IRC log for #asterisk on 20210317

00:32.05*** join/#asterisk infernix (~nix@unaffiliated/infernix)
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14:23.16tecfallWe have 2 sites, both running asterisk. When creating the peer of the other server, would you use insecure=port,invite?
14:23.28*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
14:23.59SamotNo because that means using Chan_SIP and you shouldn't be doing that anymore
14:27.38tecfallSamot, I do know that we need to upgrade to pjsip, we just don't have the time right now.
14:28.04igcewielingtecfall: once you do, come back.
14:29.02nbjoergmumbles about pjsip not working with some of his phones
14:30.04sibiriatecfall: for chan_sip, yes, that's fine assuming both of these trunks trust eachother and just want "ip auth"
14:31.21sibiriamoving to pjsip from chan_sip doesn't take that much time
14:31.33sibiriathe sooner you're done, the sooner you can approach the Lord's Light
14:31.40igcewielingHuh?  Moving from chan_sip to pjsip is a pain in the ass.
14:32.20sibiriawasn't that complicated in my opinion, especially not when using the wizard
14:32.24igcewielingHowever, PJSIP's endpoint design, unlike chan_sip, was not designed by a drunk collage kid.
14:33.23igcewieling(I don't actually know if Mark was drunk at the time)
14:36.00sibiriaor hopped-up on caffeine pills to survive college midterm tests
14:37.47Kobazso this is strange
14:39.34Kobazit's like registrations broke all of a sudden
14:42.13SamotWhat does showing the aor display?
14:42.21Kobazwhole lotta nuttin
14:44.23Samotshow up in show contacts?
14:44.34Kobazdoesn't have it either
14:45.00Kobazpjsip show contacts like c30035 -- no objects found
14:48.26SamotTurn debug on to see what is happening at a deeper level
14:49.56Kobazthat's it
14:50.07Kobazdebug even level 9, doesn't show anything else regarding added contact
14:53.01*** join/#asterisk bford (uid283514@gateway/web/
14:53.01*** mode/#asterisk [+o bford] by ChanServ
14:53.02*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (
14:54.01*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~dovid@
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15:12.24KobazSamot: is this legit 'weird' now?
15:12.56SamotDont know
15:13.06SamotDidnt see the debug
15:13.46KobazThere's nothing surrounding the log item that's related to contacts
15:13.56Kobazyou can see it, but it's not interesting, I assure you
15:14.13SamotShow it
15:18.12SamotAnd those two contacts dont exist?
15:18.34SamotOr do they?
15:18.55Kobazthey don't exist in asterisk, they aren't being added dynamically
15:19.04Kobazthe AOR exists yes, but the contacts do not get added
15:19.18igcewielingaren't you using realtime?
15:19.27Kobaznot anymore
15:19.28SamotShow the aor config
15:23.32SamotWhat happens if you increase the max contacts to 2?
15:23.43Kobazgood question
15:25.40KobazIt was a good idea I think to try, but I see why it has no effect... It's not even hitting the max because there's no contacts stored
15:26.32Kobazi see a possible problem
15:26.35KobazI think this is the problem
15:26.45Kobazastdb is not taking data
15:27.01KobazIS-COMM-NYC-04*CLI> database put x y 1  Updated database successfully
15:27.20Kobazand then, database show... not there
15:28.47Kobazyup, that was it
15:28.51Kobazastdb was corrupted
15:28.58Kobazi deleted it, restarted
15:29.36Kobazwell, i have a backup
15:29.37Kobazso we can see
15:31.33Kobazit would be good if you could restart astdb without restarting asterisk
15:33.05KobazLooks like that's another health check I need to add
15:33.15KobazIs astdb operating correctly, if not, restart asterisk
15:33.27KobazI do cleanups on startup, but i guess that's not good enough
15:33.56Kobazlike, if asterisk crashes it leaves a sqlite lock and then you're dead in the water.. and the only way to get rid of the lock is to export and reimport the sqlite database
15:38.55igcewielingshouldn't Asterisk see the lock is for a process which doesn't exist anymore?
15:39.05Kobazthe lock is inside the sqlite file
15:39.09igcewielingor is it the sqlite library doing the locking
15:39.13igcewielingah, ok.
15:39.43Kobazecho ".dump" | sqlite old.db | sqlite new.db
15:40.20Kobazthat's one way how you remove a sqlite lock
15:41.52Kobazthe crazy thing, it wasn't locked in this case, it was just returning success when writing, but not actually writing any data
15:42.12Kobazthat's why there was nothing interesting in the core debug, the low level was saying 'sure, i'll write this'
15:42.22nbjoergyou can just copy the database
15:42.37Kobazright, that's what that command does, it literally copies the database without the lock
15:42.46igcewielingI assume you've seen this
15:42.49Kobaz(if you have a lock problem)
15:43.39Kobazigcewieling: right, well.. in a perfect world, every transaction finishes before the next one starts... in the case of start transaction, lock, (crash)... well... you can't unlock it the same way you locked it... it's done
15:45.19igcewielingKobaz: Sounds like they are doing internal locking and not using things like lock files or flock().   Flock()'d files should be released when the program exits.
