IRC log for #asterisk on 20210319

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12:02.18KobazAnyone know of like a twillio-sim type program, but for voice?  Twillio is data-only
12:05.25KobazVitelity used to do something like that, vmobile... they had 3g/4g -> Tower -> SIP
12:10.31SamotNot that are good or worth it.
12:11.09SamotThe gang over at IncrediblePBX tried this last year. It burned in a fiery crash.
12:11.44Kobazseems like that's the style
12:11.53SamotWell they ignored what I had to say.
12:12.02Kobazit's insanely expensive to become a MVNO and to have it crash and burn is sad
12:12.03SamotThat and the MNVO was just total shit.
12:12.13SamotNaw, they were using a vendor for it.
12:12.43SamotBut you see, it's really hard to convince a business to drop something like a Verizon business account that gives them phones on a whim...
12:12.55KobazI had a call with Sprint regarding going on-net with them, and it was around 500k minimum
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12:13.07SamotCheap monthly plans and insurance to something that is PAYG/BYOD.
12:13.33KobazDo you know the backend mvno vendor?
12:13.38SamotIn order for this to work properly the users have to either move mobile service, get a second phone or a phone with dual sims.
12:13.47SamotI do but seriously they are horrible.
12:13.56SamotI wouldn't recommend them to you at all.
12:13.59KobazSo the vendor was the problem...
12:14.05SamotPart of the problem.
12:14.09SamotIt's a hard *sell*
12:14.19SamotBecause the users must move their mobile service to *you*
12:14.37KobazI know, yeah. People would typically get new phones
12:14.44SamotRight but how?
12:14.45Kobazor just new service entirely, for something like this
12:14.52SamotIt's one thing if the company was given them phones.
12:15.03KobazRight, for company provided phones
12:15.11SamotThen you have to beat the deal they are getting. What do you do when the company is depending on *personal* phones.
12:15.20KobazI've had a lot of requests for 'Cell phone off the pbx'
12:15.29SamotWell good luck with that.
12:15.34KobazI know...
12:15.39SamotIt never works out well.
12:15.43KobazPersonal phones you're out of luck other than Soft Phones
12:16.00SamotBecause you get the joys of being a mobile provider at some level.
12:16.26KobazFriend of mine is starting a MVNO and wants to use our cloudpbx to route calls
12:16.36KobazBut he's like 2% of the way in terms of starting
12:16.43SamotHow many clients are asking for this? Like 50%? 10%?
12:16.54Kobaza few big ones
12:17.06SamotThat control all the mobile phones?
12:17.09KobazMore like 2% but, they have, say like 1000 endpoints
12:17.49KobazIt's a mix... everywhere it's a mix
12:18.00SamotOh then that's not going to work like they think.
12:18.13SamotBecause they have to convince personal phone holders to move.
12:18.16KobazI don't think any of the companies we deal with have 100% company phones, and they wouldn't switch en-mass anyway
12:18.35KobazI'm more interested in the technical aspect than the business aspect here
12:18.47SamotThere's not much to it.
12:18.55SamotThey route shit to your phone system.
12:19.06KobazRight, over SIP, I get that
12:19.10SamotThere's basically a sip account that registers.
12:19.14Kobazno one publicly does it anymore
12:19.28SamotNo because it wasn't something people jumped on it.
12:19.52SamotThis has been around for almost a decade or more and it's down to niche companies.
12:20.05KobazI had some good discussions with Ting but that didn't go anywhere.  They are just in mass market stuff and don't do custom work
12:20.32SamotOh yeah and based on what I've seen...
12:20.33KobazRight, it's been around
12:20.40SamotAll outbound is routed back to the PBX.
12:20.49SamotAnd all inbound is routed through the PBX
12:20.50KobazOh yeah, and inbound goes right to the cell
12:21.00SamotNo it doesn/t
12:21.07KobazI was told by sprint, Cell is DID routing
12:21.18KobazSo you would need to have a second DID registered on the PSTN to go to the pbx
12:21.20SamotAnd the outbound?
12:21.27KobazOutbound can go to whatever you want
12:21.34SamotSo how do you track that?
12:21.46KobazWell, you never give out the Cell's 'private' DID
12:21.54SamotBut what about private calls?
12:21.55KobazIs how it would have worked with Sprint
12:22.13KobazYou give out the pbx DID that was assigned and route it there
12:22.16SamotHow do you determine when I'm making a business call and when I'm calling mema?
12:22.21KobazOh, you don't
12:22.28SamotSo personal calls would route out the PBX
12:22.39SamotI'm sure they'll want that.
