IRC log for #asterisk on 20210215

00:02.29Samot.slin is the playback
00:16.37*** join/#asterisk rwelsh (~rwelsh@
00:17.41catphishlol @ ubuntu's default config:
00:17.44catphish; ODBC_ANTIGF - A blacklist.
00:17.57catphishreadsql=SELECT COUNT(*) FROM exgirlfriends WHERE callerid='${SQL_ESC(${ARG1})}'
00:20.20KaiHerlemannIn /var/lib/asterisk/playback/ are also files which contains something like "test-vw-3313d67a4e738a44bd2207a30d00c824.ogg".
00:21.05KaiHerlemann*they contains for example "test-vw", the name of the file I choosed.
00:21.32KaiHerlemannand a hexadecimal number probably.
00:24.57igcewielingI call it the Mother-in-law option.   "ex girlfriend" seems a bit limiting and everyone hates their mother-in-laws.
00:25.21igcewielingwhat about ex boyfriends!?!
00:31.39*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
00:41.44KaiHerlemannKobaz: Samot: I solved it manually by moving the files to the non-language specific folder (and maybe also because I recorded the new test file in all file formats)… although the log says the language for the file is "de" (not de_DE)
00:41.50KaiHerlemannThanks to both if you
00:43.02KaiHerlemannAnd FreePBX says the language code is German (Germany) ;)
00:43.17KaiHerlemannI don't see anything about language code in chanvar.
01:36.51*** join/#asterisk paulgrmn (
02:04.04igcewielingKaiHerlemann: "core show function CHANNEL"
02:04.26KaiHerlemannigcewieling: it's solved, thanks :)
02:06.34igcewielingyour lack of knowledge about the channel language is solved?
02:17.46KaiHerlemannigcewieling: yes, also solved… it's de_DE.
02:18.58KaiHerlemannBut it changed in the meantime some settings, although it worked also without that change. Can't track anymore if that was a problem.
02:19.26KaiHerlemann*I changed
02:20.41KaiHerlemannanyway, thank you :)
02:39.49*** join/#asterisk tsal (
03:07.30igcewielingEveryone should speak Esperanto and avoid this silliness.  8-)
03:13.18igcewielingIt appears every HDD in the first 25 best selling drives at Newegg is a Seagate or Western Digital.
03:42.46*** join/#asterisk electronic_eel (~quassel@
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04:58.17*** join/#asterisk file (sid178970@asterisk/developer-and-muffin-lover/file)
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05:35.45ckbhey friends, not sure where to ask for help with this, but I'm trying to generate event dates for timegroups_details
05:37.03ckbalso, figuring out what timegroups_details entry takes priority
05:37.57ckbtimegroupid > id > specific values > wildcards?
05:49.00*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
06:50.38*** join/#asterisk CatCow97 (
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14:32.19Kobazckb: that sounds like something for #freepbx
14:57.00*** part/#asterisk cybrNaut (~cybrNaut@unaffiliated/cybrnaut)
15:14.26igcewieling*sigh* we are apparently closed for Presidents Day.   Wish I had realized that when I set me alarm clock last night. 8-|
15:20.10sibiriaoffice all to yourself, not bad
15:20.28SamotEven tech support?
15:22.49SamotFunny thing is. One of the little providers I consult just had a flood of support calls no one answered.
15:22.54*** join/#asterisk kharwell (uid358942@gateway/web/
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15:23.07SamotWell I did after numerous rotations of the queue
15:23.32SamotThey too are closed for Presidents Day. With no support agents available.
15:26.16igcewielingsibiria: I've never been to the office. 8-)
15:28.03igcewielingSamot: "after hours support" which basically goes to an answering service where the totally screw up the message before e-mailing it to us.
