IRC log for #asterisk on 20210325

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14:23.24n8n8Hey there, I'm having an issue where my asterisk 13.23.1 is occasionally not sending out the re-invite for some forwarded calls. I've worked with the upstream and they've pinpointed that they do not see the re-invite from my asterisk server. I'm trying to figure out what the difference is between working calls and non-working ones. I've got about 150 pjsip endpoints off this instance and, this seems to have just reached a point where I'm now hearing about it fro
14:23.25n8n8m my customers
14:24.24Samot13 is no longer supported
14:25.16SamotBut we would need to see debugs to tell you anything.
14:26.34n8n8I thought 13 is LTS... ( I'm working on upgrading, too, but that will take a bit. I'll post a link to logs in a sec
14:26.54SamotIt was
14:27.03SamotIts EOL
14:27.28filesecurity fix only, technically
14:27.42Samot16 and 18 are the two current versions. Both LTS.
14:28.04n8n8gotcha. I'll move that up my list. It's been rock solid for me for the past few years, and I tend to follow the "if it ain't broke" too often
14:28.25SamotBut without seeing data of the calls...we cant say what the problem is.
14:30.20igcewielingn8n8: generally if you are using a old version of Asterisk it is mostly pointless asking about it.
14:30.37igcewielingI use a lot of older Asterisk versions, I know.
14:31.42n8n8I've been hesitant to upgrade as the link I posted above still lists 13.... In this case, I'm hoping to buy myself some time to do my upgrade correctly, rather than rush the deployment out
14:31.53n8n8But, yeah, I get it
14:32.08fileit's listed as it is still security supported, it goes full EOL end of the yearish
14:32.19file dates are here
14:32.26fileOctober 24th.
14:32.53filecan update the page though to make it clearer
14:34.15n8n8Thanks! I'll watch there instead.
14:34.22SamotSo what that means is if this is a bug, it is not being touched.
14:34.34SamotUnless this is security related
14:34.51n8n8Fully understood. I'm hoping I can figure out if this is an issue on my end, or, if upgrading will make the issue go away.
14:35.03SamotIve asked for debugs twice
14:35.09n8n8Here are my relevant full log messages:
14:35.24n8n8Sorry, I had some grepping to do
14:35.30SamotNo. Real SIP debugs.
14:35.45SamotIf this is PJSIP then pjsip set logger on
14:35.47n8n8I'm working on the console messages with debug set to 99 , they don't look all that different
14:35.56SamotSip debugs
14:36.03n8n8Ah, gotcha. Pjsips in a moment
14:37.00SamotNeed to see a call that isnt working right
14:37.06SamotStart to finish
14:37.21*** join/#asterisk cyberfab007 (
14:37.40cyberfab007Yo yo yo , must be a decade since I was last in this room lol, How has life been
14:40.07seanbrightthanks for asking... i guess we should start from the beginning
14:40.09igcewielingcyberfab007: it as not changed at all.
14:40.25seanbrightlet me take you back to 2011...
14:41.23SamotNarrator: Actually is was 2010.
14:41.25seanbrightcyberfab007: you still in florida?
14:41.39cyberfab007How you been man ?
14:42.07seanbrightgreat, great
14:42.23cyberfab007Acutally Left lived in Bali, then moved to NYC the came back to florida when the pandemic started
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14:42.44seanbrightwow, nice
14:42.45cyberfab007So yes I am still in Florida sorta lol,
14:43.03seanbrightwell welcome back
14:43.10cyberfab007Hey listen I have been out of the game for a while and need a vicidial install done and interconnect with twillio , willing to pay
14:43.54cyberfab007Its for my video game company , cheeck it out ! we are being funded!
14:44.05seanbrightdoesn't vicidial have a hosted version?
14:44.36cyberfab007Well ya if wanna pay 5X the cost to hose vicidial lol
14:45.04cyberfab007That shit works on a 40/month VPS , so I would rather throw one of y'all  a few hundred bucks for setup
14:45.14seanbrightroger that
14:45.28cyberfab007I used to use the goautodial
14:46.02seanbrightyeah i've never dealt with vicidial
14:46.09seanbrighti only hear good things though
14:46.20cyberfab007but they really killed that project with the shitty updated version and the old version which was bad ass is broken now when you try to use it cause the dependecy resolutions are all out of whack
14:46.20SamotWe must hang out in different circles.
14:47.15cyberfab007I remember 10 years ago trying to sell doctors on the telehelath with the video phones , and they told me I was nuts !
