IRC log for #asterisk on 20210315

00:26.04*** join/#asterisk akp55 (
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02:07.03*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
02:08.04*** join/#asterisk tsal_ (
07:52.23*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
07:56.45*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (
08:21.44*** join/#asterisk mahafyi (6ac600e5@
08:42.08*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
09:33.05*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
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09:53.42*** join/#asterisk sekil (
09:54.11kerouac[m]Guys, I don't get basic concept of asterisk and sip. Am I right, saying: asterisk is the only point of meeting of two clients and then when call is connected, they communicate p2p?
10:12.12sekilyes and no
10:13.18kerouac[m]sekil: can you link some stuff that could explain that?
10:16.04sekilusually sip messages go via sip server and rtp goes in between endpoints
10:16.54sekilbut with b2bua server and RTP media serve such as * RTP can go through * as well
10:17.46kerouac[m]So, protocol used between endpoints is rtp?
10:17.46kerouac[m]And what about situation when one client is connected by udp and other one by webRTC? Or i'm missing something
10:18.39sekilrtp is for media
10:18.50sekilsip is signalling
10:20.12sekilwebrtc is just a http thing to provide communication of endpoints
10:20.16sekilnot even signalling proto
10:20.50sekilif you need to bridge sip and webrtc clients..than * or FreeSWITCH come in
10:21.19kerouac[m]does it matters if I use rtp or rtsp?
10:22.32sekilrtsp is protocol for streaming media
10:22.47sekilrtp is for interactive media so to speak
10:23.01sekilrtp stack is embedded with sip clients
10:24.33kerouac[m]Thank you
12:18.57kerouac[m]I have asterisk behind vpn, and two linphones, on laptop and pc. When I call, the sound is only on answering side. If I call from laptop to pc, then only PC listens sound, and PC's sound doesn't goes to laptop even though linphone shows PC's microphone live indicator. And if I call from PC, I see the same, but sound is only on laptop, and PC doesn't hear laptop.
12:19.05kerouac[m]What could be the reason?
12:28.06sekilprobably nat/vpn/rtp
12:33.45kerouac[m]as I know rtp :7078 is opened in NAT for both in and out.
13:07.15*** join/#asterisk paulgrmn (
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16:05.37*** join/#asterisk Janos (~textual@
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18:05.12*** join/#asterisk kerouac[m] (kerouacmat@gateway/shell/
18:08.51*** join/#asterisk tsal (
18:16.00*** join/#asterisk MLC (~MLC@
18:17.02MLCIt seems that "voicemail reload" will not handle a new voicemail context. Is there a way to introduce a new voicemail context without restart?
18:28.11*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
18:34.25MLCmaybe it did after all. I was expecting it to create all of the voicemail boxes in the file system, but maybe it only does that when they are needed.
18:39.18igcewielingMLC correct.  mailboxes are created when first accessed
18:39.34igcewielingthe files/dirs.    the config applies on reload.
18:40.01MLCgood. thanks.
18:46.46*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
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19:13.09*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
19:20.14igcewieling3rd Verizon dispatch and still service is not working as ordered.
19:20.33*** part/#asterisk MLC (~MLC@
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19:54.14*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
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20:57.47*** join/#asterisk john2gb (
21:23.26Kobazanyone know how to get a polycom phone to send rport in their invites?
21:23.52Kobazit might be voIpProt.SIP.rport
21:24.53SamotIt is.
21:25.26Kobaznice, making sure i found the right option
21:28.13*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (maliutamat@gateway/shell/
21:28.44*** join/#asterisk Janos (~textual@
21:31.20igcewielingWhat are your trying to solve?
21:32.05KobazOh, well I turned off allow_reload in pjsip, so I can't change local_net... or at least I don't think I can... Haven't tried it honestly, after i turned off allow_reload
21:32.24Kobazso rport fixes that
21:40.03igcewielingWouldn't switching to TCP remove any need for rport?
21:40.17igcewielingwould not help with your lack of reloading transports, but still...
21:45.11SamotHow does allow_reload being off stop you from changing local_net settings?
21:45.30KobazI have no idea
21:45.35SamotIt doesn't.
21:45.41KobazI don't know what's restricted on reload
21:45.59SamotIt just means when PJSIP is reloaded it doesn't reload transports. You need to restart Asterisk.
21:46.22SamotHow often are you adding local networks?
21:46.34Kobazcan be frequently depending on the site?
21:46.57SamotA site has multiple voice networks?
21:47.18KobazYeah typically
21:49.06KobazDepends on the customer
21:49.17Kobazthey might spin up a new site and then they say here's a new ip range
21:49.42SamotThat's a secondary site.
