IRC log for #asterisk on 20210316

01:04.06*** join/#asterisk waldo323__ (
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05:57.21*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 18.2.2, 16.16.2 (2021/03/04) Final Bugfix: 13.38.2, 17.9.3 (2021/03/04); DAHDI: 3.0.0 (2018/11/15); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct:
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14:32.44igcewielingAmazing how fast I get IP info from our people when I tell them I'll have the contractor call them for the info if they don't send it to me.
14:33.12igcewielingThe older I get the more I think being an asshole is the only way to get anything done.
14:37.21SamotI figured that out in my 20s
14:42.46seanbrightyeah ya did
14:44.50SamotNo regrets
14:46.24SamotBecause as much as people complain I am an asshole, they seem to get over it when they need my help.
14:49.00*** join/#asterisk bford (uid283514@gateway/web/
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14:49.25SamotEither I am an asshole when I help or I am an asshole for not helping. Either I am an asshole but you end up with a 50/50 chance of your shit not working. Im good with that.
14:51.05*** join/#asterisk AsteriskRoss (~AsteriskR@
14:55.52igcewielingCustomer is complaining of inconsistent internet.   They have a T-1 frame relay connection.   *sigh*
14:55.53kerouac[m]Hi. I have two linphone clients, and an instance of asterisk. When I call from one to another client, the sound goes only one way, from caller to handling client. And there is no sound from answering side. I use codec opus, and NAT is opened for sip and rtc protos. Even when i'm truing to send text message, I see in log something like this on receiving side:
14:56.47igcewielingkerouac[m]: sorry, too complicated.    Stick with a simple phone call using ulaw.
14:56.57igcewielingonce that works, then try messaging.
14:57.12kerouac[m]Ulaw behaves the same way
14:57.49*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
14:59.55SamotAnd where are these linphone clients at?
15:00.37kerouac[m]to be true, when I do allow=ulaw the codec used is PCMA, is it correct?
15:01.37kerouac[m]<Samot "And where are these linphone cli"> They are in local network both, seeing each other on different local ip's
15:02.38kerouac[m]But they are as you could see in that log doesn't see each other correctly (anonymous.invalid and so on). And they also doesn't handle online status of each other correctly. But I still can call and see incoming calls.
15:03.30igcewielingneither phone is running on the same server as Asterisk, correct?
15:03.51igcewielingincoming calls have nothing to do with outgoing calls.
15:05.08kerouac[m]yes, three machines , one for asterisk and two for linphones
15:06.27SamotWe need to see actual debugs from Asterisk
15:07.47kerouac[m]Now I'll record that
15:10.03kerouac[m]what debugs should I rutn on?
15:13.36SamotIs this pjsip?
15:13.41Samotpjsip set logger on
15:13.46SamotFrom the Asterisk console.
15:14.54Kobazthe loooooogs
15:15.02KobazLogs, logs, they're big, heavy and wood
15:21.55kerouac[m]Here it is. There is log of coccention of one of the clients, ans two calls, from 6001 to 6003 and then backward. Also a couple of tries to send text message.
15:24.53igcewielingGood luck with that Samot and Kobaz!
15:26.34SamotWhy in the fuq is DTLS being used?
15:26.37SamotTurn that shit off.
15:26.41*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
15:29.06kerouac[m]what is dtls? how to turn it off?
15:30.45SamotIt's a encryption method for this. Check the linphone configs.
15:32.42kerouac[m]Could it be the reason of the troule?
15:34.28SamotWell probably
15:35.41igcewielingDoes it break the rule of "keep it simple when testing"?   Yes, it does.
15:40.28kerouac[m]both Linphones' encryption is turned off, is it enought to remove dtls_auto_generate_cert=yes from pjsip.conf?
15:44.45kerouac[m]removed that line, the same result
15:46.41electronic_eelSamot: you were asking about BLF and pickup yesterday
15:47.02electronic_eelmy users are using it regularly
15:47.04SamotNot really.
15:47.13SamotWell see Kobaz is a C programmer
15:47.18SamotLikes to mess with Asterisk code.
15:47.31electronic_eelah, that was i was just going to mention
15:47.32SamotI am not a C programmer. There is something that needs an improvement.
15:47.48electronic_eelto make it work, i always have to apply a patch from
15:48.11electronic_eelwith this patch it works well for me on polycom phones
15:48.16SamotI haven't applied it yet..
15:48.22SamotDoes it fully work?
15:48.30electronic_eelfor me, yes
15:48.31SamotTell you not only who is calling but who the call was ment for?
15:48.54SamotBecause I had a feeling that patch was incomplete on one of those.
15:48.59electronic_eelhmm, ment for?
15:49.14SamotIf I call 2100 and you're a BLFing 2100
15:49.25SamotYou should see that I'm the caller and the call was meant for 2100
15:49.29SamotOr perhaps a ring group
15:49.43SamotIt has both the remote and the target?