14:48.17cyberfab007Vicidial is a beast, I remember first learning about it and doing that Training when I was in Toronto , I got to meet Kevin Flemming and Marc at that small demo they did back in I think it was 07-08
14:48.39cyberfab007vicidal has always been a beast
14:49.13SamotVicidial 99.99% of the time indicates outbound dialing campaigns.
14:49.32SamotThe same campaigns that my customers say "Can you block this number"
14:49.51seanbrightOB dialing is so hot right now though
14:50.22seanbrighti have this software that will take a state and just randomly generate a 10 digit caller id that appears to be from that state
14:50.22SamotI mean anything that starts with a V and some numbers as the caller name, blocked.
14:50.32seanbrightso easy, the code runs so fast
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14:54.52igcewielingTelemarketers are evil and must be destroyed.
14:59.06seanbrighti would just like to say that since i said "i only hear good things though" everything has been a joke
14:59.32seanbrightexact for that
14:59.35seanbrightand that
14:59.39seanbright... and that
14:59.57seanbrightgrrrr, except*
15:00.47filestares at seanbright
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15:18.25n8n8Sorry this took so long, I was trying to remove all the other activity from the file:
15:28.24n8n8While I'm thinking about digging up and filtering my PJSIP logs, are there some best practices / tools / tips around debug logging and data retention? I mean I rarely have issues, but when I do, it seems like there's a lot of noise to filter through to even be able to isolate the call in question....
15:28.49Samotn8n8: OK so this isn't call forwarding.
15:29.05Samotn8n8: What re-invite should Flowroute be seeing?
15:30.21n8n8Good question. They told me they went through the working and non-working calls on their side, and for the non-working ones, (where non-working is no audio, but connected call), they did not see the re-invite from me.
15:30.52SamotWait, the none working is no outbound audio?
15:30.52n8n8I don't know exactly which message is missing as I do not have good tooling to compare the working vs non-working messages
15:31.08SamotAnd this one didn't have audio?
15:31.10n8n8Well, neither direction
15:31.13igcewielingn8n8: the most important thing is to make NO changes on the debug output you paste, EXCEPT for actual passwords.
15:31.29n8n8Yes, this call had no audio.
15:31.49n8n8I have the full output as well, it's just bigger and noisier.
15:31.51SamotOK so first off...
15:31.57SamotPJSIP/anonymous-00002b96 <-- That's already a bad start.
15:32.31SamotThat means your trunk with Flowroute is *not* setup correctly and you actively setup an anonymous endpoint for that fact.
15:32.41SamotSince there is no anonymous endpoint by default for PJSIP.
15:33.34Kobazseanbright: in theory, STIR/SHAKEN will start to put a damper on that auto-generated callerid crap
15:34.04n8n8Gotcha, but, I'm processing thousands of calls a month like this, so I'd like to set this aside unless it is a likely culprit for this no-audio issue.
15:34.13igcewielingKobaz: eventually.
15:34.25n8n8I have no doubt that I've got some warts on my config
15:35.44Samotn8n8: Do you have direct_media=no on the trunks and endpoints?
15:35.53Kobazanyone have any feedback on using google-fi ?
15:35.59n8n8One sec, I'll verify
15:38.55n8n8For endpoints, yes, direct_media = no, For trunks it seems it is the default, as I cannot find it specified
15:39.30igcewielingKobaz: It is google.  they will discontinue it, change it to make it not compatible, or abandon it.  Why bother even thinking about it.
15:39.37Kobazahahaha yeah
15:41.54igcewieling2 weeks after I moved some services to Google Compute Services, there was talk about Google getting out of that industry.    Thankfully, it was an unfounded rumor, but I was worried.
15:42.11Kobazhah, aw
15:43.54igcewielingI still really dislike Gmail, but since we moved away from Exchange, I no longer have to deal with our "exchange admin" so I'm happy.
15:46.41n8n8Samot: you mentioned what I am doing is not forwarding. Way back when when I set it up I was following : which is why I called it forwarding. Is there a better way to "redirect" inbound calls to an external number?
15:47.46*** join/#asterisk lbazan (~LoKoMurdo@fedora/LoKoMurdoK)
15:48.03SamotAsterisk is a b2bua
15:48.50SamotUnless you are using proper redirects then using Dial() to open a new channel is just another call leg from Asterisk.
15:50.31n8n8Up until a few days ago, I didn't have a problem with the dial approach. Is there a different dialplan application I could be using to trigger the redirects? I'm completely unfamiliar with them
15:51.08SamotGo add direct_media=no on the trunks
15:51.22SamotBecause by default it is yes
15:51.51SamotSo the call is trying to have Flowroute have the media directly flow between itself
15:52.12SamotAnd flowroute doesnt have their own media
15:52.24SamotThey use their upstreams
15:52.33n8n8Would the default direct_media=yes on the trunks result in sometimes audio working, and sometimes not?
