IRC log for #asterisk on 20210312

00:10.41*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
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13:15.52kerouac[m]Yeah, finally I got working call between two numbers, but there is no sound, and no errors in log ((
13:16.10kerouac[m]What could it be?
13:25.39Kobazkerouac[m]: first place to look is typically media ip settings related to NAT
13:26.42*** join/#asterisk infernix (nix@unaffiliated/infernix)
13:37.37*** join/#asterisk AsteriskRoss (~AsteriskR@
13:49.02kerouac[m]Kobaz: does asterisk traffic goes through rtsp?
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14:39.40*** join/#asterisk eventzero (
14:42.40eventzeromy GotoIf calls are returning nan for false conditionals, and then executing the true option. for example,  running this "GotoIf($[1=2]?ok:notok)" shows in the console "nan?ok:notok" and then context 'ok' is entered. if the conditional was 1=1, then the console shows "1?ok:notok" and 'ok' is entered (as expected)
14:44.24eventzerois this a bug? I am running asterisk 13.21
14:49.14SamotThere was something. I'm trying to find the forum posts.
14:49.55SamotBut it was OS related from what I recall.
14:52.10*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
14:52.46SamotThis problem is due to a bug in the latest version of the glibc library (version 2.17-322.el7_9)
14:52.51Samoteventzero: ^^^^^
14:52.56SamotDowngrade that.
14:53.25SamotIf you're running RHEL/CentOS
15:00.53eventzeroI am
15:11.28*** join/#asterisk kharwell (uid358942@gateway/web/
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15:12.23SamotSo downgrade what is suggested in that post.
15:21.37Kobazwoah that's a pretty crappy bug
15:23.17Kobazexcept 2.17 isn't exactly the latest anymore, but yeah
15:26.03KobazI guess this is what happens when you use old software... centos 7 uses a glibc released in 2012
15:26.53KobazCentos 7 will be EOL soon, you should plan your upgrades
15:27.07igcewielingUbuntu seems to be a common upgrade path from CentOS 7
15:27.15igcewielingNot really my thing.
15:27.39SamotMr. I'm just getting off Asterisk 11 and I had a weird issue with my phone running 4 yo old firmware is giving this speech?
15:27.53KobazI knew it!
15:28.16SamotWell that was my daily does of iron.
15:28.38igcewielingThink of it like a Doctor.   They can give good advice, while ignoring it for themselves.
15:29.07KobazIt wasn't being ignored, just... pushed into the future
15:30.02KobazIt's what happens when you're paid to work on other people's stuff and not your own
15:32.37*** join/#asterisk infernix (nix@unaffiliated/infernix)
15:34.43KobazSamot: still having issues with that yealink btw :P... updated the firmware it really doesn't like this cert... gonna do more experiments later
15:35.35Kobazigcewieling: Yeah Ubuntu or Debian... anyone that's been hosed by the 'this system is too old and there's not even an upgrade path... reinstall!'
15:36.26KobazI love how i can apt-get dist-upgrade from any debian from 1998 and forward, to anything newer
15:36.27SamotHardware or software?
15:36.58KobazSamot: software probably, it's not sending it's device certificate when client certificates are required
15:37.23SamotI was referring to your last statement
15:37.41Kobazi don't get it
15:38.20Kobazwhat kind of hardware is involved in apt-get dist-upgrade ?.. other than the usual
15:38.23SamotIs the software or hardware too old
15:38.44KobazCan you roll back? I have no idea what the context is
15:38.53SamotWell if I setup a server on 2015 and its running Asterisk 18
15:39.01SamotThe hardware is old
15:39.15SamotIr should be replaced
15:39.32KobazFair enough, but, what's the overall point?
15:39.46Samot10:35:35 AM <Kobaz> igcewieling: Yeah Ubuntu or Debian... anyone that's been hosed by the 'this system is too old and there's not even an upgrade path... reinstall!'
15:40.00Kobazoh, software
15:40.04SamotHardware is apart of that
15:40.19eventzeroamazingly specific bug, thanks Samot
15:40.20seanbrighti have 12 year old hardware in production
15:40.24Kobazwhen your software is too old, Redhat, and others like it, say. download the dvd and install the newest version
15:40.28seanbrightshit is dope
15:40.33SamotThats great
15:40.35Kobazseanbright: not necessarily
15:40.41seanbrightcan't all be rich like you guys
15:40.50Kobazi regularly move hard drives to new iron and keep things going
15:40.58Kobazand then upgrade software as needed
15:41.11SamotBut not the drives?
15:41.14Kobazor just clone the whole system to a new build
15:41.31Kobazdepends how old the drives are, it's all a checklist of what needs replacing
15:42.06Kobazif the power supply dies in a 3 year old machince with SSDs. just bump it all to a new box
15:42.34SamotThats different
15:42.39Kobazif you have a machine that's 8 years old, replace everything, rsync the os+data if it's a time crunch and move it to new hardware
15:42.46SamotThats a failure not an upgrade
15:43.08Kobazand if there's the time and budget, then, install a new os and plan for that, but srsly... no one friggin cares about modernizing and so many people won't pay for it
15:44.44Kobazbut, my point was... it's a hell of a lot easier to apt-get dist-upgrade on Debian, than have to do a full os install like redhat tells you to
15:45.03KobazAs far as I know there is no officially supported in-place upgrade method for those systems... that's what I was talking about
15:45.05seanbrighti don't like in-place upgrads
15:45.17seanbrighti feel like there is always cruft left behind
15:45.29seanbrightflatten everything, that is my mantra
15:49.40SamotI'm not sure where you got "RHEL/CentOS don't do in place upgrades" but that's wrong.
