IRC log for #asterisk on 20210219

01:15.46*** join/#asterisk overyander (~overyande@
01:26.02*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
01:36.31*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
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03:42.29*** join/#asterisk electronic_eel_ (~quassel@
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04:43.17*** join/#asterisk akp55 (
07:01.37*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
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08:55.57*** join/#asterisk napnap_ (
09:18.42napnap_Hi all, I try to install a new version of a IPBX (last version of Xivo with asterisk 16.9.0). I already configured my old mitel phone, my incoming call seems to working well but I can't solve a problem...When I make an outgoing call I've no audio until  the call is placed on-hold and off-hold...
09:20.16napnap_If someone had an idea...
09:42.49*** join/#asterisk electronic_eel (~quassel@
09:43.31*** join/#asterisk sh_smith (
09:56.38*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
11:21.59*** join/#asterisk [sID] (
11:26.03[sID]I have an unusual question when I do a refer in dialplan same => transfer (SIP / extensions) in the flow gets something like: headline refer Proxy-Authorization: Prouo ^? <- these characters are different When it does more than 7 digits, everything works fine.
11:31.38*** join/#asterisk Snuupy (~Snuupy@unaffiliated/snuupy)
11:39.54*** join/#asterisk TriJetScud (
11:57.15*** join/#asterisk [sID] (
12:00.59[sID]Did someone write back? disconnected me and I can't see
12:01.13napnap_[sID], no
12:01.46[sID]napnap_ Thx
12:02.35[sID]I don't understand what this problem could be
12:13.30*** join/#asterisk bbhoss (sid18216@gateway/web/
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12:17.34*** join/#asterisk drmessano (drmessano@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
12:19.09*** join/#asterisk file (sid178970@asterisk/developer-and-muffin-lover/file)
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12:22.14*** join/#asterisk jameswf (uid27319@gateway/web/
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12:40.16*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
12:57.44*** join/#asterisk AsteriskRoss (~AsteriskR@
13:07.44*** join/#asterisk gregs (sid160074@gateway/web/
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13:54.28*** join/#asterisk aoeui (~aoeui@unaffiliated/aoeui)
13:59.29*** join/#asterisk paulgrmn (
13:59.46*** join/#asterisk DialAnotherDay (d99bc21d@
14:29.08*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
14:39.53*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (
14:52.43*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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15:53.10*** join/#asterisk rwb (~Thunderbi@
16:10.01*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
16:58.38igcewielingI'm getting "Bad Tiff/f Header - Incorrect Values In Fields" when trying to sendfax to a specific number.   Same file using a different fax service goes through.  Anyone have any ideas?
17:02.59*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
17:10.30*** join/#asterisk gschanuel7 (~gschanuel@
17:10.35*** join/#asterisk paulgrmn_ (
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18:41.14*** join/#asterisk seanbright (~sean@asterisk/community-developer/seanbright)
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18:59.57*** join/#asterisk ilius (
19:07.50iliusI have some questions about the stats in RTCPSent RTCPReceived AMI events.
19:08.08iliusIs there more documentation for these events beyond the wiki pages?  e.g.
19:22.52iliusI can't seem to find more info about what the difference is between an RTCPSent and RTCPReceived when they are both 200 packet type.
19:24.55iliusIs the RTCPSent 200PT from Asterisk's perspective its statistics for receiving from the client, and RTCPReceived 200PT from Asterisks perspective the statistics on the stream from the server to the client from the client's perspective?
19:25.33fileyes, except RTCPReceived is not Asterisk's perspective really - the remote side sends a packet saying "here's what I see as the packet loss, here's how many packets I've received"
19:27.48iliusOkay, that makes sense.
19:28.19*** join/#asterisk Gugge (
19:28.48iliusIs the RTT in RTCPReceived in response to a special 201 request?  Or is it something Asterisk is calculating from the timestamps?
19:29.58iliusI'ts concusing because ReportXDLSR is 1/65536 seconds like the RFC, but RTT in rfc5760 is also 1/65536 seconds, but the wiki page seems to imply that RTT is a decimal fraction.
19:30.46*** join/#asterisk BarthezZ (
19:34.35*** join/#asterisk MarkSX (~MarkSX@unaffiliated/marksx)
19:37.06iliusSo 200PT for RTCPReceived is from the client reporting the statistics of the rtp audio channel from the server to the client, and RTCPSent is from the server reporting the statistics of the rtp audio channel from the client to the server?
19:38.31iliusDoes RTT on the RTCPReceived take suptract the DLSR already?  (the delay in cpu/memory/scheduling on the client?)
19:40.17*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
19:40.17*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
19:40.17*** join/#asterisk mTeK (~quassel@
19:40.17*** join/#asterisk TandyUK (~admin@TandyUK/staff/James)
19:40.17*** join/#asterisk segnior (segnior@gateway/shell/xshellz/x-cltybdmhdxtxfita)
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19:40.17*** join/#asterisk badpixel (~badpixel@unaffiliated/badpixel)
19:40.17*** join/#asterisk rShadowhand (
19:40.17*** join/#asterisk PanGoat (
19:40.17*** join/#asterisk genpaku (~genpaku@
19:40.47*** join/#asterisk TandyUK (~admin@TandyUK/staff/James)
19:48.45iliusIt seems the RFC tries to provision for multiple audio streams, and the ReportCount and ReportX seems to allow for multiple reports for the channel, but does Asterisk really actually ever do more than one?
19:49.17ilius under "Add support for multiple remote media sources
19:49.17ilius" seems to imply that it doesn't.
19:53.16iliusMaybe I should just do a forum post.
19:55.08fileit's unlikely you'll get a response, the RTCP code in Asterisk is old and the areas you're asking about haven't been touched by anyone in ages
20:11.45iliusThanks.  You're already the guy who answers all the posts there anyway.  Ha.
20:12.02iliusI see your little picture by most of the threads. :D
20:12.42fileI exist as pure energy across space and time in all and yet nowhere
20:14.38iliusI often wonder how you can churn out the code you do with all of the support you provide!  Amazeballs.  :)
20:27.33igcewielinglike The Force or Stupidity?
20:42.36*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
20:44.40*** join/#asterisk overyander (~overyande@
21:20.08*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
23:26.26*** join/#asterisk sh_smith (
23:49.47*** join/#asterisk sh_smith (

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