15:52.44SamotIt could
15:53.04n8n8Dependent on which of flowroute's upstreams we're talking to?
15:53.37n8n8I'll test this right now. Should only take a moment
16:01.33n8n8Seems like that did the trick. I guess I was just getting lucky all this time that it worked at all. Awesome.... Thanks for working me through that.
16:02.33n8n8When you mentioned redirects, could that be a drop in replacement in the dial plan for Dial? Or, is that a whole other bag of cats?
16:02.51SamotWouldnt see if from endpoint to trunk and vice versa because the endpoint config stopped it
16:03.41SamotBut since its going in and out the same trunk that allows it. It was always having the RTP flow directly between the two sources.
16:04.13SamotAnd sometimes the two sides couldnt flow between each other.
16:04.30SamotNow, it flows through Asterisk.
16:04.49n8n8Gotcha. Regarding the RTP flow. Makes sense.
16:05.05SamotAnd to do proper forwarding you need return proper SIP replies like a 302 redirect.
16:05.09igcewielingDoes ANYONE ever successfully use directmedia?
16:05.31SamotTelling Flowroute that Asterisk isnt taking the call, the destination is.
16:05.53Samotigcewieling: In an internal setup
16:05.54igcewielingIIRC the Transfer application sends 302s
16:05.54n8n8Well, it seems I was on my trunk endpoint for the past several years, until a few days ago ... no idea what changed where
16:06.06Samotn8n8: the carriers
16:06.16Samotn8n8: perhaps a route was changed
16:06.28n8n8Yeah. It would seem. I'm just amazed I made it this long
16:06.34SamotOutside of your control
16:06.56n8n8This config has been in place since 13.23.1 was new
16:06.57Samotn8n8: Now fix your trunk
16:07.16n8n8You mean the anonymous bit?
16:07.34Samotn8n8: You should not be accepting calls over an anonymous endpoint
16:07.49SamotIt means you dont know the source
16:08.06SamotAnd are allowing unknown sources
16:08.10n8n8I firewalled it off by IP ranges outside asterisk. But, I'd be happy to do it correctly
16:09.16n8n8IIRC I was struggling to get PJSIP going back then coming from the chan_sip configs, and landed on this config that seemed to consistently work...
16:10.10SamotOK, well is random people posting things to help
16:10.29SamotThere's not really quality assurance on said help and some of it is ancient.
16:10.50SamotThat means there could be cases a config sample is a "I cobbled this together to make it work as basic as possible"
16:11.32n8n8That quote probably accurately describes how I got this system up and running. should be the LAST place you check and, as Samot said, it is full of outdated and flat out wrong information
16:11.51n8n8I'd like to think I've been improving it bit by bit over the past few years.
16:12.08n8n8I'll be sure to avoid in the future
16:12.25n8n8Google is not always my friend it would seem :)
16:12.39igcewielingOnce Digium provided good online documentation became nearly irrelevant.
16:12.41n8n8(I know they never are)
16:13.35n8n8I've definitely appreciated Digium's docs.
16:13.47n8n8I've come across the wiki periodically as well.
16:16.25n8n8I'm partly in the position of having a system that has appeared to be stable and functional for a few years. I'm leery of poking around and changing things... I think my next big move is to do a bit of a re-architecting to enhance my failover capabilities. Which might have me re-working the rest of the config significantly.
16:17.35n8n8In any case, I really appreciate the help I've been able to find here over the years. I'm not here often, but when I am, my issues tend to get sorted out. And that's a great thing
16:22.56SamotPlus it's owned by 3CX now.
16:24.47SamotAnd they are literally paying for people to be active. They give away cash to the top 5 active users every quarter.
16:25.54SamotI mean, I got a $100 of the deal just for being active.
16:26.45n8n8That's nice of them. I can see how that helps them from a marketing perspective too. They seem to be betting a lot on asterisk
16:27.07SamotThat activity was due to me actively mocking a vendor and a project that was being worked on.
16:27.16SamotSo it's all in perspective.
16:30.20igcewielingLooks like I might be able to get rid of my Sangoma transcoding cards soon.
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18:24.10*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 18.2.2, 16.16.2 (2021/03/04) Final Bugfix: 13.38.2, 17.9.3 (2021/03/04); DAHDI: 3.0.0 (2018/11/15); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct:
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