15:45.34Kobazsqlite has its own locking/transaction system
15:50.49nbjoergKobaz: I mean literally use cp :)
15:50.58KobazOh, no
15:51.12Kobazthen you'll be copying the same exact data with the same exact metadata (locks included)
15:51.14nbjoergKobaz: depending on the configuration, sqlite uses kernel locks
15:51.24nbjoergwhich are bound to the inode
15:51.53Kobazi didn't look at the code with respect to this, but... i believe they are sqlite-specific transactional locks
15:52.11nbjoergthat said, I'm surprised that it doesn't recover automatically
15:52.54igcewielingnbjoerg: to be fair, there is daemon involved, just a library so there isn'r really a "startup"
15:53.17igcewieling...there is NO daemon involved
15:53.40Kobazit literally just opens the sqlite file
15:53.59Kobazvia libsqlite3
15:54.09Kobazasterisk is technically the daemon
15:54.50Kobazthere's no one-size fits all solution... maybe add an option to asterisk.conf  astdb_sqlite_autolockremove=yes
15:55.12Kobazsome people may see that as a major failure and wish to just have it be broken, so another server can take over
15:59.37*** join/#asterisk tmoore (~tmoore@2600:1702:4110:3d10:e8:5a5e:2846:b2e2)
15:59.42igcewielingheh, I just checked.  my astdb has 2 items only.
16:04.32SamotI gots about 60K
16:07.07nbjoergit's an argument for using pg for me :)
16:10.57igcewielingThe only devices I register to my main servers are test phones.   The rest as all static IP.
16:11.37igcewielingEverything else are FreePBX or Adtran boxes.
16:15.09SamotI hold a lot of info in the db
16:15.45SamotUser, custom device states, ring groups, etc.
16:16.07SamotAllows for minimal reloads
16:16.33igcewielingI store what I need in Mysql, but I keep a lot less state than you.
16:17.13SamotI do both
16:17.23SamotMysql is the backend
16:17.59SamotAstdb is just quicker
16:18.07igcewielingThe only time I normally need to reload is when add/move/change a SIP endpoint.   Everything is done with an AGI and static dialplan similar to FreePBX.
16:18.28SamotFreePBX uses a lot in astdb
16:18.42SamotIn fact there is data that is astdb only
16:18.47igcewielingIt does, but it doesn't create ringgroups in the dialplan
16:18.49SamotDoesnt store in mysql
16:19.01SamotYes it does
16:19.11SamotIn v15 its all dialplan
16:19.18SamotNo more AGI calls
16:19.32igcewielingThat seems.....unscalable.
16:19.56SamotFreePBX rewrites dialplan with every Apply Config
16:20.12Kobazyeah, that seems like Xorcom, very very very slow to reload
16:20.12SamotConf files too
16:20.38KobazI had a Xorcom system with 1000 endpoints, it took a good 3-5 minutes to reload
16:20.41SamotThis is why you cant alert their dialplan
16:20.44igcewielingI new it did that, but I didn't think it made that much change to the dialplan.
16:20.57SamotIt is overwritten eaxh reload
16:21.24SamotVoicemail.conf gets parsed
16:21.27KobazAnd the main reason why it's so slow, is that it generates like 300 lines of dialplan for every extension... why not use gosubs and re-use code?
16:21.55SamotYou can change voicemail.conf because its not stored.
16:22.11SamotFreepbx doesnt do that
16:22.38SamotIts like 12 lines and manly macros
16:22.42KobazI'm saying Xorcom does... I don't know what fpbx does
16:25.50SamotIt does what you say xorcom should do
16:26.55Kobazyou know what would be awesomesauce, is dynamically adding and removing pjsip endpoints as needed
16:27.13Kobazand then adding/removing dialplan contexts/extens as needed
16:27.30SamotCould be
16:27.30Kobazthen reloads could almost be avoided entirely for most things
16:28.35SamotIts calle
16:28.58SamotUh. Opps
16:29.56SamotBut isnt that the point of realtime?
16:30.04SamotTo not load things into memory
16:30.12Kobazyeah but, realtime has its issues, right
16:30.23KobazWell, something has to go in memory
16:30.38KobazPJSIP/Asterisk needs to have the endpoint details when the time comes
16:41.05*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
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17:40.24*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
18:06.10Kobazwhy oh why do carriers and network operators love to break traceroute
18:06.30*** join/#asterisk ghoti (~paul@
18:10.14igcewielingbecause they think blocking icmp on a router is a good idea?
18:12.29Kobazi know :(
18:27.31*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (
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20:07.30saint_greetings all - can someone recommend T1 boards that you had success with? I see the ones from Sangoma are about $500, while some other ones on Amazon are half the price. I know cheaper does not always mean better, but... $500 looks a little pricey.. I'm sure some other brands work as well as the ones from Sangoma..
20:10.25igcewielingsaint_: Those prices look good.
20:10.51igcewielingYou won't get support here for anything except Digijm and Sangoma.
20:11.18igcewielingAlternativly, you can get a use Adtran Total Access with a T-1 port and an ethernet port and do SIP from the TA to Asterisk.
20:11.50saint_not really looking for support though. more for personal experience. does 100% of people here have nothing but  Digium or Sangoma in prod?
20:12.13saint_I was looking at those board mid page
20:12.32igcewielingWell, you'll need to talk to them about support.
20:13.03saint_yes, but once again, i am not looking for support here. just experience of people who used anything else than digium or sangoma..
20:13.15igcewielingNobody here does as far as I know.
20:13.32saint_ok.. bummer.. thanks :)
20:13.55saint_I might give it a shot in a lab then. and if it works, bring it in prod.. we'll see.. thanks for the feedback
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