15:49.45electronic_eeli see a blf line blinking and press on it. then i see the caller id that is ringing on that line
15:50.01SamotCan you show a notify?
15:50.07SamotThat will answer my question
15:50.38electronic_eellet me just check if i see the target
15:51.45kerouac[m]maybe I should use something like  localnet= ?
15:51.51kerouac[m]in pjsip.conf?
16:00.00igcewielingperhaps remove all the extra stuff from pjsip.conf?
16:00.28igcewielingIf you had dtls_auto_generate_cert set, who know what other crap you have in pjsip.conf
16:02.30electronic_eelSamot: ok, here is the full dialog-info from the NOTIFY:
16:02.46electronic_eelas you can see the full caller id and target are included
16:03.08electronic_eelso for me it works well, i get everything i want from it
16:03.38SamotWhat version of asterisk
16:04.21SamotSo the 16.8 patch is working?
16:05.03electronic_eelyes, seems like
16:05.21SamotYeah looks like it covers it mostly.
16:05.37SamotUnless that was truly an anonymous call
16:05.43electronic_eeliirc, i asked file sometime ago why the patch wasn't merged yet and i got the answer that it wasn't clean enough
16:05.49seanbrightthat is correct
16:05.56seanbrightjust based on a glance at it
16:06.03SamotWhat needs cleaning?
16:06.34electronic_eelSamot: the call wasn't anonymous, but a call from external with a regular numeric caller id
16:06.40seanbrightcoding style guidelines would be a good first pass
16:06.45seanbrightlet me do it, hold on
16:07.21electronic_eelthe "@anonymous.invalid" seems to be added by default if there is no proper domain or something like that
16:07.37SamotThat's what I was referring to
16:07.50SamotThat's an anonymous call format
16:08.00*** join/#asterisk DodgeThis (
16:08.26seanbrightpatch: **** malformed patch at line 77: +
16:08.27igcewielingthat often means "incoming call didn't match anything"
16:08.29seanbrightwomp womp
16:08.52SamotOr it was anonymous
16:09.20Samotseanbright: so line 77 has something malformed?
16:09.23electronic_eelso with "anonymous call format" you mean you have a regular numeric caller id, but no sip domain?
16:09.52seanbrightSamot: what would make you think that?
16:10.09SamotDont know.
16:10.22SamotA hunch
16:10.40SamotI heard it from a guy
16:10.51SamotSome people were saying..
16:12.27Kobazunfortunately I don't have any experience in the text messaging part of the code
16:13.16SamotKobaz could you clean up the current patch?
16:13.23seanbrighti am working on it
16:13.39kerouac[m]<igcewieling "If you had dtls_auto_generate_ce">
16:13.46KobazHow do you make a thumbs up in ascii-emoji
16:13.50SamotOh i just thought you were seeing what was messed up
16:13.58Kobazseanbright: <3
16:14.00SamotMy bad
16:14.02KobazThat's more like a heart
16:14.44electronic_eeloh, iirc i had to adapt the patch some asterisk releases ago since it wasn't applying cleanly anymore
16:14.56electronic_eelhere is the version i'm using now:
16:16.23igcewielingkerouac[m]: looks like you have webrtc stuff too.   that breaks the "keep it as simple as possible when testing" rule.
16:20.39igcewieling*sigh* We want to move one of our "border" servers to another subnet and Level3 wants to do full interop testing first.
16:24.06seanbrightpatch updated
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16:25.32seanbrightsome of the code in the `if (callee) {` block is questionable and would not pass a review
16:26.18seanbrightbut it applies cleanly now at least
16:27.57kerouac[m]<igcewieling "kerouac: looks like you have web"> that helped to hear in both directions!
16:28.53igcewielingkerouac[m]: not if you were using SIP.
16:29.34igcewielingwebrtc is a different protocol.
16:29.57kerouac[m] < >
16:30.20kerouac[m]<igcewieling "webrtc is a different protocol."> afaik webrtc=yes puts a lot of parameters to endpoint, including dtls
16:30.30kerouac[m]I think that was the reason
16:30.43igcewielingthe first three lines are junk unless you are dialing 200
16:31.00igcewielingactually 2-4 is junk
16:31.16kerouac[m]of course, but the last, is it enough? Or should contain comething else?
16:32.44igcewielingkerouac[m]: it should dial a basic call with no handling of errors.
16:41.27kerouac[m]It does. But linphones still doesn't see online status of each other. What to do to avoid that @anonymous.invalid stuff?
16:42.31*** join/#asterisk RudyValencia (~rudy@unaffiliated/rudyvalencia)
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17:23.18seanbrightthe 'gross' part about that patch is the "find ringing channel" part
17:29.35SamotSo that entire function is gross?
17:33.50*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
17:34.55seanbrightno, it's just kinda arbitrary
17:35.18seanbrighti dunno, it's fine
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