12:22.47KobazRight, heh
12:22.56SamotEither the company or the user.
12:23.13SamotWelcome to how this becomes a hard sell.
12:23.28KobazThis was right before tmobile+sprint
12:23.38KobazSo maybe T-Mobile works differently, I haven't talked to them
12:23.59SamotThe last couple I've seen have been the "any carrier" options.
12:24.19KobazYeah we have a few of those we're working with
12:24.24SamotSo for them to let you on to any tower with any carrier, they need to be with them.
12:24.42SamotSo then it's not the carriers your connected to. Its the MNVO's network.
12:25.15SamotOh and you know what's the best about MNVO's?
12:25.20SamotThey have low priority
12:25.33SamotThey're the first to have their data limited.
12:26.28SamotI had someone try this 10 years ago when it was the rage being pushed all over.
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12:26.43SamotNo one really wanted it.
12:28.05KobazIt's not one of those 'sell a million of them' types of things
12:28.08KobazIt's more like, an addon
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12:37.47KobazBut the tech/connections are way too expensive for that type of model
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15:18.27igcewielingI loved my MVNO, but I didn't use the phone all that much.
15:31.47SamotIt depends on the MVNO.
15:33.12SamotBut in the context of the "mobile phone on your PBX" thread. In general they suck for that.
15:33.58SamotGranted there are a couple that are purely integrated services so they do alright with this but the clients are also paying a high cost for it.
15:37.17SamotBut even is the service was class act. Unless the company is providing the employees with mobile phones and service work, it's a very hard sell.
15:37.55SamotEven if they are it is still a hard sell, because you have to convince the company to move everything to you.
15:38.31SamotKobaz had some request this but even wanting it might not be enough to overcome all the steps involved.
15:38.51Samots/request/requests for/
15:39.11igcewielingOnly an idiot would try to use cell service as a "line"
15:39.51SamotThat's not it ata all
15:42.14igcewielingok, an idiot or someone desperate
15:46.06SamotWhat are you referring to as a "line"
15:47.42igcewielingPSTN origination/termination
15:49.17SamotSo yeah, you're missing what this was about.
15:49.35SamotThe mobile phone is actually an extension on the PBX
15:49.51SamotThe DID being routed to it over the mobile network is optional.
15:50.02SamotThe DID could be routed to the PBX
15:50.12SamotThen the phone can still do SMS
15:50.19SamotOutbound is routed through the PBX
15:50.26Samot911 can be routed via cell services.
15:50.47igcewielingAh!  I didn't scroll back far enough.
15:51.22SamotThis was something Vitelity tried to do when it was a rage back in 2011-2014
15:51.28igcewielingAh, like that thing Sprint offered in the 2000's
15:51.39SamotBecause Vitelity used Sprint.
15:52.00SamotThe tech side wasn't actually the issue.
15:52.07igcewielingAn interesting idea, too bad it was Sprint, so they screwed it up.
15:52.19SamotBut they aren't the only ones that did it
15:52.52SamotMVNO's would get with the big 4
15:53.12SamotSo they could have a selling point that the mobile service would work on any tower by any carrier. No dead zones.
15:53.49SamotIt's all good and great....
15:53.57SamotBut you got to sell it and that was the hard part.
15:54.15SamotIt's really a service for a client that is all in and controls the devices.
15:54.53igcewielingAh.  I only knew about Sprint.
15:55.38SamotYeah, a lot of people thought it would be a god send for small business and avoid softphones...
15:56.21SamotBut it turns out unless you are a high volume reseller of this type of service, it's costly
15:56.29SamotYou don't get great data plans to go with it.
15:57.06SamotSo trying to convince Bob's Plumbing that he needs to go with you over ATT's plan that has 6 lines for X dollars unlimited everything.....
15:57.37SamotFor probably more money, no direct phones to replace/sell and not unlimited everything....
15:58.15SamotYou basically turn yourself into every pre-paid mobile service out there.
15:59.06appletvyou need a spin like EncroChat has
16:01.45Samotappletv: The problem is a lot of companies don't provide mobile service to employees. They depend on the employees having their own.
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16:02.02Samotappletv: So you go head and convince someone who has a family plan to just move their line.
16:02.32SamotAgain, the services can be awesome. Great hooks....
16:02.43SamotBut it's the actual sell.
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22:09.11tecfallHow many sip phones would one connect to from site B (no asterisk server) to site A's asterisk server before adding a second asterisk server in Site B?
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