IRC log for #asterisk on 20210223

01:26.55Kobazzerocool: also pay attention to context-switches/second
01:27.40Kobazhigh cpu isn't necessary the end-all.  You could even have low cpu usage, but seriously high context switches, and be bogged down
01:29.03KobazI had a server shit the bed pretty hard with 8 cores and 25% cpu per core across the board when context switches spiked from 50k a second to 600k/sec
01:35.40SamotHe failed to mention it was FreePBX
01:36.03Kobazah, well, who knows what it's doing with those 50 channels then
01:36.07*** join/#asterisk cation21- (cation21@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/cation21)
01:36.23SamotWell there is also other things running
01:36.46SamotSo there is more eating at the cpu
02:17.00Kobazoh, speaking of asterisk
02:17.25Kobazso, i'm having an issue with pjsip where i get expiration of the AOR just prior to a re-register
02:18.29Kobazor, is that just the logging playing tricks on me
02:21.17Kobazi wonder if there could be a race condition where if it's in the fraction of a second in between unreach/reach, you'll get a fail
02:22.07igcewielingKobaz: looks to me like there is both TLS and UDP registrations?
02:22.27Kobazthey are fighting
02:22.31Kobazgood point
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03:02.36Kobazpjsip show contacts -- Objects found: 33
03:02.51KobazAMI: PJSIPShowContacts -- ListItems: 5
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03:21.26Kobazoh i think PJSIPShowContacts is only dynamic contacts
03:22.08Kobazwhich disagrees with the docs/help (PPJSIPShowContacts Provides a listing of all Contacts)
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14:09.43broccolistemHi, does anyone here have experience setting custom channel variables in a LUA dialplan?
14:12.45broccolistemFor instance, in my default context I set a channel variable like this:
14:12.49broccolistemchannel["newVar"] = "value"
14:13.03broccolistemand in my hangup function, I try to call back that variable:
14:13.47broccolistemapp.verbose("CHANNEL VARIABLE TEST: "
14:13.54broccolistemwhich results in:
14:14.16broccolistem[2021-02-23 09:11:26] ERROR[26777][C-00000002]: pbx_lua.c:1456 exec: Error executing lua extension:
14:14.16broccolistem[string "extensions.lua"]:254: attempt to concatenate a nil value
14:14.34broccolistemnotably : if I set the variable in the same way inside of the hangup context, it prints the variable correctly.
14:14.35sibiriaso take a look at what's going on at line 254
14:15.00broccolistemyes indeed! line 254 is where I call back newVar using channel.newVar:get()
14:16.03sibiriahave you tried the alternate versions?
14:16.18sibiriachannel.newVar = 'blah'
14:16.52broccolistemyes I have tried a couple different ways of setting the variable, with the same result. but let me just try that one more time, 1 sec.
14:17.04sibiriathere's a third way i can't recall right now
14:17.25sibiriavar = channel.newVar; var:set( 'blah' ) or so
14:20.30broccolistemThe same problem exists when I set newVar as you suggested:
14:20.34broccolistemchannel.newVar = "value"
14:20.46broccolistemhowever, when placed inside the hangup function, it reads the variable fine
14:20.51broccolistemlet me double check method 3
14:26.11broccolistemsame problem, in setting the variable inside default context like this:
14:26.17broccolistemtestVar = channel.newVar;
14:26.23broccolistemand calling it from within hangup function like this:
14:26.43broccolistemapp.verbose("CHANNEL VARIABLE TEST: "
14:26.56broccolistemhowever: when I set the variable in the same fashion inside of hangup context, it works :S
14:27.07broccolistem*hangup function
14:34.15broccolistemIncase anyone has a moment to peak at my dialplan on this strange lua channel variable setup issue, I have uploaded my current dialplan:
14:35.33broccolistemI set the channel variable on line 184, 192, 200, 208, and 216 (one of these 5 extensions is automatically chosen when the user calls in).
