IRC log for #asterisk on 20210311

00:26.12*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
00:55.24*** join/#asterisk gregf (~gregf@unaffiliated/gregf)
01:05.45*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
02:06.20igcewielingI've not used Manager in a long time.   Should this just spew manager events to the CLI?   I'm getting nothing.
02:11.55*** join/#asterisk tsal_ (
02:22.10igcewielingI figured it out
02:32.44*** join/#asterisk gregf4 (~gregf@unaffiliated/gregf)
02:57.05*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
03:06.20*** join/#asterisk Snuupy (~Snuupy@unaffiliated/snuupy)
03:23.20*** join/#asterisk gschanuel (
03:38.14*** join/#asterisk maristo (~maristo@
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06:14.48*** join/#asterisk pppingme (~pppingme@unaffiliated/pppingme)
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06:54.11*** join/#asterisk Ner0Zer0 (~Ner0Zer0@
08:03.10*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
08:25.28*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (
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08:52.47*** join/#asterisk sponji (~i5@
09:44.21*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
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10:04.20kerouac[m] < >
10:09.08kerouac[m]As i see in my pjsip.conf both 6001 and 6002 are configured in context=internal
10:32.06*** join/#asterisk AsteriskRoss (~AsteriskR@
10:48.41*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
11:11.26*** join/#asterisk cp- (
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11:41.01*** join/#asterisk cp- (
11:42.31*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
12:04.32*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (
12:42.03*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
12:44.14*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
12:52.08Samotkerouac[m]: WSS != UDP
12:52.51kerouac[m]Samot: so, udp client and wss client cant' be connected?
12:52.56SamotAlso, you didn't show the actual [internal] context to show us that it exists.
13:01.59kerouac[m]Samot: you mean the one that is in extensions.conf?
13:03.08*** join/#asterisk Chaoshand (
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13:06.32*** join/#asterisk genpaku_ (~genpaku@
13:06.49*** join/#asterisk PanGoat_ (
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13:07.46*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
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13:15.52*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
13:18.24Samotkerouac[m]: Well?
13:19.29kerouac[m]the entire [internal] section looks like
13:19.35kerouac[m] < >
13:26.14Samotkerouac[m]: Is 6001 or 6002 in there?
13:26.55kerouac[m]Hell, what should it be like?
13:27.07SamotLike the one you have.
13:27.21SamotYou only have 200
13:27.23SamotThat's it.
13:27.28SamotThat's all those devices can dial.
13:27.47SamotAnd have something be done without getting an error. Otherwise you have no other dial patterns to match against.
13:28.05SamotJust have PJSIP endpoints configured doesn't make them auto reachable by dialing them.
13:28.18SamotSince PJSIP endpoints have no requirement to be a number.
13:28.39SamotIt could be a MAC address, a name, a full URI
13:29.11kerouac[m]ah, I got that. thanks.
13:29.11kerouac[m]And what could be the config to handle e.g. all endpoints starting with 6 as numbers?
13:30.10SamotI don't understand that question
13:39.26SamotIf you mean pattern matching then it would be _6XX
13:52.05*** join/#asterisk Milos (~Milos@pdpc/supporter/student/milos)
13:55.33*** join/#asterisk cp- (
14:01.00*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (
14:14.32*** join/#asterisk paulgrmn_ (
14:33.04*** join/#asterisk Milos (~Milos@pdpc/supporter/student/milos)
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15:03.12*** join/#asterisk kharwell (uid358942@gateway/web/
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15:07.46*** join/#asterisk theGoat (
15:39.41*** join/#asterisk bford (uid283514@gateway/web/
15:39.41*** mode/#asterisk [+o bford] by ChanServ
15:57.02*** join/#asterisk Milos (~Milos@pdpc/supporter/student/milos)
17:18.37*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
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17:24.59*** join/#asterisk saint_ (~saint_@unaffiliated/saint-/x-0540772)
17:26.02igcewieling*sigh* Two different customers with "internet problems" apparently configured a device to use the same IP as our router.
17:34.05Kobazthat's not nearly as fun as one of our customers in a shared space with another tenant, who hijacked the main ip of their pbx for a new project
17:34.16Kobaz"oh, we thought that ip was available"... uhhh did you try and PING IT??
17:34.29Kobaz"oh wow, yeah it does respond to ping..."
