join/#asterisk sekil (
09:10.16*** join/#asterisk Ner0Zer0 (~Ner0Zer0@
09:47.32fileI don't understand what that means
09:48.05filealso, 12 saw a fundamentally rewrite in how all this works so finding someone with knowledge before then is probably hard
09:48.11filedoesn't remember anything further
10:00.58*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
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13:04.35*** join/#asterisk TandyUK (~admin@TandyUK/staff/James)
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14:15.04*** join/#asterisk InterLinked (
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14:24.41igcewielingidly wonders how many times tornado warning sirens have gone off in Huntsville this week.
14:32.30*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
15:04.26iliusRavenheart, if I remember correctly, even in 16, the AMI events have LinkedID the same as UniqueID until something is actually linked.  Watch for BridgeCreate, BridgeEnter, and BridgeLeave for what's really going on with bridges.
15:09.54Kobazilius: he's dealing with 10, not 16
15:10.51iliusKobaz, he asked if it still changes linkedids in later versions, so I answered that.
15:10.55igcewielingAsterisk 10?   Wow!
15:11.11KobazRavenheart: tracking calls in anything less than 12 is going to give you a fun time...  what we did was track everything in our own tracking system based on an external id defined by us.  So we set a CallLogID on every channel that passes though, and then when getting things like link updates and whatnot, we can query the CallLogID originally set, and get the call it's related to
15:11.45KobazRavenheart: I don't know how much access you have to the actual running asterisk.  We wound up modifying asterisk itself, but it can be done with pure dialplan/ami
15:12.02Kobazilius: ah okay, makes sense
15:12.25SamotAs pointed out, Asterisk server is not in their control.
15:13.00Kobazit might not be 'under their control', but it may be under their influence. or maybe they can push dialplan, who knows
15:13.43iliusKobaz, that's a good idea - defining your own external ID.  I ended up shoving the first UniqueID into AccountID and then propagating that UniqueID to the AccountID of any other channel it touches.
15:14.24ilius...because a channel can talk to many other channels in its life. :)
15:14.44Kobazilius: yeah
15:15.30Kobazilius: i literally added a CHANNEL(call_log_id) command
15:15.39Kobazwhich would store the ID internally so we can track it every step of the way
15:16.50Kobazand then we needed more tracking, so i added a CHANNEL(call_segment_id).. since a call is long lived potentially and can be in many different sub-handlers or segments.. like ivr is segment 1, callqueue is segment 2, and transfer to meetme is segment 3, and so on
15:17.24Kobazbasically it's a super-CEL
15:17.47Kobazand I originally wrote all this before CEL existed
15:19.08igcewielingI am so glad I don't have complex calls like that.
15:20.05Kobazwe have customers with really strict requirements on 'cradle-to-grave' tracking... Asterisk didn't have it at the time, so we had to write it
15:25.23*** join/#asterisk CatCow97 (
15:29.46*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
15:34.46iliusNice, Kobaz.
15:36.48iliusI also ended up watching for all channel and bridge events and logged them to a database where I can do relational queries to be able to see which channels touched what bridge.
15:36.59iliusAlso, of course before CEL.  I still need to look at CEL closer.  :)
15:37.09Kobazyeah we have something similar... we call it asterisk trace call
15:37.33Kobazit does a resursive search of all channels touched in the asterisk full log to assist with troubleshooting
15:38.19Kobazi swear I can write... but anyway, I had to write additional log outputs as well, because the asterisk full log doesn't give you the whole story
15:39.13igcewielingI use CEL to add debugging / logging details like: CELGenUserEvent SM_START,tag='dbc' log_id='C-00001fa7' call_index='1' start_timestamp='1614880769.586'  callid_ingress='5a45b383-6c13-4d7f-aa23-dd0fa4fc75ce' peer_name='beaky-01' peer_hostname='' peer_ip='' ani='17189750600' ani_raw='17189750600' dnis='16462476833' dnis_raw='16462476833' divert_num='' divert_host='' pai_num='17189750600' pai_n
15:39.13igcewielingum_raw='17189750600' pai_name='' pai_host='' useragent='hosted01' sip_domain='' linkedid='' and CELGenUserEvent SM_ROUTE,tag='dbc' call_index='1' account_sid='1231' route_sid='11985' omni_id='10104454214' account_name='Primary Care - 2699 Richmond' route_name='Ring Group 104' call_direction='out' ani='17189750600' dnis='16462476833' divert_num='' dnis_orig='16462476833'
15:39.59Kobazyeah.. everyone's building the same stuff
15:40.32Kobazand then, the way we built our call center, was basically a wait-loop listening for instructions from user events
15:41.12Kobazcaller gets dumped into basically a moh bridge with a while (1).. waiting for commands, like dial an agent, or whatever
15:41.30Kobazand then stasis comes out, and basically... that's exactly what i built previously
15:42.23iliusHa ha, yup.  Tell me about it - the whole story isn't there in the full log.
15:42.47iliusI ended up creating very ugly dialplan code that fake-logs QueueLog() events for direct calls to people who also participate in queues so that Ops could get the same queue statistics for direct-dials.
15:50.11*** join/#asterisk SunTsu (miyamoto@unaffiliated/suntsu)
15:53.58iliusigcewieling, love the hostname "daffy"  :D  Do you do cartoon characters?
15:54.57Kobazwe're pretty boring...
15:55.38Kobazalthough my main 12TB storage server is called cartman
15:56.05igcewielingilius: mostly looney toons cartoon characters.   We have beaky (a vulture), speedy (gonzalas), we also have a snoopy (pcap capture server), hugo, and a few others.
15:56.24Kobazhaha snoopy
15:56.26Kobazlove it
15:56.57igcewielingalso foghorn (main router) and leghorn (main switch)
15:59.25iliusI've been doing comedian names.  e.g., our nameservers are "Garfunkel" and "Oates" :)
16:41.05*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
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20:01.29drmessanoGarfunkel and Oates are comedians?
20:02.01igcewielingDepends on if you like their music?
20:02.06SamotLady ones at that
20:02.38*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
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20:03.03SamotThey had a Flight of the Concords style show too
20:05.56drmessanoHuh.. Never heard of this version of those names
20:06.55drmessanoThat's that one girl who always looks like she's going to say something funny but never does
20:08.17drmessanoKate Micucci
20:17.19*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
20:33.47*** join/#asterisk forgotmynick (uid24625@gateway/web/
20:41.34iliusI consider them comedians.  Their songs are totally funny, at least to me.  I mean, this is totally satire:
20:41.59seanbrightthey are funny, yes
20:45.07*** join/#asterisk opal (~wowaname@volatile/founder/wowaname)
21:13.27*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
21:20.26*** join/#asterisk CatCow97 (
21:23.58*** join/#asterisk opal (~wowaname@volatile/founder/wowaname)
21:47.11*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
22:21.15*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
23:13.50*** join/#asterisk Gugge (
23:54.00*** join/#asterisk gschanuel (

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