14:36.14broccolistemThen on line 227, I try to call back the variable, and receive an error like this (except not on line 254, it is line 227 now):
14:36.31broccolistem[2021-02-23 09:11:26] ERROR[26777][C-00000002]: pbx_lua.c:1456 exec: Error executing lua extension:
14:36.40broccolistem[string "extensions.lua"]:254: attempt to concatenate a nil value
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14:43.35EmleyMoorIs it possible to JabberSend to two identities in one shot, or is it simple to build something that will do it?
14:46.16SamotYou'd have to write a while loop to send to each
14:46.30SamotBut you can only send to one account with the command
15:00.34broccolistemI've posted my query on the Asterisk forum. Hopefully someone else has had this problem before:)
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15:10.07EmleyMoorHmmm... I'll have to work out how to implement a while loop to do it
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15:38.25igcewielingAny anyone thing of ANY reason a PCAP received from a carrier would show some SIP packets being sent from 192.168.20.x to our Asterisk box?
15:39.06nbjoergigcewieling: in the IP header or as part of the SIP payload?
15:39.26igcewielingnbjoerg: wiershark shows it as part of the IP header.
15:39.39nbjoergthat shouldn't happen
15:39.55nbjoergany self respecting router shold be dropping them
15:39.56igcewielingIf it was part of the payload, I'd still be a bit confused, but at least I might see a reason for it.
15:40.19nbjoergas part of the payload juts means someone is not using a sip proxy
15:40.41igcewielingnbjoerg: That is what I thought.   I can post the PCAP somewhere if anyone wants to look.
15:41.08igcewielinggive me a few mins
15:43.05igcewielingI'm really terrible with SIP, so am not confident in my own findings.
15:45.06nbjoergwhere did you capture this, on the router or on the endpoint?
15:45.39igcewielingnbjoerg: the original "problem" was we were not getting back a final OK when sending BYE to the carrier.
15:45.48igcewielingnbjoerg: the CARRIER captured it on their network.
15:46.15nbjoergbecause it looks like you are dealing with multiple copies of the same packet in different firewall/nat stages?
15:46.17igcewielingApparently Verizon SIP captures every call.
15:46.42igcewielingnbjoerg: *nod*, but at least on my side, there is no NAT involved.
15:46.56nbjoergyou sure you are not a victom of cgnat?
15:47.05igcewielingI sent a reply to the carrier asking about the 192.168 addresses.
15:48.18igcewielingnbjoerg: I'm reasonably sure nat is no involved, but I honestly don't know about the carrier side.   We certainly pay enough for our 1G fiber to VZ business.
15:49.06igcewielingVerizon SIP requires an IPSEC tunnel for signalling, which makes every thing more complex.
15:49.55nbjoergyou had my condolences at verizon :)
15:51.30igcewielingVerizon bought MCI's SIP service about a decade or two ago.    It isn't really part of Verizon Cell Phone, Verizon Internet, or Verizon POTS
15:51.40igcewielingBut they still suck.
16:04.16SamotDid you look at the flow sequence?
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16:06.26SamotTelephony -> VoIP Calls
16:06.33SamotIn wireshark.
16:06.55SamotIt will filter out anything not a voip call, show you a list of those and you can then look at each of them.
16:07.03SamotIncluding the Flow Sequence.
16:07.17SamotVerizon is doing a Public/Private deal.
16:07.22SamotNot NAT.
16:07.56SamotThey have a public IP you send requests to, they receive it over the public IP and then they relay the request over an internal socket.
16:08.11SamotThe 182.168.x.x address is their private LAN socket iP.
16:08.33igcewielingRight.  so why is it sending packets direct to me?
16:09.09igcewielingthe flow sequence also shows 192.168.x.x sending direct to
16:09.27SamotNo it doesn't.
16:09.32SamotLook at the headers
16:09.42SamotYour IP -> Public IP -> Private IP
16:09.47SamotIt's flowing through their proxy
16:10.06SamotThe SIP ladder is building a view so you can see the full route.