17:35.11trmgHey y'all.  I have an odd issue that I'm wondering if y'all might be able to shed some light on... are you ready for a word salad? lol
17:35.34Kobazthat only took out service suddenly for 800 endpoints, while they re-registered to the secondary
17:41.49electronic_eelI provide users a call-forwarding feature on the PBX to forward all calls from one extension to another, for example when one user is on vacation.
17:41.53electronic_eelWorks fine
17:41.58electronic_eelProblem is that there is no visual indication of active call forwarding on the phone itself. so users forget that it is active and wonder why there are no calls incoming
17:42.16electronic_eelI use Polycom phones that would offer such a feature via SUBSCRIBE to "as-feature-event". This seems to be an older development from Broadsoft that is now commonly available on other phones too.
17:42.24electronic_eelBut I didn't find any support in asterisk for it.
17:42.31electronic_eelThere is a hack to chan_sip described here:
17:42.36electronic_eelbut I use pjsip exclusively.
17:42.38electronic_eelSo how do others solve this problem?
17:43.05igcewielingYes, others have the problem.   No there isn't a solution as far as I know.
17:43.43igcewielingAll the features require for this are "broadsoft" only or similar.
17:44.00electronic_eelI did find the description how to do this broadsoft trick:
17:44.20electronic_eelseems also be documented in the ECMA-323 standard
17:44.28igcewielingNow you just need to modify chan_pjsip to support the Broadsoft method.
17:44.33electronic_eeli could find other mentions of it a yealink, snom and so on
17:44.45SamotYou create a hint
17:45.36SamotThat you subscribe to
17:46.09electronic_eelyou mean like for voicemail?
17:46.13SamotWhen user actives CF, you update the hint status to BUSY or INUSE
17:46.15igcewielingyou'll need to dedicate a call appearance or speed dial for the hint. but that should work.
17:46.45SamotYes, but the request to show that indication, you need a BLF.
17:47.05igcewielingI mention it because setting up a BLF via central config files can be a hassle.
17:47.14SamotIt is?
17:47.38igcewielingEditing people's exiting directories then convincing the SPIP to read it?  yes.
17:47.43electronic_eelah, ok, a custom blf entry for call forwarding. and then i set the status of that blf entry manually
17:48.08igcewielingthe VVXs are better in regard to that.
17:48.08SamotYou create a hint for the user.
17:48.25SamotFor call forwarding.
17:48.58SamotWhen they activate call forwarding, you have dialplan execute that changes the custom device of the CF hint to INUSE
17:49.26SamotWhoever wants to know when X user has CF enabled, would have a BLF key on their phone that subscribes/monitors said hint.
17:49.41SamotWhen it is INUSE, the key turns red
17:49.59electronic_eelyes, i think i understood your idea
17:50.00SamotWhen it's IDLE (which happens when they deactivate CF) it turns green or off.
17:50.06electronic_eelthis should work
17:50.23electronic_eeli will try that, thank you
18:46.06*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
19:02.11igcewielingCan anyone recommend a company which buys used telecom/network gear?   We have a bunch of old Adtran TAs we are planning on throwing away.
19:03.02igcewielingIf anyone wants some for free you can have a handfull if you pick them up from Staten Island NY
19:03.17*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
19:13.43*** join/#asterisk akp55 (
19:15.58*** join/#asterisk akp55 (
19:31.04*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (
19:43.22*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
20:39.19*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
21:26.09igcewielingBest way to make people return your calls?   Take a nap.
21:58.24*** join/#asterisk themayor (~themayor@unaffiliated/themayor)
22:53.58Kobazigcewieling: you're on staten island?
22:54.14Kobazigcewieling: TA904 or what?
22:55.37igcewielingKobaz: me?  no.  the routers?  yes.
22:56.14igcewielingTA904/908/916.   Most of them are Gen 1
22:56.48KobazI might be interested in a few
22:56.56igcewielingI'm in Pensacola FL.  I moved out of the north in 1988.
22:57.03igcewielingKobaz: you are in NYC area?
22:57.09KobazNo, but, my people are
22:57.25KobazBest friend lives on Staten Island
22:57.37igcewielingAh, good enough.  /msg me a contact e-mail and I'll let you know when we've finished sorting through them.
22:58.40KobazI'm upstate NY
22:58.45KobazGrew up in NYC though
23:00.34igcewielingI grew up in Michigan, moved to Los Angels at 18.     I've only been to NYC a few times and not in more than 20 years.
23:06.48*** join/#asterisk Champi (

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