21:49.53Kobazsome people have something pretty like all voice is on
21:50.12SamotLet's try this, how often do you need to add local_net updates?
21:50.16SamotRegardless of how many customers.
21:50.20SamotAre you doing it daily?
21:50.24Samot5 x a day?
21:50.33KobazOh, not daily typically
21:50.33Samot3 x a week?
21:50.41KobazFew times a month
21:50.50SamotWow, so you can actually plan this.
21:50.59SamotRestart when needed.
21:51.24KobazAnd customers with 24/7 operations?
21:51.34SamotYou mean like hotels?
21:51.42SamotPlaces that what, can't be updated ever?
21:51.44KobazWhy should I have to flip servers or do anything like that to make what should be a basic change
21:51.55SamotThat can't handle a few minutes of possible downtime in off hours?
21:52.02SamotBecause it's a TRANSPORT
21:52.20SamotIt's not really something that needs to be reloaded on the reg.
21:52.32KobazNo but, chan_sip does not have this limitation
21:52.40KobazJust, extra complexity, you know
21:52.41SamotYou're right.
21:52.52SamotIt doesn't allow you to have multiple bind IPs
21:52.58SamotFor UDP
21:53.03KobazIt's got limits
21:53.15SamotChan_SIP didn't have this option because of Chan_SIP's limitations.
21:53.38SamotIn the grand scheme of SIP stacks, Chan_SIP was found wanting.
21:54.02SamotIt lacked basic things that other SIP stacks could do.
21:55.23SamotAre these premises systems? Or are they connecting back to you with a VPN?
21:55.55KobazIt's a mix
21:56.45SamotDo they each get their own system?
21:58.35igcewielingdon't your clients failover to another server if the primary server is down?
21:59.20KobazI would rather not have to shut down the entire server for 30 seconds? If I can avoid it
22:00.45KobazAnd so. What I'm going to do, is adjust pjsip to allow reload on local_net... problem solved
22:02.25SamotOh yeah, you're faux real time delay
22:03.28*** join/#asterisk sibiria (~sibiria@unaffiliated/sibiria)
22:03.58*** join/#asterisk SSlater (~simon@
22:04.01SamotI forgot you gots some silly amount of delay on your reloads.
22:05.28*** join/#asterisk kerouac[m] (kerouacmat@gateway/shell/
22:06.36KobazOh, not any more
22:07.23SamotAnd a restart takes 30 seconds?
22:07.29Kobazwell nah
22:07.39SamotBecause I never said "shut down the entire server"
22:07.40Kobazi'm over estimating that for sure
22:07.45SamotI said "restart asterisk"
22:08.50KobazI know
22:10.31SamotSo if I'm following this right, you're going to customize chan_pjsip so that on a reload of the module it will reload the local_net part of the transport objects.
22:11.11SamotBecause perhaps up to 3 times a month you have to add local_net's and can't have a few seconds of downtime for restarting in off hours.
22:14.14SamotKobaz: OK, serious question. Do your customers use BLF and pickup, etc?
23:08.21*** join/#asterisk mbecroft (
23:11.28KobazSamot: yeah
23:11.43KobazSamot: it's just something that bugs me
23:11.47Kobazi like flexability
23:14.20KobazSamot: yes to blf and ringing pickup
23:15.20SamotOK then maybe you want to tackle the RFC4235 support issue of Chan_PJSIP.
23:15.36SamotIt doesn't have full XML body support in the NOTIFY
23:33.42*** join/#asterisk mahlon (
23:44.22Kobazah k cool
23:46.59*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
23:50.19KobazSamot: see the reason why i'll spend 5-8 hours (or maybe less, who knows) on something like making sure i can reload local_net in pjsip safely... is because I'm a huge fan of being well prepared for anything.  And I can see something like that seriously biting me in the ass down the line.  Where someone's got 150 calls going on their switch and needs a new local net.  I want to be able to handle that situation.  And if it makes sense development wise...
23:50.19Kobazie: I don't have to spend like 40 hours on this, then... why not?
23:51.10SamotBut if someone needs a new local_net and is updating their network, they can plan for when there isn't a 150 calls on the system at once.
23:51.46KobazBut sometimes a new vpn pops up on the radar, and it's like hey you need to make this work.  I would rather say okay... it's in.   And be done with it
23:52.18KobazBut then again that's a goood excuse for charging after-hours rates and trigging a planning meeting to get extra billable time, but... I just want things to be easy
23:52.55SamotI don't agree with the method but I can understand the setitment.
23:53.01SamotI don't agree with the method but I can understand the sentiment.

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