16:10.38igcewielingAh, so if it flows through a proxy, S
16:10.57igcewielingAh, so if it flows through a proxy, Wireshark wont show the packet terminating at the proxy?
16:11.59igcewielingI figured the actual UDP headers would show the actual IP.
16:13.51SamotWell I think it's your PRACKing.
16:15.24igcewielingI figured this was pretty unambigious: 11:27:53.624393 IP > SIP: SIP/2.0 100 Trying
16:16.24igcewielingAre you saying that does not indicate sent a packet to
16:16.31SamotYes, well now this is the opposite of the other day
16:16.42SamotThey are sending you the BYE and you're not responding.
16:16.54SamotThe other day you were sending the BYE and they weren't responding.
16:16.57SamotWhen did all this start?
16:17.12igcewielingSamot: this is the carrier PCAP side of same call.
16:17.29SamotWell their PCAP shows them sending the BYE
16:17.30igcewielingSamot: no idea.  only happens on some calls, not many calls as far as I can tell.
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19:10.40igcewielingIf anyone using Twillio for SIP Trunking (and is paying attention), what do you think of them?
19:10.52SamotThey're fine.
19:11.09SamotI use them as a backup backup backup
19:11.23igcewielingSamot: how about their portals, like for porting in, etc.
19:11.24SamotJust keep in mind about what Twilio really is.
19:11.34SamotOh I don't use them for inbound.
19:11.45SamotI haven't ported numbers to them.
19:12.25SamotTwilio is nice but at the end of the day they are an applications platform not a carrier.
19:13.30filethere was a period of time were they were being clever with their elastic stuff and it resulted in a lot of posts in places saying stuff didn't work
19:13.33fileI haven't seen any in recent times
19:14.05SamotRight because their main target is application developers
19:14.16SamotLarge scale app deployment.
19:14.24igcewielingThey have access to their API docs without needing to be a customer.   That at least got my attention.   Intellequent makes you talk to a <gaging noises> sales person to learn anything.
19:14.37SamotBecause they want developers
19:14.42igcewielingSamot: who do you use for trunking?
19:14.49SamotPrimary? Bandwidth
19:15.36igcewielingThe thing  I like about Level 3 and Verizon Business is that they don't compete with us.
19:15.57SamotIn what way?
19:16.41igcewielingTwillio and both provide service to small businesses as well as having a hosted service
19:18.05SamotYes, Bandwidth had a retail section.
19:18.16SamotARe you saying that Verizon doesn't do business in your market area?
19:18.31SamotAren't they who you get your circuits from?
19:19.18SamotAnd Level 3 doesn't do anything in your market?
19:19.21igcewielingSamot: Verizon SIP is not the same as Verizon circuits.
19:19.35SamotSo Verizon SIP doesn't exist in your market?
19:19.55SamotVerizon does not sell SIP to anyone in your market but you?
19:19.56igcewielingSamot: sure it does.  Requires commitments no small business would commit to.
19:20.11SamotLet me try this again
19:20.27SamotVerzion, in any shape or form, doesn't market to consumers or businesses in your market area?
19:20.56SamotNo business in your market area can go to Verizon and get service?
19:21.15igcewielingVerizon markets to consumers or businesses in your market area.
19:21.24igcewielingwell, my area
19:21.28SamotSo they compete with you.
19:21.49igcewielingNot in very many areas.
19:22.08igcewieling"areas" == services not markets
19:24.03igcewielingIt is also misleading to think of Verizon as a single company.
19:24.31SamotI don't.'s website astonishingly informative.
19:27.39SamotI've been using them for almost 15 years or more
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19:51.30igcewielingDo you use their CNAM service?  If so, what do you think of it?
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20:40.29Samotigcewieling: Yes, I use their CNAM services. It's pretty accurate.
20:40.45SamotI mean considering there isn't a centralized LIDB.
20:42.54igcewieling*nod*   I consider CallerID on a Verizon POTS line to be "official enough".   We keep one around just for that.
20:54.09igcewielingBulkCNAM (which is what we use) seems to be pretty accurate
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