IRC log for #asterisk on 20210322

00:52.55*** join/#asterisk igcewieling (~ewieling@
01:24.22*** join/#asterisk tsal (
01:39.55*** join/#asterisk jzvi12[m] (jzvi12matr@gateway/shell/
02:21.58*** join/#asterisk Katty (uid62315@gateway/web/
02:23.34*** join/#asterisk tsal_ (
02:47.36jzvi12[m]hi, does anyone know of a newer solution for using google voice on physical sip phones after simonics discontinued services back in 2018? - thanks in advance.
03:01.26drmessanoNo, dead
05:51.50*** join/#asterisk maristo (~maristo@
06:03.32*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
06:10.58*** join/#asterisk gregf (~gregf@unaffiliated/gregf)
07:17.05*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (
07:21.15*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (
07:35.23*** join/#asterisk puzzola (~puzzola@unaffiliated/puzzola)
07:55.34*** join/#asterisk friedrich (
07:56.10*** join/#asterisk drc (~drc@stratum0/entity/drc)
08:02.11*** join/#asterisk pvoigt (~Linux@unaffiliated/pvoigt)
08:49.19*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
09:14.16*** join/#asterisk CatCow97 (
09:40.53*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (
09:44.15jm|laptophello. I have a very basic AEL extension that does Answer(), Verbose(0), Hangup().   When I do channel originate locally to the extension in the CLI console I can see the verbose 0 but if I call it through asterisk -xr from the command line I don't see the verbose message at all. Am I missing something obvious?
09:44.45jm|laptop# asterisk -rx "channel originate Local/1111 extension 1111@default"
09:44.45jm|laptopNo ethernet interface found for seeding global EID. You will have to set it manually.
09:44.45jm|laptopAsterisk ending (0).
09:45.31*** join/#asterisk sekil (
09:46.11fileasterisk -rx doesn't keep the console open, it executes the CLI command and then returns, and in the case of originate it returns as soon as the call is originated not when the originated call is hung up
09:46.20jm|laptop(Asterisk 16.16.1~dfsg-1)
09:46.48jm|laptopfile: oh. Thank you. This is not the way to achieve what I want, seemingly?
09:47.13fileyou haven't stated what you ultimately want to achieve so I do not know
09:51.01jm|laptopfile: Ultimately, test calls. This asterisk server makes a call to a remote VOIP server which is expecting calls from a certain DNID or similar and responds with something to indicate it received the call successfully. I was considering Hangup or raw Cause Codes if they would function in the scope I am working in.
09:54.09filewell well the -rx functionality won't give you feedback, most people would probably use AMI and then maybe UserEvent in the dialplan to raise an AMI event with the specific result
09:54.48fileof course if the verbose messages were being logged you could scrape the log file I suppose too...
09:55.13jm|laptopyes, but scraping is rather messy
09:55.45filecould also use System and execute a script at the end of the call...
09:56.50jm|laptopbefore I start learning AMI I might as well learn Perl's Net-SIP which looks like it would do what I need.
09:57.15jm|laptopfile: all viable options. Thanks for the input.
09:57.47jm|laptopthere is a nagios plugin too, it would see
09:59.18*** join/#asterisk FH_thecat (
10:03.16*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (
10:05.23*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (
10:13.58*** join/#asterisk FH_thecat (
10:25.20*** join/#asterisk DodgeThis (
10:37.10*** join/#asterisk opal (~wowaname@volatile/founder/wowaname)
12:08.06*** join/#asterisk gtjoseph (~gtjoseph@unaffiliated/gtj)
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12:09.13*** join/#asterisk paulgrmn__ (
12:18.13*** join/#asterisk gtjoseph (~gtjoseph@unaffiliated/gtj)
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12:28.24*** join/#asterisk RudyValencia (~rudy@unaffiliated/rudyvalencia)
13:19.26*** join/#asterisk lbazan (~LoKoMurdo@fedora/LoKoMurdoK)
13:41.51*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
13:45.05*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
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14:04.43*** join/#asterisk irrgit (~ch33se@
14:16.42*** join/#asterisk kharwell (uid358942@gateway/web/
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14:21.51*** join/#asterisk AsteriskRoss (~AsteriskR@
14:32.41*** join/#asterisk bford (uid283514@gateway/web/
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15:09.20*** join/#asterisk lbazan (~LoKoMurdo@fedora/LoKoMurdoK)
15:47.20jkroonjm|laptop, or sipp.
16:18.24*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
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20:28.56*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
20:57.14*** join/#asterisk opal (~wowaname@volatile/founder/wowaname)
21:22.19*** join/#asterisk pvoigt (~Linux@unaffiliated/pvoigt)
21:54.41*** join/#asterisk saint_ (~saint_@unaffiliated/saint-/x-0540772)
22:03.35*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
22:05.52*** join/#asterisk tsal (
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23:33.58*** join/#asterisk opal (~wowaname@volatile/founder/wowaname)
23:43.52*** join/#asterisk clarjon1 (~clarjon1@unaffiliated/clarjon1)

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