15:28.22*** join/#asterisk bford (uid283514@gateway/web/
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17:39.41jkroonWith asterisk 11 it was possible to do ResetCDR(w) to basically close off a CDR record right now.  So one could for example do something like:  ResetCDR(w); NoCDR(); Progress(); Playback(error_message);
17:39.53jkroondoes anyone know if there is an equivalent in asterisk 13 onwards?
17:40.16jkroon(last issue that we need to sort out to put asterisk 11 to rest for ever)
17:42.19igcewielingjkroon: I recall something vaguely about endbeforehexten changing changing the default value.....
17:44.38jkroonigcewieling, relevance?  What am I missing?
17:45.18igcewielingjkroon: that setting changes when CDRs close.  I don't know if it is relevant.  I'll check and see if I can find the note.
17:45.41jkroonthe commentary in cdr.conf sample remained very similar on this matter.
17:46.04jkroonResetCDR now has a v (kep variables) and e (enable, deprecated, use CDR_PROP instead.
17:46.10igcewielingthis is what I was thinking of: CDRs:  - The "endbeforehexten" setting now defaults to "yes", instead of "no".    When set to "no", yhis setting will cause a new CDR to be generated when a    channel enters into hangup logic (either the 'h' extension or a hangup    handler subroutine). In general, this is not the preferred default: this    causes extra CDRs to be generated for a channel in many common dialplans.
17:46.28jkroonBasically in my case a Dial() fails, dialplan continues, so I want to flush that CDR out at that point, and then do stuff to alert the user.
17:47.21jkroonOr I need to rework some logic to not require ResetCDR(w) ... but that may end up being rather tricky.
17:48.07igcewielingI started creating my own CDRs, separate from Asterisk a few years ago, I was never happy with Asterisk CDRs.  LOL
17:48.42jkroon(in the particular case I've got right now there isn't even a Dial() so we decide that the call can't progress (based on whatever criteria, doesn't matter).
17:48.52jkroonigcewieling, on top of CEL?
17:49.15jkroonfeasible, but going to be a heck of a lot of work here.
17:49.32fileCDRs are just another name for business logic
17:49.51igcewielingjkroon: no.  All calls start with an AGI (validate authorization, setup call routing, etc) and ends with an AGI in a hangup handler.   My script saves the info in a custom databse table.
17:50.04igcewielingfile: *nod*
17:51.36jkroonfile, yea, because one guy cares about some detail another doesn't.  it's always worked very well here ... except I may need to go and dig out and find a way to do ResetCDR(w) if possible, so might need to look at the asterisk 11 code and bring that portion back.
17:52.14fileCDRs were fundamentally rewritten effectively from scratch
17:52.42jkroonaware of this, and subsequently why this specific node has been stuck on 11.
17:52.58igcewielingone  of my cdrs in case anyone cares
17:53.07fileI'm just saying you can't bring the code back, you're rewriting functionality from scratch that may not fit within the way it works
17:53.25jkroonfile, that's fair.
17:53.47igcewielingjkroon: generating my own CDRs was not the goal, I added it to my existing scripts so it was easier than it would normallybe.
17:54.05jkrooni mean to say "i may need to bring that functionality back in some form or another, which may involve writing some code, alternatively, finding a different way of manuevering the dialplan"
17:59.26jkroonlooks like ForkCDR(e) might do the trick.
18:02.10*** join/#asterisk bbhoss (sid18216@gateway/web/
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19:12.35Kobazigcewieling: " I started creating my own CDRs, separate from Asterisk a few years ago, I was never happy with Asterisk CDRs.  LOL" ..... yup... same here
19:13.46sibiriawe mainly do CDRs ourselves at hangup, but also run custom_cdr as a "backup"
19:14.04Kobazwe do realtime cdr, it's written at call start, call pickup, call hangup
19:40.32igcewielingKobaz: I set a channel variable on answer, it is picked up by my hangup agi to write the data.  one less agi and database open/close.
20:06.20*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
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23:50.39*** join/#asterisk ckb_ (~ckb@unaffiliated/ckb)

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