15:49.58seanbrightit lost me at "Planning an upgrade"
15:50.05seanbright"planning" pfffft
15:50.37KobazI stopped using redhat 15 years ago, hence "As far as I know ..."
15:50.42SamotBut I guess there is a difference between leaving decades old software open for people to use and not wanting to have to support that shit so you only leave X years old software open
15:50.57Kobazseanbright: hehe
15:51.25KobazWell good, they need that.  That's the one thing that made me switch, was lack of smooth in-place upgrades
15:51.46KobazI've done plenty of redhat inplace upgrades back in the day, needed to spend a week on and figure out all the dependencies
15:51.49Kobazthis was before yum
15:52.11seanbrightSamot: who hurt you?
15:52.28KobazYeah :(.. tell him to stop arguing :(
15:52.59SamotWho says I'm arguing?
15:53.08KobazI'm kidding
15:53.51KobazEver since <seanbright> Samot: Stop arguing with Kobaz....  I now have to bug you about that
15:55.04Samotseanbright: I did.
15:55.41Samotseanbright: See I was all about this kind of shit back in the day. Back when it was cool for me to have racks in my house and look at all this crap I'm doing that has no real applications but "for funsies".
15:55.56SamotThen I realized, there was actually better ways.
15:56.01KobazWell sure
15:56.27SamotDo I run out and update everything with every release? No. I update as I need to.
15:56.41SamotHowever, I don't let myself get into a position of running Asterisk 11 in 2021.
15:58.24KobazWeeeel, that problem is being resolved
15:58.49KobazWe can start fresh, and keep up with the updates since I expect channel handling to be pretty stable from here on out
15:58.54SamotI guess it's the fact that I've worked for really small providers in a pool of really big ones.
15:59.11SamotBy really small I mean the workforce, like at most there were 4 or 5 of us.
15:59.21SamotAnd half that was non-tech.
15:59.26seanbrightwell... full disclosure i am running asterisk 11 in production
15:59.33KobazMany people are
15:59.43KobazI helped someone upgrade from 1.4 for peets sake
15:59.46KobazSomewhat recently
16:00.09SamotWell of course.
16:00.23SamotBecause when people like me say "You should keep yourself current"
16:00.42SamotThere are always those that go "Yeah but I got X that's 10 years old and works fine. It doesn't stop working because it's EOL"
16:01.39SamotIt's never a problem when "it works"
16:02.16SamotIt's a problem when it doesn't, you're ass has got 12 people up it about being down and no one can support you because you're shit is so out of date even the vendor is like "Yeah, we ain't touching it"
16:04.19igcewieling*shrug* Vendors well us that regardless.
16:04.19SamotBecause even after you fix it you then have to deal with people who weren't caring what you doing because it "just worked" now asking you things like "Why haven't you kept us updated and in a position to be supported by our vendor?"
16:05.05SamotThere's also that.
16:05.28SamotThe blanketed "Well you're damned if you do and damned if you don't so why bother" attitude.
16:06.10SamotIf you're vendor isn't supporting you on current and support services/appliances/software they provided you, then you need to get a new vendor.
16:09.00igcewieling*shrug*  People get locked into vendors.
16:09.17igcewielingWe are not getting rid of our hosted platform because the vendor sucks.
16:09.32SamotSo you can't find someone else to provide that?
16:10.04KobazSo wait. You don't like the vendor, but you like the platform?
16:10.07KobazOr something like that
16:10.18SamotNo. He bitches about the platform as well.
16:10.23*** part/#asterisk trmg (
16:12.42*** part/#asterisk sadsnork (
16:13.01SamotNow at the same time I have a couple of vendors that the products are fine, dealing with them at certain levels is fine but their support sucks.
16:13.34SamotThe only reason we continue to use them is because I made it so I don't need support.
16:15.09igcewielingI'd dislike the platform less if they supported it better.
16:15.48KobazWhat is this platform again?
16:15.53KobazHosted FreePBX or something?
16:15.56igcewielingBicom PBXware
16:16.20KobazI actually recommended an associate of mine check into Bicom because he was giving me crap about our pricing
16:16.45igcewielingThe run asterisk as the core, but everything is done in fast AGIs and there is virtually no ability to do custom dialplans.
16:17.04KobazWe do fastagi, but with hooks for custom everywhere
16:23.18*** join/#asterisk akp55 (~akp55@
16:25.32SamotI just wrote my own
16:44.42SamotWell it made it easier to use APIs to tie into.
17:36.53seanbrighti don't disagree, but the breadth of problems with asterisk that i am able to address is maybe a little higher than average?
17:37.10seanbrightand for the ones i can't address i just annoy file into fixing stuff for me
17:37.41seanbrightsorry, that is a response to something from 90 minutes ago
17:49.40igcewielingYou are located somewhere near Jupiter? 8-|
18:07.29*** join/#asterisk akp55 (~akp55@
18:09.52seanbrightigcewieling: please allow 70 minutes for a response
18:11.06igcewielingI was thinking how far away you'd have to be for a 90 min RTT and came up with Juipter  (45 min one way)
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